>country with the most video game players in the world
>haven't produce even 1(one) decent game
>country with the most video game players in the world
>haven't produce even 1(one) decent game
Other urls found in this thread:
Because their economic policies make it a billion times easier and more profitable to rip off existing titles and bootleg them, rather than making new IP's.
And we keep letting them do it, so, Trump 2016 to make China's vidya market Great.
the Chinese do not create or innovate
they can only imitate things that they steal
Most their game in chinese and they dont give a fuck about rest of the world.
Video games were practically a gray market in China until relatively recently, so I'd assume most Chinese game devs are currently looking to make games targeted towards their own country.
Internationally, Tencent do have their hands in a LOT of shit though, so there's that. They even have publishing and developing rights to Monster Hunter in China, though I don't actually know how good or shit the game actually is despite how pretty it looks in screenshots. They did cockblock off an English translation patch too.
You just described Japan's culture.
They ripped all their shit from China.
East Asians lack creative thinking.
>muh Chinese culture
China has one of the worst culture in the world. Their alphabet is a dysfunctional clusterfuck that is worst than Swahili. And their entire pre modern education was revolved around making poems and masturbating to how great they are. Fucking minimal science and mathematics. I am glad the French came and gave us the Latin alphabet and true civilization
Why are the chinese such assholes anyway? Never understood how those guys think.
>I am glad the French came and gave us the Latin alphabet and true civilization
Ohhhhh brother
they don't enforce intellectual property laws so there is no incentive for private companies or individuals to invest in creating anything new
generally the only exception is some top down initiatives with govt funding for some kind of R&D, but that doesn't really extend to any kind of arts and culture
Bootlegging is considered honoring the original inventor in China.
the communists had all the artists taken out back and shot
>be a chink mongoloid
>try to make a game
>everyone and their dog pirates it
Here's your answer, OP. Tell me honestly, would you actually pay real money for a chink game? I would pirate any chink game worth playing just on principle.
Taiwan didn't have that and I don't hear much about them either.
good meme Sup Forumstard
one just has to look at all the weird shit japanese produce to see that's a load of shit
>game players
>not simply gamers
do you see how stupid you people look
I take it you haven't played Rain Blood Chronicles. It's basically a 2d Devil May Cry.
it's more (cost) efficient to just steal the work that other people do.
honestly I'm just hoping for a war. I can't believe they threatened to intervene against the Allies for just trying to retake North Korea because MUH COMMUNISM MUH ANTI-DEMOCRACY. I'm sure Taiwan and Hong Kong would love to get rid of them. too.
Japanese are like 10% of the East Asian population.
Tetris was made in ussr
I wish they steal C&C from EA
The Chinks don't have an alphabet though.
>wanting china to steal C&C from EA
Trust me, you really don't. They can certainly do a lot worse than what EA ever did.
As the USSR was dying.
Game is not a verb. Play is.
They have, they just don't export their shit - and even if they do it's usually a borderline machine translation release.
gommunism destroys creativity.
game is a verb though.
And in any case "player of games" sounds better than "game player"
spicy horse is Chinese desu
they create tons of decent games
if you categorize clones with animu and vidya characters instead of the shitty characters the original has as a decent game.
300 heroes > league of legends
they even have user friendly info provided directly to you, such as an icon for what they're building more of, and cooldown blips.
Instead of looking at the wikis to memorize all the skill timers at each level that retards in the west think makes it have a higher skill cap.
The only thing chinks can do is make cheap imitations. They are incapable of original thoughts.
No, game is a noun. You don't game. You play games.
they only made cheap ass MMO to crash in the market, make some quick buck from the cash shop, then close the sever and the cycle repeat
Many of their games don't get international releases, so even if they did, you wouldn't know unless you're in China
>Surprised when a country finally gets tired of their shit and tells them to fuck off
Nanjing didn't happened.
Thanks for showing your ignorance, the Chinese don't have an alphabet. And all jap shit is copied from them too. If you know chink, jap is easier
>You don't game
But I do
What, you mean these guys?
