Why is Digital Foundry never discussed here? It's the greatest thing to ever happen to gaming journalism.
Why is Digital Foundry never discussed here? It's the greatest thing to ever happen to gaming journalism
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I'll give a review.
They actually track and compare frames per second
They compare graphics
They educate people on hardware and compare PC hardware to console hardware
They can be paid to lie(Uncharted 4 graphics praise, Witcher 3 downgrade defense, MGSV graphics settings)
They often say games have graphical features that they don't have
Overall they're good but sometimes they lie which isn't cool in my books.
Uncharted 4 is impressive for the hardware though. Just because PC has better stuff doesn't mean it looks bad. DF retro is the same thing. Praising for what he hardware can do and not saying"Well there's better on another system"
PS4 has better stuff and they made a huge deal over that game.
Like what? The order maybe? Which gameplay wise is way less varied. Mostly corridor's
It confirms just how bad the PC fanbase is so there's that. Each comment section is absolute cancer and it's all stemming from PCmasterrace babies.
>Youtube comments are retarded.
What else is new?
Uncharted 4 had a huge downgrade from its first trailer. DF totally ignored it. Basically, they defended a lie.
Don't bother replying to him.
His mentality is that everything he likes is true and everything he dislikes it paid shill and lies. You can't reason with people like him.
their uncharted video is fucking nice what the fuck are you even on about?
I just get tired of retards falling back on DF for their dumbass flame war shit. Uncharted 4 is a good example. After DF did their analysis of it, every sony fanboy was out their spewing about how ND is revolutionizing gaming with tesselation and subsurface scaterring.
Nothing wrong with DF overall. But theres a much bigger problem in the video game industry that pretty much hurts what they do.
How did they defend MGSV graphic settings?
Sonygger's worst nightmare.
It's amusing how yesterday guy from DF went to the guy selling PS4 slim just to confirm it's real.
>Why is Digital Foundry never discussed here?
are you kidding? every time a game comes out there's a dozen threads about them showing games run like shit.
DF Retro is actually really fascinating. I wish there was more of this.
>Uncharted 4 is impressive
The graphics are, which is what he is talking about
2007 graphics look exactly the same, if not better than that pile of shit.
if you're going to post an example, at least post a good one, that tree looks like it's made of ten polygons
>People STILL act like Crysis hasn't been outdone
Stop, for god's sake, the meme is dead
Actually made me wonder, why Crysis is less vibrant on higher settings?
You're the meme here
Also, show me a rig that can run that for $350 or less
I have to agree .They keep praising games which really don't deserve it.
As a console gamer, I love it. They help me ignore tons of shit I would've probably got otherwise.
DF Retro is some of the best ongoing gaming videos you'll find presently.
>They can be paid to lie(Uncharted 4 graphics praise, Witcher 3 downgrade defense, MGSV graphics settings)
Were they actually paid or is this just "they said things wrong or that I disagree" said in Sup Forums's autistic "corporations are the illuminati" bullshit?
This image always gets posted when people gloat about uncharted, which I don't understand because it's certainly not as impressive as its contemporaries, and it looks absolutely fucking hideous. It's grotesque.
Post examples
>inb4 those sub-HD, jagged, blurry messes of console exclusives sonyggers love to boast about
Kinda don't like how whenever a new GPU comes out DigitalFoundry makes like 7 videos on it all at once.
I literally thought it was a photograph to be quite honest.
Actually anything from 2006 can run this game.
>implying current gen consoles can even run it at those settings
You should probably clean your glasses, the lenses would have to be smeared with vaseline to look that blurry.
Nice deflection
Well, fuck me.
>Huge Sony funding
>30 fps
Pic related was made by literal slavs before the PS4 was released.
well, somebody posted crysis claiming its still cutting edge, so i guess this is a graphics thread now. alien isolation is almost 2 years old but is holding up quite nicely
>blurry textures
>aliasing everywhere
>barely any shadows on the dog
Get your eyes checked, user
Because Sup Forums is console county and the last thing console kids want to do is discuss a site that empirically highlights how shit their consoles are.
Also with literally no budget at that.
