What went right?
What went right?
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Is the crafting in this game way deeper than it needs to be ? I'm 9 hours in and can't seem to find fuck all for ingredients
The feel of the game (movement and input responsiveness) still wasn't up to notch. Granted it's far better than Witcher 2 but it's lacking some stuff you take for granted in action games like analogue movement or not having a delay between hitting the inventory button and the inventory open.
TW3 with Dark Souls 1 quality hitboxes and responsiveness would be godly.
You'd be surprised how much you can buy, especially with Blood and Wine. It's expensive as fuck though.
just loot every house you see
is Toussaint one of the most aesthetically pleasing (beautiful) level designs in a game?
what the fuck are you talking about hitboxes were far more precise in W3 than souls games.
And movement delay is just outside of combat.
Not interested game
> dont like voice actor
> dont like main character in general design wise. Completely run of the mill white-hair-badass snore character.
>combat is above average against human enemies and throws most of the things that make it good out of the window when you fight monsters.
>yay limited weapon choices
>yay console-tier magic variety
it makes me quite sad that a game with such an amazing, content filled world with such attention to detail, they completely fucked the core aspects of gameplay for me. If you like "tell me who i am" RPGs its propably great, not to me tho.
Get extended view distance.
It just gets rid of the fog so you can see farther, it doesn't hurt your fps at all too
Really poor combat thats what. Otherwise its a gg.
>I don't know anything about geralt or the witcher so I don't like it.
Thanks for sharing.
this is on ps4 user
First post best post.
It's a shitty medieval GTA clone with rushed main plot and a fucking JRPG-tier Mary Sue.
It can't possibly compare to TW1. It didn't possess a single bit of comfiness, because the OST was also a rushed, generic bullshit which didn't enhance the atmosphere of the game.
>The ost was generic
>the OST was also a rushed, generic bullshit
I don't know anything about this game but I'll shitpost it anyways: the post.
>gta clone
so you mean an open world game
is sleeping dogs a gta clone too
>not generic
Kill yourselves fampalans
it's literally better than TW1 in every way and it doesn't completely shit on the source material
why would i want to? He's a shallow, predicatble, badly-written and baldy casted character. He's the epitomy of "lets force the player to play a specific person but lets make that person have no personality whatsoever and take away all the advantages that normally come with predetermined characters" There is literally even no reason for you to not be able to choose his looks and name since they don't matter at all to the game. He is aa fixed character with the depth of an oblivion "make our own story" character. The most notable thing about him compared to other RPGs is "he banged hot chicks ingame". That's it.
Horrible opinion
>is sleeping dogs a gta clone too
Do you even know what generic means? Can you name one other game that uses old slavic folkore songs incorporated in the OST?
You don't know anything about geralt once again. Just stop dude you're making yourself look like a massive retard. Not every game needs a blank slate character. Just look at FO4. He's a character but plays like a blank slate so what you get is completely awkward conversations with all npcs.
post mod lists
>He's a shallow, predicatble
the cognitive dissonance
>tries to prove a point
>literally posts a generic aleaelaelaela slav chant
Drink a bottle of bleach, mane
this triggers me really hard. I love TW3. But honestly i also kinda agree. The most unexciting thing about the whole franchise is the main character. Too generic to matter, generic enough to let you ignore him.
That's quite the difference from PC, everything looks so blurry. Is it a screenshot straight from a PS4 or perhaps from a video?
I use a loot scaling mod, basically makes anything you loot scale to your level.
It's a good break from wearing Witcher armors all the time, now other armors and weapons are viable
What a deranged fag. Kill yo self.
right. Show me some other slav inspired games like that. I'll wait
pretty fashionable
the only thing that went right is getting away with ripping off elric
>edgy spikes xD on armor
Garbage games for garbage kids
You sound like i'm insulting your lover. It doesn't matter how many nuts you have busted over the dude while he bangs chicks for you, you cuck. I know enough about him to know that there is nothing interesting about him. If you had actual reading comprehension you would've noticed that my complaint isn't that he isn't a "blank slate character". But that he plays like a blank slate character, which makes him being a fixed character completely pointless. As i said there is no point in making him a fixed character if they're not gonna use that fact for literally ANYTHING in the games.