The only thing chinks can do is eating doges
and china is nothing without the influence of the usa. all they do is steal our shit and reap the benefits of our system while spitting in our face. chinese are subhuman animals that haven't been relevant for 2000 years
No you don't.
I went to China as a tourist and I highly recommend it, it was a fantastic trip, but it only took 1 week for me to long for white faces again.
Because IP is a capitalist faggotry that leads monopolization of specific goods, so that poor people (who are made poor by the capitalist system and they get poorer each day) just envy it, yearn for it and work their asses off until they can buy those monopoly products. IP is a cancer. Invented in 1900s. Imagine mathematicians, physicians copyrighted every formula they found, even the fundamental ones, in 1700s. It means you basically have no technology as it is currently. The tech doesn't advance because of extremely private copyrights and copyright trolls. Innovations must be a reward to the whole humanity, not just profit its inventor. It's common wealth.
Rest in peace puppers
They fucking murdered all their intellectuals in the Great Leap Forward
(iphone automatically capitalized this; thanks PRC)
Chinese are like cockroaches - they are everywhere, but they are masters of none
no, chink subhuman. stop being delusional
Video gaming as a part of pop culture is relatively new in China. Most people did not grow up playing that many video games, especially since video game consoles were banned until recently. There is also a culture of taking western products and altering them slightly for the Chinese audience, instead of creating something new. This is encouraged by government policy because it's a way of speeding up economic growth. It's much easier for new businesses to pop up and be successful if a foreign company has already showed you what product to make and how to market it. They just have to make it a bit more Chinese, and they're more or less assured success. The same applies to video games.
Also, viewing video games as a valuable cultural product just does not exist in China. It's a way of making money pure and simple. And normal video games, restricted to specific consoles, are not the best way to make money. The best way to make money is to shovel out cheap games for phones and PC, with microtransactions galore. Which is what Chinese video companies do exclusively.
>board with the most video game players on whole Sup Forums
>haven't produce even 1(one) decent game
Because ""gamers"" are unambitious pieces of shit.
All intellectuals murdered by commies, shit-tier living standards ensured only the cockroaches survived, and suddenly they're rich now but haven't adapted beyond nigger culture.
Written Chinese and spoken Chinese is independent of each other. It is why written Chinese can be incorporated into other languages (old Korean/Japanese) and why there are so many spoken dialect of Chinese, yet it can be unified under one writing system.
The written Chinese system was conceived with this purpose in mind, as a mean to unify the many regions of China into a single country.
another thing chinks can do is falling into elevator
going for a month soon
At least China doesn't actively ruin the gaming industry by making movies and inferior copies of superior Japanese games.
not true
If you could completely ride the world of the Chinese or Poo in Loos who would you pick, Sup Forums?
Stay away from elevators and escalators. Don't drink the water, only drink bottled water.
lets put it this way, would you rather be chinas bitch or the US
Oh, and all the decent Chinese see what a shit place China is and go to the many countries willing to accept them because they train like fuck to be qualified for good jobs just so they don't have to stay there, so what's left are still shit-tier people.
>and china is nothing without the influence of the usa
No country is anything without the influence of America, the Jewish overlords have made sure of that.
Is all this board full of /pollacks? I hate those faggots and now they come here?
>Great Leap Forward
Don't forget the Cultural Revolution as well.
> Fucking minimal science and mathematics
What the fuck. China dominates mathematics score.
Nether i kill le jews xD
He's referring to the Cultural Revolution. China killed all it's intellectuals and artists, excepting those few who suited the aims of the Party. The lucky ones fled. Wearing glasses was evidence enough.
Chinese = Poo in the Roos
I'd post pics but I don't wanna get banned.
It's kind of cool. Imagine being able to read and understand almost completely a French written text, whilst at the same time being unable to understand much spoken French at all. That's the situation between Mandarin and Cantonese speakers and, I assume, Japanese too before they reformed their writing system, although Japan still does use a lot of Chinese characters
It was the Cultural Revolution that killed all the smart people.
The Great Leap Forward was an aborted attempt at increasing production of steel that resulted in a major famine because farmers would melt down their equipment to make quota.
>fucking minimal science and mathematics
Then why are all the Chinese foreign exchange students so good at it then?. This just sounds plain inaccurate.
