Will Dragon Quest 11 come to the west?

Will Dragon Quest 11 come to the west?

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I love how there is so much fappable art for DQ.

>Will Dragon Quest 11 come to the west?

Hopefully, but don't hold your breath too long.

Its on ps4 so yes.

How did this approved? it's barely legible


They hate sharing. You can learn to read Nip by the time it comes to the west

It's easy to understand if you aren't retarded

>im an is
Can someone explain this shit to me?

serious question

Why do pep have to ask for it to come. Does it not sell well?

Yes, but don't expect it before 2018.

Nips thinks white people only like Final Fantasy

its on ps4, so yeah.
not sure about the 3ds version.
i think the only reason we'd get the NX version localized at all is because the ps4 version would exist in english and nintendo sees it as direct competition.
noa wants nothing to do with it though.

Basically SE thinks it's mandatory that their localizations have accents even if there's no voice acting.

NoA is publishing the 3DS games themselves though.


Who says they're going to publish XI, though?

Last two mainline games sold well over a million each in the west, which most JRPG series wish they could do. Yet it doesn't seem good enough for SE to get us these games in a timely fashion.

For fuck's sake, XI was announced over a year ago, and they still refuse to confirm a localization. Yet they were quick to confirm localizations for games like SO5 and Setsuna.


This. XI is multiplat, so Nintendo might not want to cover the costs.

Buy ten of this


>Where is he?
>Up Skyfell Tower, I heard.
>Him and his gang of horrible henchmen.
>Give them a hiding for me, will you?
"Hiding" I suppose is meant to refer to "tan their hides", although I don't know anyone who would use that worn quite that way anywhere. Really, 'idin' is the only word that seems strange in that phrase.

DQ3 Mage is my first waifu.
I even made a party of just the Hero and one female Mage back on the NES.

This. I don't like it, it's a fucking awful over localization, but it's not hard to read or understand.


I want to get sandwiched between those booties

delete this

Well you said NoA wants nothing to do with it. Why would they not want to localize it? It's just free money for SE if they never plan on doing it themselves like with 7/8.

I want to hold Deborah close, kiss her, tell her I love her, and fuck her senseless.


I'm not that other user, I was just chiming in.

I see.

>Square Enix: Sorry, goys! We can't bring DQX over to the west. It's just too japanese, you westies wouldn't like it.

I want to die.

>Chrono game? Haha, here have some Setsuna


>it's the current year and square still thinks that gaijin won't like Dragon Quest

They won't. People don't like turn based shit any more. They all want action rpgs like Witcher.


Didn't IX fare well though? Unless Square is expecting ridiculous sales numbers, which they probably are.

DQIX did fare well, but only 660k in NA. Final Fantasy XIII sold 1.7m in NA, and Squeenix was expecting similar sales from DQIX. Some people no doubt believe that they decided to stop localizing most Dragon Quest games (along with eventually cancelling the DQX localization) due to not selling as much as hoped.

how badly did you struggle

>comparing handheld sales to consoles sales, which were very good for a somewhat underdog series in the west, to consoles sales of the most popular JRPG in the west

go big or go home. not everybody wants to be compile fart or falcom, squeezing by with 100 sales.

>tfw like the concept of classic JRPG gameplay have been wanting to play one for a whileand have a soft spot for it but just can't seem to get into it anymore

It's like having an itch right in the small of your back.

Before anyone asks, I tried the Bravely Default demo and it didn't really do anything for me. Nice presentation though.

Not too badly. You'd want to give a poison needle to the mage so she could actually kill stuff. Eventually swapping her over to Priest and eventually Sage was very good, since it gave a fairly strong companion with a ton of MP and highly damaging spells.

The biggest concern is that there was a lot more grinding involved to get a party of two through everything. Paralysis was a bitch when it hit. I never actually did finish up that playthrough of the game.

>The biggest concern is that there was a lot more grinding involved to get a party of two through everything.
I just remembered I did a solo run once a long time ago.

It wasn't too bad despite it being my first time doing that kind of thing. Did to have grind hard though,

Literally of course, the game will not break even if released only in Japan.

Square has a hatred of Dragon Quest as even though they are part of the same company as Enix now, DQ still competes with Final Fantasy.

They can't very well stop with the DQ games in the glorous land of Nippon lest the bloody riots consume all, but Square CAN starve the rest of the world out.

Wasn't there some article recently where Yuji Naka didn't even know that Square was withholding DQ games from the rest of the world?

Enix should have left Square to die.

Didn't enix saved square or something?

Square was starting to go under, so Enix merged with them.

Yes, their merger saved Square when Spirits Within was tanking them. Thus ending the golden age of JRPGs as the two biggest competitors combined into one mediocre abomination.

I really want FF games go under, seriously, mainline games need go back to the roots a little. Bravely was a better final fantasy than fucking final fantasy.

If VII 3DS did, then XI will


This, support the localizations and we'll get the games otherwise learn moonrunes

>wanting more of these shitty rewrites

Final Fantasy was never good

Now now, the first few FFs were good. Not as good as Dragon Quest, and they reached their peak at 5, but they were still good.

Congrats on being a hipster. You want a prize?

I think you're the hipster around here.

ive never played this series but i can already tell that the black haired one is best girl

He's right in that it was always casual, but decent.

Going against popular opinion to be cool is being a hipster. Saying FF was bad is what a hipster would do. Leave it to hipsters to not even know what a hipster is.

