Why is this game so underrated?

Sup Forums likes to shit on how games are crap nowadays but I got this little gem for an equivalent of less than 2 fucking bucks.

>multiple classes, weapons and customization
>lets you approach the mission however you see fit
>incredibly functional, simple and tight controls
>variety of missions and maps
>great atmosphere and good music
>is pretty challenging and (usually) doesn't depend on good RNG
>actually strategy

Why aren't more people playing this?

forgot to add


More games need real consequences for death.

Never heard of it

Difference between Breach and Clear?

It's an indie game available for Steam. It's a military-themed RTS and while small it's pretty damn fun. I suck at RTSs but this game has pretty small-scope and there's no resource management and you can pause to replan your mission, making it very accesible for people like me.

Between Breach and Clear of what?

2$, will buy thanks user

>2$, will buy thanks user

I got it on a sale user, I'm not sure how much it is right now.

If you like breach and clear you should play this as well

I bought this game then refunded it.

Wasn't bad but wasn't what I was expecting

it played like a flash game and looked like one.