Anime references in video games?

Anime references in video games?

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That Warframe? Is it any good?

And Independance Day, 2001 a Space
Odyssey and starship troopers.

Probably why Zero was so shit.

You start first, OP

Avoid it at all costs

It's Evangelion. Can't you see?

yes, and yes for about 200 hours. once you realize there is only 2 or 3 different builds that are viable and that literally all you do is grind to be able to grind more, it quickly stops being fun.

What anime is this referencing ?

Thanks doc.



I miss when HLD could be used for stealth Eva threads



In Saint's Row 2 there's 2 sport bikes, one of them you can only get after beating the Ronins.
The models are called "Kaneda" and "Tetsuo"

It's so goddamned shameless. I don't understand how people call this game immersive when the only big setpieces are EVA


That's kinda excusable, since it's just copying the imagery, granted, I don't know the context, but is fucking bullshit.

That's just straight up sachiel

Yae has a Lum costume!

Is this an Undertale mod/fan game? What's the reference?

I always felt like they were going for a "God Warrior" from Nausicaa vibe. I get why you think that though, since EVAs are basically ripoffs of God Warriors.

People kept saying that but it's readily apparent they're not, especially considering some of the many, many, many things that didn't make it into the game were enemy designs straight ripped from the Angels (see above)



This bait's past stale. It's fucking rotten at this point.

I really wanted to enjoy this game. But I just couldn't get into it.

Things aren't necessarily drawn from just one source, especially ones as aesthetically linked as eva and nausicca

that sachiel is shameless though

it might be referencing the Pillar Men

Damn, didint know jeffrey dean morgan works at DE.

>anime reference
you just dyed some warframes the colour scheme of an eva that they dont even look like, thats not a reference thats playing dressup

this thread is dumb

>since EVAs are basically ripoffs of God Warriors.

Anno animated the god warrior scene in Nausicaa

Oh really? I thought it as set color like fighting games.

That's kinda disappointing.

Game is E.Y.E, anime Ghost in the Shell

Whats going on here?

Rare cited Gatchaman as one of the inspirations for Jet Force Gemini. Juno's helmet does look like something out of Gatchaman.


oh my fucking god how did i never notice this
i'm such a retard, it was right fuckin' there



Wow he ripped himself off what a bastard

And then he went on to direct a Godzilla revival movie.

best girl tbqh

Stands desu.

This It is a free game and for a free game is it extremely good. For a game period it isn't worth it though. If you have no budget and often Google "free MMOs" or such then it may be worth a shot. If you have spent over $100 on your never ending backlog then maybe avoid the game that is literally never ending grinding.

Kaneda was ebin, it can drive up straight walls with little practice.


Summoning demons via computer of some sort is different from how it works in Persona. I'm not a secondary.

Reminder that Araki and Kaneko had an interview together.

Sin and Punishment took some visual elements from Evangelion for sure

Sonic did it too.

I see, but that's a custom paint job not intended by the developers


not poo in loo, but mess in dress

what chineese cartoon is that?

wanpaku ouji no orochi taiji

>wanpaku ouji no orochi taiji
thanks, I can definitely see the resemblance

>that amount of blur

Yeah, it's not supposed to be displayed at high resolutions. Not my screenshot.

The evil demon guy in Great Adventure looks like something drawn by Toriyama.

Guess Konami really love Dragon Ball.

The opening themes for the N64 games were sung by Hironobu Kageyama

And of course there's the Impact theme sang by Aniki.

i meant that they overused it.
and what the point of blur in old games anyway? its not like it will make graphics look better.

Unrelated but this thread reminded me of that movie that straight up copied scenes from Asura's Wrath.

Look at pic related, it's still stretched but not as much, so the blur effect on textures isn't as apparent. Now imagine it being displayed at its original resolution, on a CRT. Looks way better than the image you're getting now on your phone or laptop screen.

>Pink/red Monoeye
>Shiny is red
Dusclops is at least kinda inspired by the Zaku II

Something to do with how the N64 handles texture filtering afaik
PS1 games have far more sharp textures.

N64 had hardware support for bilinear filtering for Distant textures. It also had 3 point Anisotropic filterinhhas been used later to filter textures at sheer angles

Everyone was also used to blocky textures without mipmaps, so shit would shimmer like crazy at a distance. So smoother textures were new and cool text

Best shit is point filtering with mipmaps, like you can turn on in Doom Source ports.

Someone get the bajillion Berserk references in Dark Souls a mention so we can write those off the list.

Kamekaheena in Hearth of the Swarm.


Isn't there a boss inspired by DIO in Castlevania?

I think that guy in the clock tower in Dawn of Sorrow.

I forget the name.

Zephyr, complete with time stop, knive throwing and a fight near a clock tower. There's also a soul on Aria that pretty much summons a stand, and Soma goes ORA ORA ORA!
I'm sure the sorrow games are full of anime references.


Goliath does the same pose as Raoh when he dies

post Bloodhardth


In Symphony of the Night, the Stone Mask is a treasure. Its description even reads that it was used in ancient rituals

Blizzard wants to play.

Oruchuban Ebichu.

Coincidence or not?


Rein too with his ttgl skin.

It's pretty common for fighting games as well.
Persona 4 Arena, Skullgirls, Blazblue,...
Funnily enough, it is almost always the mecha being referenced, not the shitty characters.

Started playing Gotta Protectors not long ago, and this showed up.

Definitely coincidence.

And then this.

Because the mechs are more interesting for palletes than the characters.
KOFXIV does have an (unintentional?) Kula/Rei alt.

Hold the fucking phone, user.
That's a standard mythological being from Japanese mythology, not a TTGL reference.

Because mecha are more iconic in a mecha anime.


>Persona 4 Arena, Skullgirls, Blazblue
Those are all anime games and as such are overqualified for this discussion. Try harder and find a reference in something more Western than Skullgirls.

I'm well aware that Skullgirls is made by Western devs, but it borrows so heavily from anime already that it invalidates itself. The Egyptian chick has a fucking Dio variant for crying out loud. Pic related.

>this triggers the korean

I'm gonna come clean and admit that I only got halfway through Gurren Lagann before getting kinda bored so I'm only really familiar with the cooldude doing heroic sacrifice and the concept of all giant mech thingies having stomach faces, and don't really know what the Gurren Lagann ends up looking like later and why

Not even close to being good

Fighting games in general are always full of anime references.

if you like spendex ninjas in space

Overwatch doesn't even try to pretend it's not aimed at South Koreans.

>Backers choose palettes.
>palettes of everything including an EVA Unit 01, RD and Fluttershy, Zone-tan, Dungeons and Dragons Movie thief, Black Orchid, Spiderman,...
And that's just palettes.

It is the TTGL of fighting games, pretty much.
Not one bone in its body isn't there because someone somewhere had that very same bone in the same place.

Still, the references don't pick sides.

Probably a mere coincidence, given the fact its konami, and they would never do something such as using a reference to a Toriyama manga.

I'd call it a coincidence because the suit doesn't even share the colour scheme outside of the white.

I don't know why they haven't made Unit 01 or 02 references yet though, it's fucking stupid how obvious it is.

The Persona on the cover does look like a Stand though