>Over 5 million dead
Is this going to be another "if not for X humanity would be 500 years more advanced now"?
Language evolves based on common usage, game has become a verb even if (and I say if) it wasn't one before.
Stop being an asshole, user.
Evo 2017 in China
The problem is they are hard to learn, easy to misinterpret and is a generally very useless written language in communication. My country used to use the written Chinese and it was horrific. Merely being fluent in writing and reading took decades to learn. We were using it for 2000 years and it just get more fucked up every decades. When the French introduced Latin we switched in a day
There's a severe lack of creativity, and the marketplace is already well provided by pre-existing companies doing translations. JRPGs are popular, and MMOs (both western and Korean) suit the majority. Total War: Shogun 2 was crazy popular. I saw a lot of interest in FPS games that wasn't being met, but that group is more or less satisfied by Counterstrike and games like it online.
I think there's a tremendous amount of raw talent and creativity in the country going to waste, and it's a shame. And most young people don't have the time or economic freedom to just pursue passion projects, so the indie market is minimal.
Also officials would lie about reaching their quota when they didn't so people were dying and the higher ups didn't know.
>tfw all the chubby american white boy virgins furiously type with their fat fingers with huge smirks on their mouths as they berate the evil chinese, their greatest enemy
>finish defending sharting in the mart using foreign proxies and put their dreams of school shootings on the back burner, for now
>tfw they will reply to this comment with vitriol thinking they bettered their life in some way, while they leave this page and remain kissless neets incapable of making a difference in this world only to die as fat awkward neckbeard losers who cannot even maintain eye contact or talk to girls
Most people who bother with the matter at all would admit that the English language is in a bad way, but it is generally assumed that we cannot by conscious action do anything about it. Our civilization is decadent and our language — so the argument runs — must inevitably share in the general collapse. It follows that any struggle against the abuse of language is a sentimental archaism, like preferring candles to electric light or hansom cabs to aeroplanes. Underneath this lies the half-conscious belief that language is a natural growth and not an instrument which we shape for our own purposes.
Now, it is clear that the decline of a language must ultimately have political and economic causes: it is not due simply to the bad influence of this or that individual writer. But an effect can become a cause, reinforcing the original cause and producing the same effect in an intensified form, and so on indefinitely. A man may take to drink because he feels himself to be a failure, and then fail all the more completely because he drinks. It is rather the same thing that is happening to the English language. It becomes ugly and inaccurate because our thoughts are foolish, but the slovenliness of our language makes it easier for us to have foolish thoughts. The point is that the process is reversible. Modern English, especially written English, is full of bad habits which spread by imitation and which can be avoided if one is willing to take the necessary trouble. If one gets rid of these habits one can think more clearly, and to think clearly is a necessary first step toward political regeneration: so that the fight against bad English is not frivolous and is not the exclusive concern of professional writers.
>pre modern education
What's your point? Are you agreeing with him?
Obviously they don't send the retards off for advanced programs.
Got you senpai
Premodern education. Obviously Chinese are shit at reading too.
>implying this isn't GOTM
And you people complain there aren't enough Dragons in games.
>guy walks past the kid and does nothing
>dude attacks him next
fucking karma is real people
>Then why are all the Chinese foreign exchange students so good at it then?
They work hard in overseas schools so their parents don't send them back to China.
>Using Tiles
Get on my level pleb
The kid is a fucking terminator. He survived all of that with some bruising and scratches. Unbelievable.
Are people going to keep ignoring that life expectancy in China went up by 30 years from the time Mao entered office to the time he left?
>solitaire garbage
holy shit you fucking faggot play real mahjong
It is hard to learn, yes, but is a fairly efficient language overall, slightly inferior to English, but not that far behind. It has a steep learning curve, while English is easier to pick up at the beginning but have significantly more grammatical rules and syntax.
Here's a reply so you can feed your family.
Chinkland itself is fucking video game.
Calm down there Chang, not sure how you penetrated the firewall but you need to calm down and take another bite of last night's sweet and sour dog.
'cuz all the weaklings died?
The less neighbors you have, the food you get
I think its time to send the nukes.