>unboxing PS4 slim before Sony announce it
what the fuck is going on here?
>unboxing PS4 slim before Sony announce it
what the fuck is going on here?
Why is it so ugly? Even fucking microsoft managed to make their revision pretty...
Nobody gives a shit about your cunt ass channel you cunt.
>Why is it so ugly?
The regular PS4 is ugly aswell.
It looks terrible. It doesn't feel look really solid, as if the quality build is so cheap.
Also, lots of people complained about the LED over the pad draining too much battery life and what they do? They fucking add another LED panel on the useless trackpad.
In terms of quality build PS4 has been a joke.
>new light so now you don't have to turn controller over to see which player you are
Why are people acting like split screen multiplayer is still a thing? You faggots killed.
What is the point of this stupid fucking light?
>Silm is uglier than Bone S
>Neo weaker than Scorpio
>Sony made PS+ more expensive, causing rage even amongst hardcore Sony fanboys
>Sony refuses to give proper BC while Xbox banked on it
When Sony becomes arrogant, they are set for failure.
I have a day 1 ps4. The console itself has been fine not too loud or overheating or anything like that.
But the launch controller broke on me the anolog sticks. Then the next Conot roller I got the sticks are pretty funny after about a year of use. And then the controller after that I still use has been okay.
Battery life on the Controller sucks. Features that are cool but should be turned off to save battery is audio speaker, lightbar, and the headphone jack.
I swear I get like 5 hours of play time aND it's charging time.
>No optical
Why would I bother with an Xbox One ?
I have a chipped 360 and a PC, I can play EVERY game it has.
someone held up a delivery truck and stole a decent amount of them, a guy has been selling them off of gumtree in the UK and no one has done anything about it, there at least 3-4 in the wild now although this is the first one that been turned on
waste of money when NEO is coming out anyway
>The console itself has been fine not too loud or overheating or anything like that.
I have not been so lucky. My piece of shit ps4 wobbles and overheats like crazy.
PSVR and the Camera are the only use for the light
the matte surface is fucking awesome though
You shouldn't bother with the PS4 either.
Looks like shit. How much can I get a regular PS4 for these days?
>no optical audio
literally why?
300 bucks. 250 if you are lucky. 200 if you go to Craiglist and you are ready to get shot.
It's the same light, you braindead fucking retarded underaged faggot abortion fuck.
it's looks like a springboard
because HDMI transmits the same digital signal and most won't be needing optical audio, so no benefit and no demand
Where is #TEAMFAKE now? Sony just need to announce it already. Yes announcing it on a blog is a bit shitty but at least then they can focus 100% on neo at the playstation event.
So what's the actual difference? Or is it just another Sony Slim cash in?
The Xbone S is more effay, that's for sure. But it's a glorified HTPC with no exclusives and inferior multiplats.
I like Bloodborne and I want my collector of Persona 5.
Also Nioh, Berseria and Dragon Quest.
It look like the same thing but smaller, no one buys these for the looks anyway. wtf kind of complaint is this?
Fug, that's a pretty steep price to justify playing only a small handful of games.
it looks like it's almost the exact same size as a normal PS4 except a bit thinner? am i just imagining this?
you run HDMI into your home theater system instead of splitting?
Who gives a shit, nobody is going to buy it because newer consoles have been announced.
Even Sony doesn't care.
no I don't have a fucking home theater system
then why the fuck did you make a comment deriding anons want for optical?
>home theater
get a load of this retard
Because you don't plug your speakers directly on the console you retard, the optical wire is between the TV and the speakers.
PS4 TV Speakers
Spam thread is what's going on.
I have a chipped PS3 and a PC, noneed for a PS4.
>releasing a slim version of a console when you've got a new version coming out
y tho
what new version?
I didn't I just said there isn't demand for it and that it carries the same signal
in other words because you are retarded
I wonder if these things ruin the audio quality though
Stop using outdated technology.
You forgot
>Actually has exclusives
Me too.
But you can't play BB, Uncharted, No Oh, Berseria, the new Yakuza, RE7 and some other on any of them.
Indian people are the worse with brits following closely behind
The original models is still one of the sexiest consoles ever released.
This would be much quieter and smaller though at the sacrifice of aesthetics. It's the smallest current generation console right now. Seriously the thing is tiny.
So what's the differences side-by-side to a PS4? I need to know which one to get as my Bloodborne box.
are you jealous or something?
they do indeed, and there is a demand for optical.
Cheaper to make that way
Few people actually run optical anyway, most just run from PS4 to monitor/TV so HDMI works fine, and HDMI now allows 4K@60p
Not that the PS4 will ever, ever, do that
unless the neo is like 800 dollars i wont be getting it
well not enough for sony to keep that stuff in there
>tfw have a PC
>Can play all Xbox games
Wait why would anyone buy an Xbox and PAY for Xbox live on top of it? How are people honestly trying to shittalk a console when their own console has no games lmao?
