>movement isn't as smooth as in the first game
>maps are terrible on their own and absolutely disgusting compare to Titanfall 1
>No AI creeps to feed you or kill you when you barely escaped enemy titan
>No Attrition mode, the most popular mode of the first game
>No titan timer. You get your Titan from a killstreak instead, which could make matches extremely one-sided and unbalanced
>Titan entering animation is now in third person, which is not only breaks the immersion but also looks way less cool
How the fuck they've managed to ruin everything good about the first game?

After the dismal performance of the first game, they're trying the polar opposite. They'll unfortunately find out how that works for them.
I feel bad for the hardcore player base this will still attract, however- kind of like the Medal of Honor Bros did.

I haven't played the first game so I have no comparison, but I thought this shit was fun as fuck. Especially the grappling hook, goddayum.

>ea said it exceed revenue

what did he mean by this?

Attrition was the worst mode in 1

Last installment of COD sold 3x that. Titanfall has also been on EA Access for the past year and $5 on Origin's PC store, so I wonder whether they count those as 'sales'

It's still fun, but it's very different from the first, and some think the changes are bad.

There's a hysterical vocal minority on Sup Forums that think the changes are bad. I played >100hrs of TF1 and enjoyed the test thoroughly. Most of the 'problems' OP mentioned are subjective or outright just wrong.

I agree but it still was the most popular one

Battlefield Hardline has more current players as we speak.
I love slash loved Titanfall, but there's no denying the playderbase fell off quite quickly.

>There's a hysterical vocal minority on Sup Forums that think the changes are bad.
Actually, there have been a lot of people on the forums and even fucking Reddit voicing their problems with some of the changes.

I only played it because the playerbase couldn't be convinced to play anything else. I much preferred playing hardpoint or CTF or just about anything else, but getting a game was impossible after the first few months.

>subjective or outright just wrong.

Rewarding players who are doing better by making them even more effective at killing other players (giving them Titans) is bad balance design plain and simple

Titanfall was FUN. I lactually ike the changes coming in Titanfall 2. I still don't think it will do well, though- especially with Battlefield 1 and Call of Duty Whatever coming out within a month of its release.

I don't like how they changed damaging Titans as pilots

Yeah, I don't like the new rodeo system. Perhaps if the grenade was optional.

However, I do like the battery mechanic a lot.

The entire COD empire was built on rewarding players who put in more effort or are more skilled than others. Who are you to call that 'bad game design'?

Also the titan timer reward system is so generous, I can't believe people are actually complaining about it. You get huge chunks of your timer filled in for killing AI, capping points, attacking titans, stealing batteries. You don't even need to interact with other players to get your titan. I knew the Titanfall playerbase was casual but complaints about the timer system are next-level entitlement whining.

>I deserve a titan even though I'm a shitter who runs around the edge of the map avoiding the objective and dying constantly

COD hatred is at an all-time-high with Infinite Warfare. Titanfall 2 could make a serious dent in their sales.

>>movement isn't as smooth as in the first game

It's the exact same engine so if anything it's the same. Literally all they did was install a system of diminishing returns so that people could not Bunny Hop indefinitely and need to switch out between bunny hopping and wall running in order to maintain momentum

>>maps are terrible on their own and absolutely disgusting compare to Titanfall 1

This is both conjecture and personal preference.

>>No AI creeps to feed you or kill you when you barely escaped enemy titan

You are going off of information obtained by players play testing the alpha. They were given a limited number of game modes, a limited number of weapons and abilities, and of course had no AI

>>No Attrition mode, the most popular mode of the first game

It was objectively the worst mode. It got so bad near the end of Titanfall's life cycle that people just started running around in Strider Titans and farmed the whole map instead of actually fighting players

>>No titan timer. You get your Titan from a killstreak instead, which could make matches extremely one-sided and unbalanced

They removed the countdown and replaced it with a bar you need to fill, but the bar goes up on its own anyway, they have just repainted the timer.

