
Before the DLC came out, which boss was the hardest? Chalice Dungeons don't count.




Gehrman or BSB depending on how good you are at the game.

>gehrman or BSB depending on how good you are at the game.
You fucking kidding me

Literally all you have to do is circle right and she will never hit you. Easiest boss in the game.

Or circle left. Cant remember. Either way, circling one of the directions make the boss unable to hit you ever.


>R1 R1 stunlock R1 R1 parry R1 R1 R1 R1 R1 he's ded

Is this another "Sup Forums being terrible at games" thread again?

If you fight it at the intended level, Darkbeast Paarl. It deals a shitton of damage to BL30 or so characters, which is the usual after defeating BSB.

Without considering levels, maybe Ebrietas if your DPS isn't good and she spams the charge attack.

What's the hardest boss then, fagdrone?

I hated Darkbeast Paarl because of the cancerous camera.

celestial emmisary

Paarl for me, absolutely rapes me every time. Probably because I'm always under levelled at that point but I hate bosses that go apeshit with attacks.

for me... Ebrietas
am i bad?

t. Someone who had difficulty with Rom

Also for me the hardest boss was Logarius, now tho he's pretty easy with arcane build.

You realize he's talking about basically stunlocking the boss till he dies you dumb retard, right?

Yeah. Same shit with Nicolas Cage btw., all you got to do is facehug and circle right, he cant hit you with anything then other than his fists that do negative damage.

10/10 fight pattern design as usual

My first time through the game I think Logarius and Ebriatus were the ones that gave me the most difficulty, using a threaded cane skill character.

Now I'm on ng++++ and just beat Vicar Amelia after like 20 tries. She is really tough on later playthroughs.

Also I know you said chalice dungeons don't count but fucking Yharnam and Pthumerian Descendant are assholes and hard as fuck. I couldn't beat either until my third time through the game.


paarl or bsb for me

>Abhorrent Beast in that tiny room
I forget which Chalice it was but that one made me want to neck myself.

Hardest boss for me was that goddamn motherfucking son of a whore you meet in the Cathedral in Eileen questline.

None of the bosses in the game took me more than 2 or 3 tries, that motherfucker was legit like 30+ because I refused to glitch him or use cheap shit and kept fighting him in the main hall. Most of the deaths were getting twoshotted. Its really BS that NPC hunters dont run out of ammo or heals.

he heals only once tho

>Boss that you stunlock by spamming R2 with saw cleaver
>Boss that will never hit you if you strafe right

Am I missing something or were vanilla BB bosses really that shit? Can we count pre-nerf Rom or Logarius?

No he doesnt. He keeps healing if you let him. He used to be easy apparently when Bloodborne came out and they patched him to make him the retarded bullshit he is now.

Out of base game? I had the most trouble on Paarl, but that's because I got to him at level 23 with a +2 Eason because I got kidnapped. Eventually got him because I thought he was progression.

Hardest actual blood assuming appropriate level is easily Ebriatus though.

his 3rd phase is fucking hard 1st and 2nd not so much

I had the most trouble with Amelia before any patches. Don't know if she was ever nerfed or not, but she whooped my ass

Lol they nerfed rom? Ridiculous, she was already so easy

Logarius and Paarl

Only beat paarl by being over leveled

Descendant 2.0 was the most fun fought in the whole base game.

>nerfing rom
>dying to a fat spider slug
Literally all you ever had to do was sprint from the Ice/Crystal things and roll away from the spider ants

Gherman with a short ranged weapon>powergap>Logarius>BSB

Took me like 4 hours to kill gherman with the chikage. Longest boss grind i've ever had in a souls game. His attacks start

Darkbeast was designed for level 50~ i think. Think you're supposed to fight him when you go through yah'hargul in the story, not as an optional place. If you grind, it'll be easy as fuck. paarl is in a wierd place.


