Do you think Nintendo will finally make us pay for online too?
I'm scared
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I'd be down if the money it cost actually went to maintaining the servers and bettering the Nintendo network. $60 a year isnt shit to anyone who isnt a NEET or a kike.
meh, who cares. I am not some poor ass school kid anymore that beg for pocket money from their mom.
video gaming is a luxury to me, if it's fun i will spend it otherwise i don't give a fucking shit.
I think they will monetize it in some way. There would be no resistance, as gamers have already showed they're fine with paying. I don't believe they'll charge as much, and will offer better rewards.
It be awesome if they offered a mobile connection with that. I'd sure as shit pay 100 a year for internet/online gaming on the go.
If the console is as powerful as people say it is anyway.
Nah, not really. Nintendo's target audience are kids, and they don't want them paying for internet and shit.
Nintendo doesn't know what an online is. You're safe.
Not with how they're going for both core and family audiences they won't.
Maybe if they were competing directly with Sony and Microsoft, now it's not even a feasibility and would likely scare away longtime fans since they still haven't guaranteed 3rd party support.
Source for target demographic of NX:
Funny because their online is far more stable than the competition.
Why would I pay for online on a console I'll never own?
This is wildly untrue. Every Wii U game online is a fucking lagfest with 0 lag compensation on the servers. Yet when I hop onto my P4 to play some Rocket League or Cawadooty with friends, I never see any lag whatsoever.
>people openly state that they play call of duty multiplayer online on a PS4
neo/v/ wasn't a meme after all
>This delusion
Go play a Sm4sh Free-For-All online. Runs like complete ass.
Ding ding ding
All the games on these platforms that people actually play are singleplayer.
Sorry for playing a video game, faggot.
Its okay if nintendo does it.
I hope not. Anyone who defends paying twice to play your games is a fucking degenerate.
>le OK when Nintendo XD
>d-do I fit in yet?
I do it for my PS4 too but nice try, faggot.
Nintendo barley knows what the internet is, so I doubt they'll charge for online play.
Monster Hunter is the only online game worth playing on a Nintendo console, and that uses Capcom's servers.
Yeah, you'll need an amiibo to unlock online features for NX games
>scan splatoon amiibo to play turf war in splatoon HD
>scan mario amiibo to play as mario in smash online
THIS is wildly untrue, I played a lot of Mario Kart 8 with absolutely zero lag, same with Monster Hunter 3U.
Smash can get pretty bad though; some matches are smooth but it's not the norm.
more like the market has changed and without paying online won't be worth a shit
Filter this, scrub.
I mean yeah it was ok when you're a kid/teenager, but the Nintendo systems have been free for years.
It doesn't have a patented system like Microsoft or Sony for online communication and "universal voice chat", but the online works and for FREE.
The only reason you want voice chat is to yell at little kids and pretend to make strategies in a competitive game.
Call of Duty Black Ops 2 and Ghosts both have voice chat, and usually it's just filled with Mexicans and children, no different than GTA V on consoles. Splatoon doesn't have voice chat, yet I can always find a team that's good in Ranked because Splatoon players have a higher IQ. They literally become telepathic because it isn't just brainless shooting.
Then you have games like Star Wars Battlefront that don't even have voice chat unless you make a party within the PlayStation party system.
And lag? I've only had lag with Brawl and Smash 3DS. Every other online game I've played has been zero lag.
Shit, I've gotten more lag playing shit like TF2 and DOTA 2.
How come PC still has free online though?
If you own a wiiU you pretty much had to buy a PS4 or PC anyway for third party support.
Now with the addition of the new NX console which is a full hardware replacement over the wiiU, you've essentially had to buy 3 consoles to stay within the Nintendo console ecosystem and for other third party support in a single generation.
PlayStation and Microsoft players might have to pay for an online fee but everyone is still getting jewed in one way or another. Playing Nintendo is not as cheap as anyone would like to imagine
What was the original comic about?
The first panel is from the original comic, that's what its about.
that would be retarded because believe it or not, nintendos online services is worse than sonys.
What kind of reasoning is that? You're bridging two gens to defend one generation for a competitor. That's like bringing up the fact that a Sony fan could have paid up to $1200 to keep up with Sony.
No. And if they do, I will not be using it.
When has Nintendo EVER emphasized online play over local? Dumb fucks. Nintendo will never have paid online - they can barely put together servers as it is!