Hunters and many other classes are now dead in pvp following the pruning.
Who here is looking forward to release next week with all the balancing issues to follow?
Warcraft Legion
Other urls found in this thread:
eys (educate your self)
literally no one cares
Best girl and best warchief.
How can Alliance compete?
What happened?
PvP has been dead since Arenas were introduced.
Fury warrior will still be shit.
That is when pvp started.
Vanilla pvp was awful
the only thing i'm looking forward to is the non-stop shilling dying down once yet another garbage expack is released
>affliction warlocks are expected to multidot a mirror
I'd serve her.
>tfw Rogue
Feels pretty good. Sub is stronk as fuck at the moment.
I haven't PvPed with it, but Outlaw is fun, especially with the new weapon sounds
>Roll the dice...Three buffs! SIX BUFFS! YAAARGH
Post mogs, r8 and h8
I almost got a rogue to 100. Can you give me a small breakdown of how each spec performs in pvp?
Why does my 709 ass rogue do more dps than my 715 ret paladin with legendary ring? Is Ret THAT bad?
They're balanced for the weapons now, pointless trying to figure out this stuff until we have them
Sub is unkiteable but Shadowstrike had to be nerfed to shit in order to not be OP as fuck in instances PvP so you're a stunbot more than anything.
Assassination is a one minute wonder, you nuke someone with Exsanguinate and kind of flop around like a retard if they can bubble or block it off.
Outlaw is a Warrior in Leather.
I am the best healer in this thread.
human druid
I am the best tank in this thread.
>Shitters actually caring about the Minigames
>Hunters and many other classes are now dead in pvp following the pruning.
Hunters are fine. The only class that's unplayable in arena is paladin. But paladins have their place in rated BGs.
I am the best DPS in this thread.
(the only role that matters)
Interesting thanks
So if I have only a week left in the raid rotation, is it possible to get the ring? Or shall I abandon my quest for a meaningless achievement?
First proper mog I've done, pls be gentle
What's a good set that has a fire mage vibe to it?
maybe I'll change the weapon
simple but I like it
Fire mage, shadow priest or balance druid? Priority is fun. Who of them has the most diverse gameplay?
surrender to madness is pretty fucking sweet
Fire Mage can still have a shit-tonne of spells to fling about
Hunters are not dead at all in PVP, what the fuck are you talking about
Too flashy weapons
balance is boring as shit
fire is pretty fun
spriest is somewhere in between those two
Sup Forums please help me decide on a main
Fire is a spec for the retarded, 3 button rotation.
Balance gets a lot better/more fun with artifact
Spriest is real fun with surrender to madness
>surrender to madness is pretty fucking sweet
>10 minute CDs are still a thing in WoW
Can you maintain voidform throughout a fight?
That's a good argument, I hated losing so many skills on other classes.
What do you find fun in fire?
pls no bully
its pretty fast, and there's a least a hint of decision making
nonstop pyroblasting is pretty rad
I'm somewhat new to the game but I really like that look.
anything to hide the tusks, honestly
My warrior
>balance is boring as shit
I don't know shit about balance but got absolutely wrecked by one in pvp as tank. The damage seems absurd and he can heal himself back as well.
Who do you wanna get fucked by the most?
My hunter
nice troll transmog but those freaking elephant feet are ridiculous
My paladin
not bad, tbqh
just a little bit slutty without being full on dumb slut plate
S-sorry if it sucks.
My Shaman
All the same person? If so, hot diggety damn, that's amazing.
I like it.
>Dat Middriff
Yeah, those are all mine. I exclusively play Dwarf.
You have a general addicts. Why dont you go discuss your dead game there and give yourselves false hope for the new expansion knowing that its never gonna fix WoW?
Vanilla Leveling/10
If I get Warlords now do I still get the 90 boost?
tfw when you level to 100 just by doing invasions
I've been doing old raids and collecting transmogs while I wait for Legion. It's been fun enough
6/10, would like to see less blue in the gloves/robe
I fucking hate that helmet, but still 7/10.
Claws look real out of place, other than that p good. 6/10.
A bit old, I just cant play my hunter anymore after all they've done... but I still love him...
Every class is now balanced for level110+artifact weapons.
Warlock is OP as fuck now and hunter sucks in PVP. This will all change next week when we can level to 110.
fuck, should i name my demon hunter "Personal" or "Personnel"
Can Sup Forums come up with a witty name for my priest?
that didn't help
> literally a week before launch
> caring about pvp
>Can Sup Forums come up with a witty name for my priest?
Cardinal Sin. Dress him all in red.
>have exactly 10 euros on my credit card
>would like to play a month at least but all the time cards are more expensive
>gold is 70 (seventy) thousand gold on eu servers
>can't bring myself to pay more for subs just to play a game anymore
Is there a way to get some game time for 10 euros? Can someone recruit my account or something, i just wanna see the invasion and then probably go idle for a long time again.
Ret is the lowest DPS and Assassination is the highest right now
Is this actual, real art that the designers used for this game?
Holy fuck WoW art direction is absolute garbage tier.
Hunters, raid guilds almost always needs good hunters, just don't fall for the survival meme
You can fault WoW for a million things, but art design is not one of them
Best I could come up with
Is whitemane's cap the only fitting headwear?
Here's my frost mage
Just to clarify,
Warlock is hard to kill but does no damage in any spec
Hunters get 3 buttons to use in all specs. One of them gets a bubble
I'm considering resubbing soon, should I?
meant game time, not gold twice by the way
I know this is a tier whore set, but I love it a lot.
I'll be switching her mog in Legion, though.
Which class hall has the best followers?
Actual lowest dps?
Wow, guess I'm giving up my paladin
Survival's actually got around 6-7, depending on your talents. It's the only interesting Hunter spec honestly, but it's got some nasty mechanical problems holding it back.
Went in the ranger direction, can't decide on a bow that goes well with the set though.
>Arthas' sister
Damn, she must have been keeping a low profile (don't blame her)
>have time to push progression 12+ hours every day
>don't want to guild with australians so i'm restricted to pugging everything
life sucks
battle net doesnt let me buy the game, my transaction fails constantly without a reason to, i bought a game on steam two days ago no problem. Anyone else having a struggle to get that sweet sweet boost?
>inb4 shill and do you have money if not bait.
I genuinenly need help
the blue might be a few shades too dark, but try
Not a mog for a rogue, but I wanted to showcase it anyway. Except for the boots and gloves, it's all cloth, so I'm sure a mage, priest, or warlock could mog the outfit itself, along with the offhand. Though the pickaxe would be trickier.
Warrior I'm thinking. Warlock doesn't have enough demons.
a cute
and why is that
Monk transmog
R8, H8