Who fucking hype?

Who fucking hype?


I cant trust devs anymore

>hyped by a game in a post-no-man's-sky world
>hyped by a CD Projekt game after The Witcher 3's downgrade

Not today user.
Today we play Mankind Divided

>hyping No Man's Sky in the first place instead of labeling it as a shitty space Minecraft clone since the first announcement
>not knowing game development at the point you genuinely believe they deliberately downgraded a whole game for no reason at all

You should try another hobby.

No because it won't be releasing till like fucking what, 2020 or some shit yeah no ty.

>Witcher 3 downgrade

Still one of the best looking games I've ever played. Pic related was taken yesterday.

If Cyberpunk looks better than that I'll be hyped as fuck.

>citation needed

It'll probably be released 2018, maybe even late 2017.

>implying no mans sky even deserves to be called a minecraft clone

Nigga minecraft was fucking awesome even if you dont like it. Dont compare it to trash like no mans sky. Apologize.

Not me

I have no faith in CDPR to do the property justice. Between the way the Witcher games play and them developing primarily for consoles now it more than likely will have the same skill tree shit the Witcher games have and the combat will probably be pretty bad considering they have no experience in anything other than melee combat, and they can't even do that well.

Was hyped with the trailer but my hype is pretty much gone at the moment.

>if you don't like it
I honestly don't have an opinion about it. Last build I played just added water

>I have no faith in CDPR to do the property justice

Please, I guaran-fucking-tee you'd literally never heard about Cyberpunk before CDPR announced their game.

Go ahead, tell me a single fact about it that you can't just find on the Wiki.

More talking about the mechanics since CDPR are adept at making shallow action RPGs and not RPGs with actually good mechanics.

Go on then, lecture me on the mechanics of Cyberpunk. What, specifically, don't you think they'll be able to translate to a videogame?

Literally every game they made had a deeply different gameplay
Eat shit

Its too early for hype, we haven't seen anything real yet and its still like a year and a half out or something. Getting your expectations up this early is retarded, you're just going to get disappointed
I'm so hype, fuck.

As you said, I'm not deeply familiar with Cyberpunk specifically but if you think that based on CDPR's track record (and console focus) that they can faithfully adapt a pnp RPG into a video game then you're either retarded or a CDPR shill.

>do you even know what Cyberpunk 2020 is about
>they never released two game with the same gameplay

You don't really need to act like an autist to fit on Sup Forums

The best part is the old 2020 book are being reprinted now

>faithfully adapt a pnp RPG
That is not what they need to do with 2077, Cyberpunk 2020 is one of my favorite games but all the quality is in the world, style, and character options of the game. The actual mechanics of 2020 are clunky and slow at best

I never said they'd ruin the franchise. I said they wouldn't do it justice because they're going to turn it from an actual RPG into The Witcher with guns.

>they never released two game with the same gameplay
But they're all shit with shit RPG mechanics regardless of if they play the same or not. Imagine Bethesda adapting a pnp RPG. That is what you're excited for. And yes, both make watered down RPGs so it's a fair comparison.

2077, says right in op's pic

I love The Witcher series and consider 3 to have some of the best CRPG style questing since Planescape:Torment but The Witcher 3 has the same gameplay as 2 just polished up and made easier.


If you want to get the most out of this game you should stop hyping it up and put it out of your mind until it's a couple of weeks away from release. It's fun to speculate but when your expectations get out of hand you set yourself up for disappointment.

What downgrade? TW3 is gorgeous.

Yeah man, I'm so hype for a game that's fucking 5 years a away and has no fucking anything past concept art.

Why would I be hyped for pure vaporware?

Took this yesterday. Downgrade wasn't a big deal after all.

Not the guy you're talking with, but the game did get a downgrade in visuals. Don't get me wrong, I still enjoy the game and it can look beautiful, but it is not the same game we were shown at E3.

You act like No Man's Sky even holds a candle to past flops.