There's no point to engage, you're either replying to a bad troll or to someone who is legitimately stupid and/or ignorant.
mate fuck off
That's demeritium a special metal that repels magic. This is the kind of armor mage hunters wear
>As i said there is no point in making him a fixed character if they're not gonna use that fact for literally ANYTHING in the games
Most of the main characters you interact with throughout the three games have shared history with Geralt
>Geralt of Rivia
Game Geralt? Sure, as it is an RPG and self-insert fags need to be catered to so I can see the argument, but the book Geralt is far from that.
Name another game that has slavic chanting in it
I'm fucking dying to hear your extensive OST knowledge
I use the share function on ps4, uploading it through social media probably hurts the quality.
2 of those are mine. Welcome to the real world, there are actually quite alot of people out there who will disagree with you on any opinion you have. If you can't handle it you always have the option the get a shotgun and end it.
>being this autistic
>GTA clone
>rushed main plot
>didn't possess a single bit of comfiness
>OST was rushed, generic bullshit
>hurr durr that carz purpel
>No shit, it was painted purple
Could you stop? Is it really so hard to control yourself? All you need to do is filter the thread and not play tw3.
game geralt is not shallow he has tons of great moments troughout all the games
I think the problem is people can't get past the monotone stoic voice acting in the english version of the game. It's a bit better in the other versions. But you should be able to see these moments unless you're a complete autist
Fun ride and good characters.
The "White Frost/Ciri is the Chosen one all along" does shit on the books, user.
Innovative story telling, immersive open world that felt alive. Great attention to detail, to the point that when it gets windy the leaves, branches and grass all sway and creates a genuine feeling of "being there".
Add to that compelling carachter design, not buying into the "strong independent wimmin" meme that is becoming popular. The depictions of male and female sexuality (which are a major part of the game) are much more realistic and not idealized.
Choices made in the game also had consequences. It made you really think your actions through, where being a "White Knight" may have severe unintended and negative consequences. Like that scene where you intervene to help the elf girl. She really gets mad at you for butting your paragon ass into her business. Which just underscores how memorable it is. The fact that months later I can still remember random shit like that.
studs are not spikes you stupid nigger
shut up faggot
Because that never happens with blank slate characters? Nothing of the "history" geralt shares with anyone actually gives you an impression of who he is as a person, since they wanted to still let you "make your own character with your own opinions". It's a cheap cop out since they didn't have the balls to actually write a CHARACTER instead of a bethesda-tier blank slate with the fixed history of an mmorpg "choose your 5 sentence history that will never matter"-character.
Isn't it the same thing? In the books they tell you ciri is a source. She might be the last one but the wild hunt apparently needs one to save their planet or something. I'm not finishing tw3 until I'm done reading the books.
Oh god, not one of those polacks who keep shilling for Jacek Rozenek again ...
I do see the moments, but I also notice they kind of sacrificed a bit of his "being a dick" personality for freedom of choice for the player, but the parts of him with Ciri were really well done.
Praising dark souls hitboxes lmfao
Talk about being fucking retarded.
Also, bear fighting armor in pic.
the plot needs some work.
but MY GOD the combat system is amazing!!!
Her son/daughter was supposed to be the chosen one, not her, don't want to spoil too much but they really fuck the whole Ciri/Aen Elle part at the end, finish Lady of the Lake quickly.
>It doesn't have Dark Souls style combat, so it has to be shit!
When will this awful meme die?
Fighting monsters is more about using the right potions and knowing what their weaknesses are. The human combat was the most fun for me.
you're propably one of those retards that calls anything positive shilling / thinks people other than shit-tier indies care enough about Sup Forums to shill here
But Bloodborne combat is clearly better though
Forgot to add that the White Frost attacking their planet is made up by CDPR, wasn't in the books, they could have expanded more on it, characterized the Wild Hunt more, but nope, gotta have waifus!
Meh, I just maxed out quick attack and spammed A. Worked everytime.
What? Do they explain how that is supposed to work because ciri's mom also had uncontrollable magic powers. I don't think they ever specified she was a source. It's an easy implication though.
I think Witcher 3 is legitimately one of those near-perfect games that's just gonna be like, something to look back on when you need to remember that games can be fucking amazing.
