Who's your favorite video game girl, and why?

Who's your favorite video game girl, and why?

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Mc"gee Alice

That's one of two questions answered.

This is now a yuri thread.


I have to admire your determination in always asking this.



Too bad it seems like nobody wants to discuss their waifu tonight.

That one guy loves Reisen!

I have faith in you Marsia user. Keep trying. Someday you'll get the thread you always wanted.

I would, but my waifu is not from Touhou and your threads always attract nothing but Touhou posters, even it it's unintentional


There have been plenty of good video game girl threads in the past, and I'm sure that the future holds many more.

Please do post your waifu. These aren't meant to be Touhou threads.

I guess I missed them. Even I can't be in every cute girl thread at once.

Raya-O is the best! I like how she treats her younger brother and her determination to do what's right even when it goes against almost sacred tradition.

Based Raya-Ofag

Because I'm actually busy playing videogames.

Anyways I love Sakuya because she is a hard worker, can bring the bantz and is a beautiful woman.

I wish she was my maid.

I guess today's comfy waifu thread just wasn't meant to be.

I always arrive late to the party.

I mean I've only posted in like two or three of these before but they are nice threads.

Well, it is late.

Deathsmiles was fun. Though I personally prefer using Sakura.

not everywhere. For me, these are my comfy morning-early afternoon threads.

You don't understand, user. Most people on Sup Forums would rather be circlejerking over e-celebs and spouting memes

That's why these threads are usually dead

Sakura is fun to use, but my love for Casper knows no bounds~

Almost 4 AM here. I should probably be sleeping right now.

I understand. It's just sad that we can't consistently sustain even one comfy thread.

It happens user.

I'd like to hang out here whenever I see one of these threads, at least. I just tend to not be around when they get made, it seems.

This seems to be the right place to ask.

Do people already stopped creating daily Touhou game thread?

I hope they are

This isn't at all the right place to ask.

They've been replaced by near daily secondary discussion focused threads.

Time to move on from Touhou anons :)

Everyone's already moved on

I like patchy! Because she cute and likes books!

Well it's not like actual discussion thread is going to improve

Better put it out of its misery


Am I too late?


Team Marie~

But Patchy is rude and mean to everyone. And she acts(is?) autistic.

Rude! Patchy might not be outgoing but she just likes to read books and acquire more knowledge.

Ryouna, because she reminds me of myself.

Just because she's not so outgoing does not give her any more right to be rude and mean to everyone! She's a bully!

I love Reisen!

It is never too late to get comfy.

A man with the taste of a god


What a pretty dress.

How so?

I'm a bully too, so it's perfect!



I hope you're not thinking of bullying anyone here.

Not tonight, so you'll have to wait you loser.

back off friend, this is a strictly no bully zone!

I love Yuyuko.

rumia is cute


I can't choose

although if you make me, I'd choose the VA


go to bed rg

who'a this?


Posting best witch.

Paper Mario. Her charisma and lovely features is just so cute. Also her ass does things to my dick.

it cuts it

Because her PS2 game was the shit and she makes a pretty cool heroine