I had a much harder time with Amelia because of her giant health pool

Isn't third phase the same just he poisons you much quicker?

defiled hotdog

>chalices don't count

ebrietas or non-parry gherman (note: gherman difficulty changes depending on if you do optional stuff and get extra blood, firs time through without those is tough)

oh also put non-parry logarius there

BSB without a fire based weapon, fire paper n moklotov. Had a pretty hard time with this boss as I can't make out what moves he's going to make. All his moves are pretty similar.

And Gehrman of course.

I had a pretty easy run with Paarl. Killed it in my first tries in each game. Just got to break those boney back legs with a blunt weapon and Paarl is down.

Yeah he was a complete bastard for me too, even when I was like lvl 75. I just cheesed him in the end, lure him to the entrance right on the edge of his aggro zone and let that blood sword thing slowly kill him, while you get hits in.

Nah he heals multiple times for sure.

I killed him 3 times in the last patch and he healed only once every time
works for me i guess

What is this bsb meme?

I don't think I've ever died to him on any of my pay throw.

We didn't bring any antidotes.

Why does Chalice Dungeons don't count? Stop the meme Chalice are bad if you suck and cant beat FRC you should play something else.

He's hard up until you realize that strafing is OP and you can literally walk in circles around him the entire time without dodging and not get hit.

except you'll instantly die to this poison grab

He literally cannot hit you if you just keep close and keep strafing to the right, including the grab. You don't even have to lock on.
He is by FAR the easiest boss on the game. Even the witches are a riskier fight than BSB.

>keep close
>get poisoned

nice job

Martyr Logarius, was an arcane build and didn't know he was super resistant to every element, just thought he had a ton of hp for some reason.

>not killing him before the poison can even kick in
If you're legit retarded and can't even manage that:
>wait for him to attack
>heal while he recovers
>get back to strafing

not everyone grinds like you did or use summons

Cleric Beast
>no fucking clue about items etc
>my movement was ass
>kept forgetting about sidearm
>too stubborn to collect blood vials so tried to go in with like 3 at a time
Gascoigne was a pain in the ass too.

logarius if you did cainhurst at lv50
maybe rom otherwise?

>inb4 parrybait gerhman

When I first played it Paarl gave me the hardest time until I realized that serrated weapons do extra damage to beasts. At the time I had been playing entirely with my saw cleaver transformed.

I just cheesed him, I was so done dealing with him fairly.

Keep max distance and wait for him to rush to you, so you can stagger and visceral attack him. Do that till he dies.

>parrybait gerhman

he says as he lists logarius as the hardest. Using parries on bosses is cancer anyway, it's like using magic in DaS

>I'm retarded and can't beat an easily exploitable boss so I'm going to accuse him of cheating
I'm actual trash at video games and I can beat him 20 times in a row at BL4 without getting hit once.
It's not a matter of skill, it's a matter of not being a drooling retard, noticing the fact that his AI and tracking are garbage, and taking advantage of it.

now tell me how the fuck you kill him before his poison AoE goes off

You don't kill him before it starts, you kill him before it fills up your meter.
Wear poison resistant gear and hammer away at his ass while he flails away and misses every hit.

under no circumstance can you do that playing properly unless you cheese it with saw cleaver transform attack + beast pellet which you won't know to do on the first playthrough

What level were you?

On my first playthrough, Vicar Amelia, on every subsequent playthrough, Logarius or Rom seem to do absurd amounts of damage at NG+6 or higher.

>game says serrated damage is effective against beasts
>game says fire damage is effective against beasts
>game conveniently gives you a free serrated weapon 10 minutes before Old Yharnam if you explore enough
>game conveniently gives you several fire papers before and during Old Yharnam
>hmmmmm maybe I should use these items and weapon in the area filled with beasts that are weak to them and will likely have a beast as a boss which is also weak to them
The purpose of the pellets is vague at first yeah, but even without them you'll shit damage on BSB.
Just because you're retarded doesn't mean everyone else is.

you won't fucking kill him before you can get poisoned from his AoE, I have seen 0 vids of this without grinding/summons/pellets

If you can't then you use an antidote or two.
Doesn't make him any harder.

For me it was logarius. But that's only because I can't time my parries for shit, and I was underleveled too.

you can parry bsb and visceral him at the right time git gud you retard.