>always casual
Always casual as in always easy? That would be true, but then again that goes for almost every single game out there. That doesn't make the series bad. Stuff like gameplay mechanics, sidequests, story, and whatnot are usually why I prefer FF over something like DQ. DQ usually does what, a casino?

Yeah I don't know why people have to try to be special snowflakes over game series. I like allegedly pleb series like (old) Final Fantasy, allegedly patrician series like Megami Tensei, whatever the hell Dragon Quest and Tales are conisdered, etc. Each series is great in its own way.

Both easy and not much depth to it. It gets more in the later games. The story is generic and the mechanics were pretty basic in the earlier games, but like I said, it was just decent.
Clearly you can't read like the other user.

Okay then, hipster.

All the DQ games are identical anyway.

Yet again, most complaints apply to almost every game in existence though. This is only covered up by bias and personal strengths and weaknesses. You may suck at one game, while another person excels at it, and vice versa.

At the end of the day, it is a matter of asking if you can enjoy the game. Most people say yes to FF, so therefor by majority vote it is a pretty good series.

>Clearly you can't read like the other user.

I was commenting to his post, not yours you self-important chucklefuck.

>most complaints apply to almost every game in existence though
If that's your argument then we may as well end this now.
His post was directed towards me, you ignorant jackass. He assumed I thought that FF was bad, when I specifically said it was a decent series.

All the Mario games are identical anyway.
All the Zelda games are identical anyway.
All the Sonic games are identical anyway.
All the Deus Ex games are identical anyway.
All the Monster Hunter games are identical anyway.
All the God of War games are identical anyway.
All the Metroid games are identical anyway.
All the Halo games are identical anyway.
All the Witcher games are identical anyway.
All the Metal Gear games are identical anyway.
All the Half-Life games are identical anyway.
All the Tales of games are identical anyway.

what a sperg

>If that's your argument then we may as well end this now.
If you are using generic catch-all complaints, then do you expect specific replies? Especially when you complain about things that are 100% opinion based and doesn't leave any room for logical debate?

I have to say I love the accents and english is not my native language

Just learn Japanese user, you'll be happier

>His post was directed towards me, you ignorant jackass.

And I don't care anything about you or your argument. I wanted to touch on something he brought up. You need to learn how image boards work, kiddo. Shit like this happens constantly.

Some of them deviate some, but generally speaking they mostly use the same formula. They definitely aren't known for their diversity, but then again that doesn't have to automatically be a bad thing. "Why fix what isn't broken."

All the spergs are identical anyway.

TW3's combat fucking sucks though

When did I complain? I just said that it was a casual series, which it is. Nothing about it makes it otherwise.
>You need to learn how image boards work, kiddo.
Yes you do.

>The story is generic and the mechanics were pretty basic
Those are complaints. Also, I'm saying they are popular series. Not necessarily casual.

Those aren't complaints, just statements. It why I believe the series is casual. Casual games are usually popular as most idiots can play them as a hardcore nerd can. Try giving the average fag something more intense and less forgiving and see how big and popular it is.

Once again, I'm not claiming the series is bad or unpopular, just that it's a casual RPG

>If DQ is successful, it will still be plagued by horrible accents in a series with no voice acting

I don't know if this or Jelly donuts is preferable

Most dragon quest games are fairly similar. They add new features but don't change the core mechanics like other series do. Not saying they're identical like that fuckwad up there but still you can expect a new dragon quest to have several features from the previous one.

This is wrong, 3D changed the mechanics drastically where it turned into a basic collectathon with different objectives and not just one goal per stage.
This is wrong, the series has continuously tried to switch to different kinds of games: Zelda 2 (rpg mechanics), Majora's Mask (real time quests) and the next one, BotW (giant exploration based sandbox)
Wrong, switch to 3D has switched core gameplay several times
>Deus Ex
Somewhat right, if you don't consider HR doesn't really allow freedom of gameplay choice by focusing more on stealth
Sort of, not anymore with the next game
While the jump to 3D managed to keep elements from classic metroid, Federation Force is a completely different genre
All 3 are different mechanically
>Metal Gear
-All- of them are different mechanically. None of them translate well into another. The only similar ones are MGS2 and Twin Snakes
>Tales of
Sort of, the only change is the battle system sometimes

>took the bait

Man I'm bored as fuck right now

>most idiots can play them
Most idiots are capable of playing most games. You either overestimate how hard most games are, or underestimate how smart most idiots are. The only games that should give most people trouble are games with extreme timing, like harder difficulties in rhythm games, or games with tons of micromanagement like RTS. So are you saying every other genre should be considered casual genres?

When most people talk about casuals, they are moreso referring to people that don't dedicate time to playing games. Anything that is short and easy would be considered casual in my books. Whether or not FF games are easy, they are almost never short.

MH just seems to be repeats from a cosmetic standpoint. The inner workings of the game actually change quite a bit. That is why you have such strong factions on which game is better. That is also why I didn't like MH4U. It combined 2 different monster styles that don't mesh well together. Then you have other features that are quite different such as mounting and swimming.

I never said that, I said the series. Look at even Wizerdy, M&M or even IWD. They're far less casualized than FF. It's casual because of how little depth there is. There isn't class/character building that requires planning and experimentation to do well in the game, there aren't really any choices you can make in the story ( like refusing to help a potential party member or siding with a different faction), and there isn't much chance to RP in general. The combat is very bare bones and have recently become more action than strategy to appeal to casual fans who don't have the patience for TB games.

Like I said, most idiots can play them and do well, while in the games I mentioned you have to put in more effort to progress.

I'm happy with DQ7 3DS coming out.

Hell I haven't played IV or VI yet.