>>Titan entering animation is now in third person, which is not only breaks the immersion but also looks way less cool

It has been confirmed that these are placeholder animations since the first person ones have not been integrated yet.

>It has been confirmed that these are placeholder animations since the first person ones have not been integrated yet.
Wait, really?

Yeah the battery mechanic is a really good addition.

Same; it makes it more rewarding to go after Titans and help yours. I just don't know why they are changing how you damage them and get in them, it's like they were rushed and couldn't put it in but they had it in the first and so I don't know

>Who are you to call that 'bad game design'

Being popular doesn't make it good

It promotes team play, too.

I hope so, user- I really do. I fear many players will equate the performance of the first game saleswise to the actual fun they might have playing it, however.

>It's the exact same engine so if anything it's the same
>implying the engine somehow dictates the movement
>implying they can't change it

One question, is the smart pistol still in it?

Why are they releasing this game so close to bf1?

Its gonna hurt there sales desu

I don't see what the big issue is honestly, though I never played the first TF due to being not being available for the PS4 at the time.
I had fun playing the beta regardless.

Not that I've seen.

It's awesome, it strongly disincentivises teams of COD player lone-rangers by giving co-operative teams a big advantage with stronger titans. It's also a great feeling to hear 'friendly pilot on your hull', then see your shield bar fill up, knowing the pilot has given you a new battery

They want the COD sales, but they didn't realize that most of the mechanics they have on Titanfall immediately excludes the COD playerbase, who hate change and more 'complex' movement system, so I have no idea who they want to appeal to.

I was so excited for this game, but at least the test saved me some money I guess. Such a shame to see them going backwards. Regardless, it's probably going to be DOA anyway, considering it's being released very close to BF1 and COD, and now they managed to alienate the more passionate players they had from the first installment.

It will be as a boost.

It's so strange given that both titles are being published by EA. Maybe they think there isn't much overlap with the two titles given future shooter vs WWI

>I never played the first TF due to being not being available for the PS4 at the time.
Vast majority of players of TF2 are in this position, making all this complaining basically moot anyway.

Yeah I'm sure they're going to get totally crushed by COD

>It has been confirmed that these are placeholder animations since the first person ones have not been integrated yet.
Ive heard the opposite

>It has been confirmed that these are placeholder animations since the first person ones have not been integrated yet.




That's probably where most of the sale will come from: PS4 players who never played the first game, so they don't have a reference point to compare the game to that isn't COD. And I'm not saying that's bad, it's great that you enjoyed it, but it's still very disappointing that they essentially traded the people who liked the first game for more potential customers on PS4.

Damn shame. I enjoyed Titanfall on PC when it was released, for the 4-5months that it stayed alive. It was fast and fun, but no content, no new weapons and no proper customization/unlockables made me lose interest and apparently everyone else lost interest too.
I was hoping that this game would fare better, but its clear thats its crap. EA has been doing nothing but blunders as of late. Mirror's edge catalyst for example. While I enjoyed the main story of the game, its a game that literally nobody has played and most people who played it, played it on console where the game looks and runs like dogshit.
Releasing games on origin is also like cutting possible sales in half. When Mirror's edge was released, quite some time after that infact, almost nobody fucking knew it was even released. Good job EA.

>implying most of those weren't from Battlefield fans

I'm honestly more excited about COD than Titanfall, and the first game was one of my favorite multiplayer FPS in recent memory. COD is trying to do new stuff, but the retards who play it are still stuck on COD4 and complain if there's anything new that they need to learn.

Really liked the first one, the changes sound kind of worrying, wouldn't be an issue if they had done a PC beta, I could have just tried it.
I loved flying through the air at 90mph hip firing at people on the ground who were trying to play it like CoD, good times.

>he thinks competley harmless dislikes will do anything
>he thinks call of duty won't sell three times the amount

nigger i hope you realize TitanFall 1 went up agaisnt Ghosts and still failed miserably.

Do really you think the same game, but with shitter mechanics and even content will do better?

