Where my /currentgen/ bros at?
Handhelds welcome too
Where my /currentgen/ bros at?
Handhelds welcome too
ITS 2016!
>No black hand
you're not gonna get alot of (You)s this way
I just bought the Destiny Collection and have been playing it ever since, it's pretty fun.
>two copies of Mighty No. 9
For what purpose
hard copies lol
C'mon man get it together. Put your time towards something constructive like a drug habit.
>Two copies of Mighty No. 9
Idort here, feels good.
Good taste here.
damn nigga
It's a fun game
1. No it's not
2. That doesn't explain why you would want 2 copies
How do you decide what state to buy a game for if they are on both? Just curious. Nice collection op
The dream. Well my dream.
>That doesn't explain why you would want 2 copies
so he can play it twice
State? I meant console
I feel sick.
>no man's sky
Mobile faggots need to be purged.
Buyfag threads and collection threads are not the same thing.
Tales of Zestria was a really complicated game.
Xbone is mostly for games to play with friends. But since I'm on it most of the time I get a few single player games on it too. Most multiplats I'd prefer to get on PS4
Currently what I have on PS4.
I've only played Warriors Orochi 3 ultimate and had fun with it. Hows Samurai warriors 4 and Dynasty warriors 8? The gameplay looks like the same thing between them, and I'm a bit worried bout it getting a bit repetitive since there would be less characters to choose from
>Xbox One owner
>doesn't have Forza Horizon 2
Son I'm dissappointed
all three of them are edgy as fuck
Console titles
That's all except for mgs5
A few other games I left in a recent move
have you played 1 of those games today user?
current library, getting mankind divided tomorrow for PS4
OP has terrible taste and is genuinely retarded.
I own a PS4 and the 7 or 8 good games it has to offer.
>Overwatch on xboner
el oh el
jesus you even BOUGHT No Guy's Buy ON PEE ESS FOUR
10/10 ya got me
You probably think "lel I don't care I have a decent job and can afford it" but You are so retarded you don't realize you are perpetuating the garbage part of the industry and directly funding the fucking garbage part of this industry. If you have all this disposable income you should buy decent games instead of funding cancer. You are literally funding cuntcer.
WO3 is probably one the most fun you'll have with a musou. The gameplay is improved a bit with SW4 and DW8 but yeah, it sucks that you don't have the variety. They are great entry points to each respectable series though, and are worth a shot. They play really well.
I'm a bit casual when it comes to racing games. Is it beginner friendly or is it straight up hardcore sim?
>wah, people like different games than i do
consider suicide
I'll suck your dick for borderlands and red dead
Wasteland/old west/dirt and desert settings make my peepee point forward.
is the pic you?
>one piece
>Overwatch on xboner
el oh el
I have it on PC as well but I play on Xbone with my lifelong friends.
>jesus you even BOUGHT No Guy's Buy ON PEE ESS FOUR
I sat here and bashed it and doubted it but when push came to shove it came out and I wanted to see for myself. Do I regret it? Definitely. It's not a terrible game, and it's actually kind of cool, but it is in no way worth $60. NMS is legitimately an unfinished game and I should've stuck to my guns and waited. Thing is, I don't feel bad because I never hyped it up to myself as the greatest thing and remained skeptical the entire time.
>You probably think "lel I don't care I have a decent job and can afford it" but You are so retarded you don't realize you are perpetuating the garbage part of the industry and directly funding the fucking garbage part of this industry. If you have all this disposable income you should buy decent games instead of funding cancer. You are literally funding cuntcer.
Bruh, everyone makes mistakes. I usually don't partake in the hype of newly released games but this one had me on the promise of exploration and nothing out now really satisfies that itch so I gave it a shot. I'm definitely doing my part telling everyone I know not to buy that game.
forgot I even own a wii u
current gen purchases
Is Wii Fit U fun? Will I probably break the peripheral if i weigh 210lbs?
Calm down mate.
way to generate bait by including a game you "claim is garbage" in your OP. you got me to reply. but You have nothing of value to say.
Absolutely nothing of value to an actual gaming community of people who have actually been playing games for decades.
fuck off shill
210 is light. you are probably short and think you are fat. You are fine. Only worry around 250+lbs
Every single PS4 game in your pic is shit, except Bloodborne.
OP has terrible taste.
Awful lack of Wii U in this thread.
