Do you even like videogames or do you just come here to shitpost?

do you even like videogames or do you just come here to shitpost?

I like video games
I also find it funny how some people come here to shitpost and then question why Sup Forums is shit

Can it be both?


I don't come here to discuss things seriously


Shitpost. *Poops in your mouth*

Vidya is fun

Shitposting is also fun

Anyone who takes Sup Forums seriously needs to be euthanized

oh really where do you go to newfriend? reddit? neogaf? You know what next time you go stay there we don't need your ass here


I save serious discussion for reddit and shitposting for Sup Forums.

I genuinely love video games and I absolutely hate it that every other board uses Sup Forums as a dumping grounds for memes/shitposting/flamewars

What did we do to deserve this?

I like vidya, shitposting, neatposting, and game discussion.

I don't go to either of those places

>ebaumsworld boogieman

Take your toxic tribalistic US vs THEM and tongue my anus

Sup Forums used to be okay but its been almost unbearable since GG

I only come here for the memes.

shitposting is awful

funposting is much better

Right? Fuck every single thread or post in this shit board is bait and there's WAAAY too much animeposters

>since GG

GG was the last good thing to come out of Sup Forums. The only negative was that it had the byproduct of attracting nu males and sjws here.

this is why this place is no longer my main board and i barely come here

Shitposting is fun but these fucking redditfags have shit opinions, I don't even talk about vidya anymore, I just play them when i can

Came here to post this

subscribed :)


two lines answering OP and seeing someone admit they are from reddit = blogpost

Thanks for proving my point


none of the games on Sup Forums are worth discussing unless it's on PC

>above-average intelligence but an underachiever
I seriously hope none of you say/think this about yourself.

Im a 42 gay female upper class under average intellegence overachiever non racist jew

fuck you

Youre honestly a paranoid, deluded faggot if think SJWs browse Sup Forums. Its way too "problematic" for them here.

How the fuck




Mostly shitpost

I think
>why is this board so bad?
>I only come here to shitpost lol ex fucking dee
underage newfags should become an hero.

>its inconceivable to think that SJWs browse Sup Forums, despite all of its mention in popular press and the fact it receives hundreds of thousands of hits per month


I fucking love video games, but I generally don't make threads or post myself, and a lot of the threads I would like to lurk are usually overrun by shitposters who are busy searching for the hottest new maymay while doing their best impressions of the world's most obnoxious twat

Sup Forums for vidya shitposts
/vg/ for discussions
/vr/ for nostalgia

prove me wrong


By that you mean ERP sessions and waifuposting?

Do you spend hours of your day on websites that deeply annoy and offend you just to "spy" on the enemy? No one except for crackpot lunatics would piss away their free time like that and there just aren't that many lunatics to think that Sup Forums is flooded with them. You have to have some serious "every dark shadow is an NSA agent out to get me" paranoia to think otherwise.

I guess

have you found the one golden /vg/ general? Everyone I go on is total shit

there are some discussions in there atleast, only a few generals have those ERP Faggots

/vg/ needs a cleansing.


Right fucking here, righ motherfucking here a huge god damn problem.

Nobody fucking cares about your waifus you bunch of fuckturds stop fucking making threads about it and stop spamming that shit around. They should ban waifuposters for a whole fucking month.

sadly warframe and bloodborne


these are the people that will never ever install windows 10 just because.

What could an SJW gain from browsing Sup Forums? Do you browse SJW tumblr and twitter pages for fun?

Actually, you probably do. You're also probably one of those delusional faggots that think being okay with gay marriage is an SJW trait.

>tfw I actually managed to leave this place for 3 years and become a normie for a short time but then came crawling back

Literally me minus the normie shit.

I love videogames and practically come here out of obligation now.

Sup Forums used to be the only place on the internet that knew even vaguely what they were talking about with videogames. And there's nowhere that's taken it's place as that, as retarded as everyone is these days.

I have an extensive vidya collection and an extensive pepe collection.

So I guess both.

I like waifu's but i don't post here like most people going

LUCINA A CUTE! CUTE! every fucking thread

Lucina is shit tier anyways

>just because

if your windows isn't being run through a virtual machine with the internet disabled, you are total cancer.

go fuck your wife, faggot.

I really like the taboo/incest/perverted stories some of you people post here. That stuff makes me seriously hard as diamonds.

I wish I spent more time playing games. I'm addicted to porn pretty bad and trying to annoy people

Fuck you what the hell are you even talking about why is this being posted on a fucking VIDEOGAME BOARD.

I hate video games but i'm addicted to how fast Sup Forums is

V isn't video games anymore

This honestly is why the board is shit. You see this guys don't play games anymore, so they come here to shit post. Since no games are fun to them, they treat shitposting like a game. To them its fun to see how many people they can rile up or how many replies they can get. They thrive off of off topic posts like these and love to start random arguments everywhere for entertainment.

Sad really, but theres obviously no going back. This thread will 404, and it's back to seeing the same shitposts daily, kinda like a permanent loop.

That is true. Sup Forums is fast, and thats bad, so many threads reachs 400 replies and like 10 of them are remotely good.

It should fucking be it says right fucking there stop ruining this

I come here for discussion.
Most threads are disasters but once in a while I get that really good thread that makes my efforts worth it and keeps me coming back.

I'd go somewhere else but I'm spoiled by the speed. I can't stand having to wait hours or even days for a reply when I might get three replies on Sup Forums in the span of five minutes.

I rarely actually come to Sup Forums, around E3 and Christmas are the only times I can really tolerate it for extended periods of time.

i do like games but i've recently stopped forcing my self to play shit games. i've watched similar things happen to people, where you think you can tolerate shit game but eventually you just crack and can't take it anymore.

thank you for your effort user, because of people like you I got good opinions on Persona 3, 4 and Red Faction Gorila, I bought them and I had tons of fun.

That's what I was asking myself as well. But then I just rolled with it.

I'm coming to realize I have some sort of Stockholm syndrome with Sup Forums

I come here for the occasional off-topic threads that are for some reason marginally better than on-topic threads. If I want actual vidya discussion I go to /vg/. It's not perfect, but it's better than Sup Forums for that purpose.

I only own a hacked 3DS, a PS3 with 4 games and a shit PC that can only run GBA/N64 emulators and RO. So yeah, pretty much the latter.

The problem with Sup Forums is they shit on everything so they can go "see how right we were retards."