Think about re-playing a game

>think about re-playing a game
>remember THAT part

What's her name, Sup Forums?

Other urls found in this thread:

Max Payne 3

Unskippable cutscenes.

>tomb of the giants
>not sen's fortress or lost izalith

tomb of giants was fun though.
>blight town
>ass dragon land

Yeah, but if you play in arcade mode it doesn't include the cutscenes, just takes you right to the gameplay, and for some reason it seems like the levels load way faster.

MP3 is like my go-to game when I don't know what I want to play. Best gunplay.

Sen's Fortress is a breeze once you know the path.

Izalith is shit.

>tomb of the giants
>literally run past everything and and you are through in 30 sec

>sen's funhouse
>not fun

>lost izalith
Okay fuck this place.

wat? Sen's fortress is one of the best areas in the game

I wish there was some kind of survival mode or something where you had to fight against waves of progressively more difficult/numerous enemies.

Are you refering to the Painted World? That is one of the best areas in the game. Best aesthetic and level design.

>doesn't enjoy the fun-house
literally get good.

That would be fun. Especially with co-op. Preferably with Max throwing out one liners constantly.

>"There was a bullet hole in my second favorite drinking arm."


Just fucking stop it you faggot. Games aren't "her" you retard.

no, lost izalith, the land of ass dragons.
Though I guess Bloom Town would probably be better.

But I implied that IT IS fun.
learn your memearrows m8

fucked up the reply chain

Ohhh sorry. I completely forgot about that section. I just Sprint through every single time.

>PMD Sky
>gathering "GOOMI"s
>the unown cave


Nightmare Frontier

im glad wondermail gen exists.

finding those GUMMI s in darkness was fucking hell.

fuck that unown dungeon fucking stupid design

>leave cutscene on pause and alt tab out to browse Sup Forums for a longer amount of time that it takes for the cutscene to actually run its course
>still get a "Still Loading" notification when I try to skip the cutscene afterwards
This garbage is indefensible. Fuck you Rockstar.

I'm inclined to agree with this, even as a BB fanboi.

People have been calling inanimate objects, animals and concepts 'her'/she' for centuries, sperg.

Forbidden Woods as well to be honest

One of these days you people are going to realize that DaS just has a large proportion of shit areas in general.

I like Forbidden Woods. It's pretty big and is a nice break from the city.

My favourite location is probably Cathedral Ward or Central Yharnam

>Dark Souls 1
>"That part"
The game is easy as fuck after you play it more than once though, just like most soulsborne games.

>Not going to Tomb of the Giants ASAP so you can get that sweet ass WotG on your lvl4 character that has whopping 10 vitality
>Trying to get out of TotG AND the catacombs from bottoms up
>Gotta dodge the giant skeletons
>Then the wheel skeletons
>Then all the other shit

Only legit "hard" thing I've ever done in DaS1

Dark souls 2 yes, dark souls 1 only has those two.
We can talk about Demon's souls if you want though.

>literally run past everything and and you are through in 30 sec

I dont know about you, but my first time there was a damn maze, i had no idea where the hell i was going. Im sure its easy when you know the layout but going in blind is a goddamn headache.

Has there ever been a mod that completely undoes the pitch black darkness of tomb of giants? I'm only curious to see how lazy it is down there since you can't see shit.

I bet it looks like trash down there.


Blight Town, Izalith, The Catacombs/Tomb of the Giants, New Londo, the first half of Annor Londo, the Duke's Archives, Lower Undead Burg, The Depths...

Neither Funhouse or Tomb are shit. Playing with light is good, one of the better DS2 levels is one where you actually use the fucking torch for once to slowly illuminate and explore the level.

I've never seen a series get memed on so much with "real challenge for big boy gamers.... not 4 casuls..." horseshit but then the moment the game doesn't baby you it's suddenly shit level design and "artificial difficulty".

Izalith is genuine shit though.

>valley of defilement

>lost izalith and blighttown/depths

>shrine of fuck you
>most of the DLC areas

>forbidden woods
>I'd also put the chalice dungeons here but they're optional

Don't get me wrong I like Forbidden Woods but it's a chore to replay and collect things in that huge area. Cathedral Ward or Central Yharnam are my favourites too. Well those and Cainhurst.

>everything on that list except izalith and totg

oh user you're such a fucking casual no taste faggot holy shit

Mass Effect 1

The elevators

Rayman 3 hoodlum havoc

Thr knaaren desert, fuck.

>not liking the long uncomfortable silences broken up by bantz

>Playing with light is good
Not when you have random dropoffs that are indistinguishable from walkable slopes.

>"artificial difficulty".
Who the fuck said anything about that.

>my first time there
>thread is about replaying games

Why were the Boggly Woods so utterly shit?

It's unanimously one of the most hated parts of any Nintendo game I've heard of.

The areas listed have very poor design choices and very poor flow.

>not shrine of "Fuck You"

>Half Life

>On a Rail

Also Xen

>start replaying a game
>you forget about THAT part until you get there

Kingdom Hearts 2. You know the part.

>GTA SA Wrong side of the Tracks
>VC Demolition Man or Cop Land

>>most of the DLC areas

Literally all you had to do was follow the damn train though.

The real bullshit was zero's missions

I honestly wish they had had more time to finish Cainhurst. As great as it is, Miyazaki said that they had been a little rushed, and I think it shows in Cainhurst.

One of my favourites too.

everything after the end of disc 1

no, seriously, fuck that shit


>The fucking download
>Demolition Man
Is that the little RC helo mission? If so, it was easy as shit.

Zero's missions were easy as shit too.

Honestly I'm fine with Ravenholm, but the boat sections are annoying.


Did it infuriate anyone else that you didn't get paid for normal missions, only the heists?


I really like Ravenholm. I remember it being part of the HL2 demo when it came out and being spooked as fuck.

I don't do spooky, man.

>reverse zombie noise
>the person inside is screaming for help

Now THAT'S spook.

>the 4 part swamp map
>ever having to play lyn mode on fucking normal again because I lost my old cartridge and the new one is blank

Speaking of spooky demos, did you play the FEAR demo? I remember being super spooked by the demo and being super apprehensive about buying it and then the game itself wasn't even spooky at all. The MP was legit though.

Holy fuck yes. I was one of those kids who played a shitload of games through demos in the early 2000s.

>install FEAR demo on my friend's computer
>both spooked as fuck
>don't even kill anything
>Alma walks across the screen
>scream like little girls and never play it again

Then I bought it years later, really enjoyed it. I was too young when I tried it the first time.

>Tales of Symphonia
Like 50% of the game. I don't understand how the game still managed to be somewhat fun when almost every time I walk into a new location I think "oh man, it's this part."

>Ys II
Burnedbless. Fuck this place, fuck Tarf, I just want to get to the Shrine already.

Man, like I said before, I don't do spooky and that demo was one of the spookiest things I have ever played. I only bought FEAR for the MP for the first 3 months. Then I finally got the stones to play the SP. No spook. I wonder what changed between the demo and the release version that made it go from 2spooky to nospook.