Can anyone explain to me why Wind Waker HD got so much buzz and discussion while I barely even noticed Twilight Princess HD came out? Did it not improve as much as WWHD did?
Whilst you are correct in that Wind Waker got way more buzz, TPHD still got a fair bit of coverage. I prefer Wind Waker myself but TPHD is still a decent upgrade, equal to that of Wind Waker. They are both very good games.
I do hope Skyward Sword HD comes out at some point but seems unlikely now. Lets hope Breath of the Wild is as good as the hype makes out.
Wind waker was the first Zelda on Wii U and one of the first HD remakes by Nintendo.
TPHD is just another remaster, Its still fun, but its a remaster
I stopped buying physically this generation.
Owning consoles with 99% overlap in the selection of games seems like a waste
I'd love to go digital only but it's way too expensive.
Rough example:
Call of Duty Black ops 2
Retail: £2.99
eShop: £30
Yeahhh not happening.
Why the fuck would you stack your consoles like that? do you worry about heat at all? or do you even play them enough to generate any heat?
>Tony Hawk 5
I'm sorry.
Not them but Xbox sure but the fans on the PS4 and Wii U are on the back of the system.
jesus look at that huge pile of junk you keep your amiibo collection on
>he doesn't have Devil's Third
I sold my sealed copy the moment they dropped the eshop price
This. And it's not like all three run at the same time.
Benefit is game/service sharing. I only own like half of my games, I buy half my friends buy half. I haven't bought XBL in like over a year because my friends stay toped up.
I was planning on getting it as I'm trying to get all the exclusives but the reviews are terrible, online has been switched off, been ported to PC and the price is still a little too steep for my liking. I'll probably get it eventually but it's not a priority right now.
Wow thats gotta be like $25 worth of games there
>multiplats on consoles
>TWO copies of Mighty No. 9
>cuck meme games you no doubt pre-ordered
>buying handheld games for home consoles
>owning this much console trash in the current year
You are literally the problem with the current state of gaming. Please fuck off back to whatever shithole you crawled out of.
Not so much the first party stuff but yeah the third party stuff is cheap as fuck which is great. With the budget Nintendo Selects line coming out in batches, right now is a great time to get a Wii U.
all my games are digital, sorry.
muh dick
>buying games
Posting my Vita games
i'm running out of space and need to reorganize soon
throw away those fat turds and you'll have tons of room!
>blops 2 for the Wii u
>only idol game for ps4 and 1/3 of yyour vita collection
I wanted to go full importfag years ago but it's still way too expensive so I wait until US copies usually
>hi id like to return th
No im sorry
Nice vita games. I love handhelds - physical games that are on cartridges (so they last a long time) and not much space taken up.
Thanks. And yeah me too.
I took down the photo because it was quite bad quality, I will take another one later.
Vita games
no man's sky and mighty no 9 though :(
RDR is fucking god tier
but three copies?
>Ar Nourge physical
I really want that, nice collection.
>neo/v/ the post
r8 n h8
Small, but nice collection.
You have a pretty cool taste in vidiya
Not that guy but FH2 is a fucking great racing game. Probably the best open world racing game since NSFMW 2006. Great soundtrack, great atmosphere, great map and track design, great car collection, great mechanics for what they are, and dump truck loads of content (167 championships containing 4 races each iirc, 50 other challenges, special events like racing trains and jets, a bunch of other on map stuff).
Lots of options too in terms of difficulty. You can choose AI levels, how your car handles, racing line and braking assists, etc. They don't affect you in game really, only XP payouts per race.
It's very arcadey. Much more so than any other racing game in a long time. You can turn on a dime compared to the standard forza games and can offroad and fly through the air with ease. It's not a simulator in the sense of other games such as iracing or rfactor
Only downsides I can think of is that the championships get pretty samey and the fact that you can buy XP boosts. Though I don't touch online so it doesn't bother me personally.
Probably my goty 2014 everything considered. Not even joking.
I like you
>Tearaway Unfolded
>Ratchet & Clank
A+ taste dude but where's Gravity Rush or Gravity Rush Remastered
pls no bully
>I didn't like it so neither should you
kys please.
>amiibo festival
>art academy
>black ops 2
>mario party 10
>2014 and 2016 olympic games
>ultra smash
>minecraft on wii u
>sonic boom
>wii fit u
>wii sports club
Yeah the Wii U is pretty much garbage
buy ratchet
wut r sum gud games 4 ps4?
Then why don't you show off your superior taste?