They did it again
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Conspiracy absolute madmaning again?
Did what?
Denuvo actually cracked?
They just removed manually every trigger?
cracked Inside
Why are they doing it in seemingly the reverse order of games people probably want to play? First Rise of the Tomb Raider and now Inside. I think people would more want to play Doom or Just Cause 3.
Cracked Inside
My heart and soul flat-lines
Put your mouth on mine
And bring me back to life
Cracked inside
No other satisfies
My blood runs dry
Take my life
Save me from this death inside
get on GGn or BCG
Literally what
Okay, so now I know you have no business torrenting anything.
>muh sekret club
mfw its tru
Oh cool. Was interested in playing this.
ROTR is more important than JC3 since JC2 exists and Lara in Rise is one of the sexiest looking characters ever and watching her get hurt and overcome it is sexy as fuck. DOOM is great though.
>lol muh private tracker
if youre too dumb to figure it out yourself, you dont deserve it
Thanks, OP. Hope this shit works.
my order would be
FIfa 16
Deus Ex
far cry primal
but they know what they're doing
Ah okay, I guess it's worth a download then.
Finished it with the short-lived Bolgarian crack a few weeks ago.
It's a very nice game and pretty short as well (3-4 hours), play it if you have a free evening
i forgot abzu
but incredible i'm still playing it in offline steam mode with voksi bypass
It's probably easier to find and patch those triggers for Inside compared to JC3
Hope Mankind Divided gets cracked soon, Deus Ex is my favorite game of all time and i am a poor pathetic hiki.
14 year old thinking he's the fucking illuminati because he uses a """private""" tracker that everyone knows about
holy fucking shit
how old are you?
Well, it launches. How in the hell is the crack only steam dll files? Surely Denuvo would require more than that to crack?
I know, I'm really excited for Conspiracy 2 as well.
fuck off autist
apparently it doesn't. rottr's crack too was like that
They never touched Denuvo, they patched out the triggers.
Here's a link to the crack
Excited for that Show and Tell reprint. It's gonna make some decks REAL shit to deal with.
>check out site
>lol premium to download ;P
>show and tell reprint
Make way for the REAL reprint
why would i bother pirating this pretentious piece of no-gameplay shit ?
So does this mean I'll get to play Deus Ex for free?
I played it a couple of weeks ago thanks to the Voksi bypass and although I never really liked that genre, I absolutely liked that game.
So pirate it and give it a try, it's only like 2gb anyway. Who knows, maybe you'll end up liking it just as I did.
>not having a real-debrid account to use with Kodi/Exodus
Downloading video games with it is just extra.
fuck that site still exists? I remember using it like 7-8 years ago
It's really not what it used to be, at all.
rlslog has been shit ever since they stopped posting movie and tv show releases.
Where's the Dolphin porn, man?
>700.000 instagram pictures
Fuck inside, where is that japanese girl torrent
Enjoy prison kids
>torrent twice as big as it's supposed to be
enjoy you're virus
>i stole the intellectual property of an independent video game studio
>Storage: 3 GB available space
You're gonna have to try harder, Denuvo dev
any non private shitter for this game?
I have it on steam and its exactly 2.30
>OPs picture
>size: 26x50MB
>which equals 1300MB
learn to count
But they didn't steal the IP. What are you talking about ?
took me less than 20 minutes
>Being this absolutely retarded
You sound like a Steam drone who's never heard of file compression
>downloading unpacked ISO filled with viruses
I bet you don't even do a checksum control
>tfw lurk moar isn't an acceptable response anymore
Not even that guy, but holy shit. You're on the fucking internet, learn to look for things yourselves.
>waste thousand of hours cracking a fucking 3 hours indie game
>ignore aaa titles like just cause 3, far cry 4, doom 4, etc.
Just why?
cool is this game nice?
you played limbo?
Because of the Jews
yea, liked it , had it on vita and later smartphone
I don't get why companies use Denuvo.
I know they want to "secure" their first weeks sales, but there is no confirmed research, that Denuvo improves sales.
And the worst thing about Denuvo:
You have worse fps compared to the Denuvo free game. As a paying customer I don't accept even 1 fps less compared to pirates.
The idea of an "uncrackable" game is just stupid. Every offline game can be cracked, because games are only "1"s and "0"s.
And the biggest argument that protection is necessary to improve sales is also wrong. The newest Far Cry shows, that protection alone is not an argument for sales.
If you look at The Witcher 3 or Fallout 4 (both have literally zero protection/cracked day 1) have sold perfectly.
its even better than limbo to be honest
same style but with MORE colors
plying it on my HD 5500 running at 24 fps
awesome, will leech it, thanks for clearing up the game style, up for it.