AI is my favourite game graphics-wise, I just love the lighting, the colours, the material surfaces. I also love chromatic aberration
Thats not even a game
I don't have anything against Alien Isolation, but aren't you bored of posting this in so many threads?
yeah it looks very nice, the lighting is industry-leading IMO. fuck chromatic aberration in 99% of games, this is the only case where I don't mind
Oh you're right, I was pretty sure it was Metro Last Light.
Let's settle this, who is better?
What are you talking about that's Metro Last Light.
no? that's the second time I've ever posted that pic
Pretty sure that's Metro
Actually no, it was Metro LL indeed.
exactly. It is disgusting in games like Bloodborne, but here it just fits. I tried to inject it in Elite Dangerous and it also looked good, somehow it compliments low-tech sci-fi well.
even if it was like you claim, neither is uncharted so check your mate atheists
Uncharted is an example of exactly the thing I saw people on Sup Forums predicting 4 years ago.
Consoles would finally get powerful enough to put overblown ambient occlusion everywhere and post process out the ass and console kids would eat it up as the most revolutionary realism shit ever and ignore the god awful low poly everything and 2008 tier texture resolutions.
Lo and behold, it's exactly what happened. The more AO and different blur processing effects in a game, the more "best graphics ever" posting it gets.
Best looking game right now is propably the new bf.
I thought 8GB of RAM was supposed to make sure textures aren't so blurry.
No one is getting paid. It's a retarded oversimplification of what's going on
Sadly the game is pretty much dead
>greatest thing to ever happen to gaming journalism.
>PC shills
Sure. I wonder how people who built a GTX 750 shitbox from their guide because it was enough to run COD "at console equivalent settings" feel now.
According to DF 30 fps is Uncharted 4, 60 fps is DOOM
Respective videos:
>in before shitposting
Maybe. Something always looks a bit off in these images
It's like the leaves are coated in a layer of plastic
Nobody gets paid off you retard. That shits illegal.
True I wanted to buy it but theres no content shame I heard its also pretty optimized
DICE and Frostbite are magic, though I'm not a fan of their games.
Console setting equivalent is medium on PC and it's still one of the best looking and optimized at that games. And it's 900p 60 fps on PS4 as well. I wish other devs tried as hard.
>Sony game is reviewed
Continuous praise, frame rate drops are downplayed, ie, Uncharted 4
>Xbox game is reviewed
Continuously say that its not up to par, highlight every single frame drop as significant
>Nintendo game is reviewed
The best Nintendo gets is "this is good for the WiiU" and occasional frame drops are highlighted as massive problems, ie, TPHD
those trees look like rocks though
I was able to play it with a 770 on high during the beta
No it isin't
They both look like the only woman they've felt from the inside is their mother
Because everybody including Nintendo fans know Wii U is a technological piece of shit weaker than PS360 at some points, like CPU.
lmao at your lyfe mate
that's a gamecube game
Not even 2k players on PC, that's not enough
>implying that's a bad thing
being pure is not a negative you sex crazed degenerate
>Uncharted 4 graphics praise
Buttblasted Pcuck detected.
>Weaker hardware gets worse performance
Fucking shills right
>No Republic Commando with those graphics
>Opt to make a shitty battlefield clone instead
Just kill me.
John looks like he belong to those cover art mirrored from the half threads
So shouldn't the fact that it manages to pull off TPHD at 1080p, with AA, hi res textures, new lighting effects, and dual screen be worthy of praise..? The standard for linear as fuck games on the PS360 like TPHD was 720p.
I'm all for calling the WiiU a piece of shit, but the devs did a good job, and credit where credit is due
Back to neofag sonynig
In that case they should compare PS4 to fucking PC hardware you stupid fuck. The point is they don't gauge the software in relation to the hardware, they gauge it as a solid benchmark, which seems to be the PS4.
I can fucking achieve that at 4K on a shitty PC via emulation, FUCKING EMULATION
oh wow, i've been confusing these guys for about a year with DigitalRev and wondered why they switched from photography to gaming.
Post the one with the trees in the background
Okami HD was 1080p with 4xMSAA on PS3, so it's not really that impressive. Especially when competition releases PS360 games in 1080p 60 fps as if it was nothing.
Dont have that here's a high res moutain
Do you have hardware parity with the fucking WiiU?
So this is the power of LOD...whoa...
is emulation nearly as efficient?
Cell shaded like WWHD
On 4x as powerful hardware you retard.
Not the same game, but
my favourite