I never even played the first Titanfall so I don't want to play the 2nd. Fuck EA if they refuse to localize the first game on the ps4.

I just hate starting a new series from a sequel.

can't party up with friends, only networks. partying with your friends in a network only works pre match consistently playing will break the team apart or throw them into different games.

have to return to menu to party up again instead of inviting network the option is broken and have to switch your network to get it working again.

why does nobody talk about this.

>Only CoD in years that I think looks interesting
>Everyone else hates it

Why does it have to be this way

Your favourite now gimped and stripped down and guaranteed dead on arrival multiplayer fps you mean? Its been already confirmed that there are maps missing and they will surely sell them for extra dollaroos, once again dividing the already small playerbase.

>Games use source engine
>Can't mod it.


Get it on PC, man. It's cheap and it can run on a toaster.

They said it's just broken on the tech test, which is from a June build.

Plenty of 'normie' youtube channels encouraging a boycott because of the disgusting practice of holding hostage of MW1 remastered behind the game nobody asked for - Infinite Warfare. I'm sure it'll still sell truckloads, but it's definitely the most controversial COD in a long time. Never been a better time for an upstart to capitalise

According to the lead developer it basically has nothing in common with Source nowadays

They've already said that all map DLC is free, faggot.

assuming you can find even a single player to play it with. Be patient, grab a sodie pop and wait for about 20-30minutes and maybe you'll get a match.

because respawn said that was a bug and itll be fixed by next weeks test

Don't tell him that, the game is dead now and the campaign is multiplayer only.

I loved the game while it lasted, but he's dead Jim.

>According to the lead developer it basically has nothing in common with Source nowadays

What about the first game?

now someone post the boycott MW2 steam group image

Shouldn't be too hard to find matches for the 'campaign' mode at least.

> Buying anything for Origin

Nope fuck that.

It's so heavily modified from the original that you can barley call it the same thing anymore.

Buy whatever you like, fuck other people's opinions. Most COD players are just burnt out on being served the same thing then milked relentlessly by Activision. If this is your first COD in a while then more power to you

I was referring to Titanfall, which they already said is going to have no map DLC bullshit, just cosmetic stuff. Still, the new changes killed it, and unless they can somehow make it feel as good like the first one was, with fast movement, maps designed around parkour, and an immersive game mode with NPCs that isn't a shitty wavebased mode, which I don't think they can do in 2 months, it will be dead on arrival.

First was running on "heavily modified" source, second is modified even more

Its gaining traction since the test for the second game, off peak hours has just under 1k people playing which is pretty good considering 400-500 was max during peak a month or two ago

The new UI/HUD also looks fucking disgusting

I downloaded it a couple of days ago on PC after trying out the Tech Test, and I managed to instantly find Attrition games, and I'm from fucking Brazil. You should have no issues at all if you're from the US.

Also there is a free trial available.

We've only seen two maps so far, we won't know what the rest look like until release.

There will probably be more modes with AI.

It's very visually busy, they're trying to convey a lot of information though and you adjust to it pretty quickly

Bounty Hunt has already been confirmed as the replacement for Attrition. Also, the map list shows only 6 maps, and considering 1/3 of them is shit, I'm not keeping my hopes up.

Oh come on, the original launched with 15 maps. No sane reason to assume the sequel will launch with a third of that

No way theres only 6 maps

The first game showed about the same amount of info but wasnt in your face about it

It looks so similar to cod now. A big icon of your gun that flashes and shit when it 'levels up' fucking really.
I could accept it if it was just a modified version of TF1 which suited the aesthetic. Now though it just looks crap.

That's what they show on the official website's maps page. When asked about it on Twitter, a dev just said they would 'release more information later'. I do hope and believe it will have more maps, but it's kinda weird that there are only 6 spaces, specially considering the tech test is only going to have one more map this weekend. I assume they plan on drip feeding more maps as regular 'free content updates', since they're not doing them as DLC.

Game looks fun.
Probably gonna pick it up.