PS4 actally has exclusives
I thought this was new version. All the NEO and 4K stuff was just something new and this is what it is.
It's quite smaller, I think 40% smaller. It will be quiter too and you get a new thicker dualshock 4.
it's on the regular PS4, even the Xbone S has it, so does the PS3.
it doesn't really make any sense not to include it unless this is supposed to be the budget console, which is pretty insulting.
>releasing a slim version so when the PS4K comes out the original PS4 will be even fucking cheaper used
thank you, based sony
This is not the NEO, they already confirmed a high end device reveal by the end of the year.
This is a SLIM.
console took another page from mobile are now fracturing their systems, so now you have the dinky versions and the 4k versions
there are now 3 Xbones and 3 PS4's
>Actually has exclusives
Such as?
>buying someone elses used electronics.
No one can be this poor. You never buy used electronics.
Are you retarded ?
>understanding the actual value of products means you're poor
enjoy your PS+ price hike.
I only really care about more space and smaller model so unless the NEO can make me a sandwich i don't know why i would want it. Ill just end up with the slim.
Do you mean Xbone or PS? Coz PS got Bloodborne and gay ass weeb games, Xbone got Forza, Gaylo and Gears of War
oh and crackdown which has dropped off the face of the earth
CFW when?
hes not the one who thinks the PS4 has games
>crackdown which has dropped off the face of the earth
I ive been wanting those Yakuza games and Tekken 7 since that is where everyone will be. Uncharted 4 and i guess.
It looks great.
Better than the ugly XBone.
Fuck you and fuck everyone like you.
It has games.
You're just too retarded to admit it.
What the fuck, did this shit get taken down as I was watching it? What the fuck.
yeah and the PS4 doesn't come with a scart cable while the previous consoles did
though from what I figure almost all slim consoles have been simpler/cheaper/however you'd phrase it versions of the big ones
go on
Fucking rekt
and scart, you mean an A/V cable?
there's no reason for it to come with A/V no one has CRT anymore.
>someone held up a delivery truck and stole a decent amount of them,
It is a Middle East shipment, so some dodgy distributor probably siphoned off a batch to sell on the black market.
Holy shit, it got taken down pretty quick, well, i like my heavy ps4, its the version that doesnt have the glass type of plastic so it doesnt have a single scratch.
Might buy a new Dualshock 4 because they got rid of the glass plastic thing on it too.
it's private not taken down
yeah and I'm just saying there's not enough need for optical audio for it to be there either
>PS4 has no games
Now show me a list of Xbox exclusives Oh Wait.. they literally don't exist anymore.
Funny how the Xbox one and is now the official No Games station and it's not just a meme, it literally has no exclusives left.
The Xbox One Has No Games.
>you can't play one good game and a bunch of weeb shit that will end up on steam in a year or two
the horror
>So what's the actual difference? Or is it just another Sony Slim cash in?
It's the new standard model. They don't make the PS4 phat anymore, and the remaining of the old stock is running out. Before the reveal of the slim there was noise from distributors that they couldn't get more PS4s for some mysterious reason. And now we know it is because the Slim was replacing them.
optical is for enthusiasts, so either PS4 feels it no longer needs to be marketed as a home theater console or they just want to save money
See Now stop meming, you know you don't have to.
If Neo is around the corner i'll hold off even though I think the current PS4 is way too fucking loud. Granted I only play like 2 games on it a year but still.
You have a PC, an Xbox one and an Xbox slim, right?
enjoy your $700 4k no games actually play in 4k box
>either PS4 feels it no longer needs to be marketed as a home theater console or they just want to save money
same thing really, maximizing profits, I bet this slim version is a lot cheaper to produce otherwise too
>on Sup Forums
>doesn't like weebshit
Reddit is this way.
>playing only a small handful of games
You could just buy the redesign for a lower price, retard. No need to get the older version when the new one plays the exact same games.
>shitposters haven't updated their images for Automata yet
>still posting games that aren't out yet
>MS porting its games to another MS platform is somehow bad
MS is literally being pro consumer and Sony babies shit on them. Look Bloodborne is a great game, Nioh seems like it be good as well. But let's not act like PS4 has a glut of good games. Also Nier is on PC so take that off your shitty list.
I just want a PS4 so I can play Miku on it but they're too expensive
guaranteed, so it's probably like the PS3 slim and PS2 slim, crappier than the phat models but costs less at retail and to produce
>b-but m-microsoft!
Same difference
So I imagine the original is gonna be discontinued in favor of the slim for casuals and NEO for hardcore. This could honestly work out. Shame about the PS+ price hike.
Isn't Berseria getting a PC port, though?
>games that aren't even out yet
>games that are shit period
>listing the same game, TWICE