Super Metroid, Half-Life, RE4, that sort of thing. I think it takes every design trend that's become standardized and boring and fixes it in every way, to the point that Watch Dogs 2 has literally no excuse for not taking notes from Witcher 3.
Think of it this way. The Arkham games have always, ALWAYS had the detective vision problem. Witcher 3 fixed it in such a simple way by just making it so that witcher senses are a hindrance for anything other than its specific applications.
Then Arkham Knight came out the same year and still struggled to fix a problem that a bunch of Polish nobodies had already solved.
I thought it was kinda boring, that 'wow' factor that Witcher 2 had wasn't here... it kinda felt 'unfinished'? I rushed thru the entire story is til I got to the Battle of Kaer Moren, and its still not over! Just didnt find it particularly engaging... am I alone inthis?
see that's my point. Why would i ever want to fight monsters when it is literally less fun than otther combat in the game.
You might have mental illness. I have no idea where you went with this.
i don't think they're comparable
Souls combat is basically it's own genre at this point and i wouldn't nessecarily say you should compare it with traditional rpgs. Just like i think a combat system like dragons dogmas wouldn't fit souls games, a souls combat system wouldn't fit dragons dogma.
It's all about what you're in the mood for
Why is the Crones' theme so godly
She is not just any source though, her child will be the goal the Aen Elle have waited thousands of years of careful breeding for, but she is not supposed to be that chosen one like CDPR made it to be.
...this has to be bait. did you even play the game? the first griffin can hit you from literally any position . standing next to his tail? clocked by the forward wing swipe. that shit was ridiculous
>this faggot is complaining that it's lore accurate
I vaguely remember the Books mentioning that the "Everlasting Winter will spread all over the north" In the books. I am pretty sure it is mentioned in there.
>i dont understand something
>other person must be retarded
is that your life motto whenever someone shits on you?
Oh well, even the author said the games can't be a continuation of his books because they're different mediums. It's just video game writing being video game writing.
3000 years after the books, and the White Frost is supposed to be a natural Ice Age, CDPR retconned that part in Witcher 3.
Why would you rush through the story when the most immersed you're going to get in this game is exploring the unique locations and sidequests?
Maybe just not the right type of game for you, which is fine. I've loved the series since TW1 so TW3 was an epic experience for me from start to finish
And they did it at a fraction of the cost, with a fraction of the staff Bioshit and Bethesda invest in their AAA RPG's.
That's the real story here.
No, but it sounds like yours.
Well yeah, but this game had way more potential based on the books and was so nearly perfect in terms of story that the "videogame writing" at the end really fucked it all up.
As an open world game it's worse than most Rockstar games with less to do than Skyrim and Ubisoft titles. It does not excel here outside of art.
As a Witcher game it has less NPC interaction than TW1 and it's easier than both previous games.
Near perfect my ass. It wasn't even good enough for me to finish it. Witcher 1 is far more beloved in my eyes.
>You know remember Skyrim literally had repeating quests when you got far enough into a guild questline
Bethesda has to be one of the shittiest devs ever
Yeah except for that last chosen one bit the writing in tw3 really opens your eyes to how shit the writing is in fallout/bioware games.
Cost of living is far lower over there, so pay is also quite a bit less. People should keep that in mind when talking about costs.
that wasn't me that replied to my original post but witcher 3 expands on the witcherverse instead of trying to repeat it. I was also very disappointed with the portrayal of the wild hunt, especially eredin. I got genuinely angry at the poisoning scene. The white frost is also just supposed to be a second ice age, nothing magical if I'm not mistaken.
>if you're okay with actual good gameplay being removed with a "lore" excuse you might aswell just go read books.
there is no "lore" behind geralt only using swords other than "multiple combat styles are too much work so lets just say it's lore that he only uses swords"
>being this much of a contrarian hipster faggot
Oh wait I just took the bait didn't I
>less to do than Skyrim
You mean less of the same repetitive quest. I'm sure someone is gonna shrekt me about witcher senses but the quest themselves have way more variety in what is happening.
Read And if you honestly believe that it had less NPC interactions than TW1 you are a bumbling retard.
it's like i'm arguing with a 5 year old.
is your next comment gonna be
"your mom is 5 years old"?
certainly wouldn't surprise me.
I completely agree, I fucking hate their games but that doesn't change any facts.
It does.