Every thread on here is just you niggers complaining about shit doesn't matter, or your claims are just your stupid ass opinion
Theres no fucking reason to force threads about retarded shit you know, its not like god came to you in a vision and declared "OP MUST SHIT POST ABOUT ANYTHING POSSIBLE."
If anything you've helped me cement my decision on buying this game.


Wow you sure showed us

That was probably the least surprising thing to me that they included. Whenever you ask any of the 'not enough content in Titanfall 1' crowd on reddit, etc about what they actually mean by that, it usually comes down to, not enough visible indicators of progress, not enough XP bars to fill up, not enough things to unlock.

Having levelling on weapons, lots of similar, redundant weapons is the natural response to that. I also noticed TF2 now does this big song and dance about all the things you unlocked after each game, just like in BF4, so these people are obviously being catered to now.

>game makes its name due to the movement focused gameplay
>maps designed with movement in mind
>second game doesnt have maps that have been designed with the same mindset
>this is ok

We've only seen two of the maps, user.

Do you really fucking believe making a Titan a kill streak reward is a good idea? You are the reason we keep getting shit FPSs every year

Boomtown is plenty designed for the movement style. From the non-building spawn you can get to the bridge in the center without touching the ground once. I don't see how they could have made it more movement-system friendly than that.

Anecdotally, I saw basically nobody wallrunning or using the movement system at all, so I think it's probably just a learning curve thing rather than the maps being bad.

Homestead I would agree is missing all the wallrunning routes I usually expect, though TF1 had plenty of maps like that - Boneyard for one.

It has basically nothing in common with killstreaks, It persists through death, it's attainable through basically any useful action in the game - killing AI, capping point, defending points, attacking titans, stealing batteries. It fills up very slowly on its own. It basically has nothing in common with killstreaks.

It reflects pretty badly on the TF1 playerbase that players have to engage minimally with the objective in the game to get a titan, and everyone is freaking the fuck out that the smallest amount of effort might be required of them.

Fucking sad. All these xp bars and weapon progression to just to pad out game time with grinding. Instead of actually designing cool shit to do. Most of the weapons probably have all the same attachments ffs.

we've seen 2 maps, chill out


At least Boneyard had ziplines to help you move quickly from one place to another, something that seems to be missing on Titanfall 2, as you can now just equip a grappling hook and do mostly the same thing, albeit with a closer range and slower.

Yeah I thought the pillars were kind of screaming out for ziplines between then in Homestead, seems like they intend for you to use the grappling hook instead, but that kind fucks over all the players who picked a different tactical ability.

That's the main problem with the grappling hook. Judging by the maps included in the last tech test, it seems like it's pretty much a must have for traversal, specially since it's a really good tool for picking up speed, instead of just using it to reach higher places, which is what most people believe it's for, and that makes all other gadgets, that are still cool and interesting, pretty much useless. The pulse blade might still be useful if there is any map focused on close quarters combat and more interiors, but the rest is kinda shit.

Could someone point me to some beta gameplay footage with someone who knows how to play and no autistic commentary?

>It has been confirmed that these are placeholder animations since the first person ones have not been integrated yet.

[citation needed]

>Shilling to EA Games

Never played the first, and will never play the second.

You can clearly see most of the voice work is missing - when you call out a battery, it's a female voice regardless of your gender/class. All the AI soldiers in Bounty Hunter are moving their mouths without any sound also. Stands to reason the animations might not be final yet too.

>it's not a kill streak because it persists through deaths
>what are support streaks

It might, but everyone's bandwagoning onto BF1 and EA made the wise decision to release this really close to it.

>there are missing voice clips for grunts
>so that means that there will be first person titan transitions

this better be bait

Yeah, which are clearly not 'killstreaks' which is what everyone is banging on about. You can get a titan without killing anything. Your meter still also automatically fills up, just really slowly, which can't be said of support streaks.

>it's just really slow
no user

it doesn't exist it at

it doesn't build up over time period

Campaign looks good.