So is it good or not? I'm hearing conflicting messages here. While I do dislike the community...

So is it good or not? I'm hearing conflicting messages here. While I do dislike the community, it seems like a game I would enjoy. Should I try it?

Other urls found in this thread:

I played it, it was pretty good. Just play it, you've to build your own opinion on this game.

It' alright. Deserves neither the pants-shitting hate from Sup Forums nor the circlejerk-y praising from 14-year old girls. Gets preachy and pretentious at times. Nothing's stopping you from pirating it.

It's pretty good. Make sure to go for the genocide route at some point, that's the best part of the game.

Why are you asking Sup Forums, the board known for being contrarian and shitting on and/or praising a game just to conform with/go against the hivemind?

I'll sum up the thread for you:
>sjw tumblr game
>good game, fanbase is shit
>bad gameplay boring story
>meme game
>it's one of the best games ever
>ask humantale.jpg
>best story, i cried
>it was okay

Holy Reddit, Batman.

you can play game without discussing it on the internet, you know

Kind of interesting in spots, kind of trite in a lot more spots, and generally not really anything special if you're familiar with the earthbound-derived quirky internet RPG scene. Additionally I've always thought the creator's kind of a loser but that has nothing to do with his game.

Why are you overthinking fucking playing a video game? Most fanbases are shit, just play it lil bitch

I said do not interfere

Also the game a solid 8/10, if you like short story driven rpg maker games pirate it or ask some rabid fan to buy it for you.

Soundtrack is pretty good too.

>liking video games is Reddit now
You're trying too hard to fit in

Just play it. This is the kind of game where learning about it damages the experience. Go in as fresh as possible. Hell, that applies to most games.

It's ten dollars, or zero dollars if you pirate. You have nothing to lose. Get the fuck out of this thread right now.

Is Undertale only liked on Sup Forums because of the creepy pedo stuff?

Just play it, I'm sure you'll like it to some extent. That said, I really liked it and it along with LISA got me into RPG games of the type


None of these descriptions mean things.

What the fuck was his problem?

I agree with what he's saying but he's targeting the wrong person. That guy's post comes across as if he'd agree with Kermit to me, since he's essentially saying he doesn't have an opinion on the game but Sup Forums for water reason has decided to hate it (which ties into Kermit's le epic pessimist thing)

>only liked on Sup Forums
Where else is it not liked? It's conflicting almost everywhere

Undertale is a bad game. Terrible gameplay, terrible graphics, its only redeeming quality is its humour and fourth wall breaking shenanigans which basically is worth a few mild chuckles and not much more.

A few mild chuckles/10.

You do realize the guy called the "Undertale is a good game" post bait at first, right? And his reasoning was "you're asking for trouble to post about it on good terms here". He deserved everything Kermit said.

>creepy pedo stuff
There's nothing in game that's "creepy pedo stuff".
Unless you want to fuck an ambiguous gender bowl cut Simpsons character, or a goat.

the porn is top notch user

Undertale is full of creepy sex shit, you pedofaggot

That's why it's hated outside of Sup Forums

also this guy

all you need to do is watch the first 10-30 minutes on youtube to know if it's a game for you

protip it definitely wasn't the game for me

>That's why it's hated outside of Sup Forums
Nigger fucking what. Sup Forums is one of the few places where people don't like undertale

Why do you think it's called Undertale? Sup Forums is the dark underside of the internet.

The game's full of disgusting pedophile shit that's why it has no following outside of Sup Forums.

>hated outside of Sup Forums
Everyone eats this game up, and aside from a lesbian fish/lizard couple, there's basically nothing sexual at all.

And anyone can go on e621 and find porn of characters form a video game, doesn't mean it's "pedoshit".

>>>/fox news/

Are you freebumping my thread or something? get out of here

>pedophiles rush to defend their pedophile game

no the game is garbage, and you're garbage too

did you not even read his reply? he said this one of the places where Undertale ISN'T liked.
It has an absurd popularity literally everywhere else on the internet.

I'm biting the bait so hard on this one

pedo garbage

Undertale is not that good of a game.

The "gameplay" of it was just baby's first bullet hell with some RPG elements. The thing that differed it from other games was that every monster had a unique personality, and in reality, that's just story fluff. The graphics were just lazy. If you do sprite graphics, it should look as good as a GBA game at least, especially if you got $51,124 to work on the project. Character design is good, but once again, that's just story fluff. I'm not saying a story in a videogame is bad, but you should NEVER prioritize it over the gameplay itself. The music was good, but he did have experience doing music with Homestuck. The game is strong with some of it's elements, but the core elements of what makes a game good are lackluster. The game is like a piece of cardboard covered with frosting; it has a good appearance, but the main part of it is bad.

>mhu safe space
game is shit
but the porn is realy well made user

okay fine, you're pedo garbage
now fuck off

hey look a pedo image from a pedo game wow what a shock

stop defending pedophile games on the internet.

Whats the matter? can't handle the shota gote?

>pedophiles rush to defend their pedophile game
An Unteralterbach thread?

Its good

It's okay. It doesn't deserve the intense love or hate it gets. It's just an okay throwback to the old days.

The reason to play it is the music. The music is great.


good thing summer is over

>tfw can read german but not into that stuff
just couldn't do it
I hope they've translated it by now so I don't feel like I've wasted my gifts

The game's like 10 hours long to 100%, has a free demo and is super easy to pirate. It takes less time to play the game and find out if you like it for yourself than waiting for this thread to 404.

keep talking pedofucks, I have the FBI tracing your posts right now


Play it once, never play it again.

It's basically your average pixel art tumblr meme game that gets more popularity than games with actual effort put into them.

>for legal stuff you can find on goole image

i hate summer holy fuck


Good if you go in blind.
Shit if the fanbase spoils every plot point for you before you play it because "if you don't pick this route where X and Y happens, you're a terrible person :/".
It happened to me and I fucking hate the game because of it.

>someone's talking about that game we're supposed to hate!
>let's call them pedophiles for no reason

What the fuck is even going on in this thread

What's going on with the skin on her legs right as they reach her panties?

>I'm hearing conflicting messages


There's a reason for that.

Whats up with those stretch marks?

If op still want a answer: it is not particurlatly great, but it is ok.

The good points are:
>It is a pretty little detailed game. Npc lines change a lot, there are multiple dialogues based on your behavior. The game feels pretty complete in this point.
>The soundtrack is pretty good

The bad is:

>the writting is pretty hit or miss, quircky humor. I will be lying if i havent chuckled at least a few times, but it wasnt amazing. You might consider the "meta" discussion it has a little cringy, and it tries to be "diverse" in a polically correct way a few times (3 to be exact, 2 ot the times is conducted very poorly, the third is unnecessary).

If you ever go to the /vg/ Undertale thread, nobody talks about the game and people just trade underage furry porn and fapfics.

What did you except?

what is any thread on /vg/ for 200


Tell me one board at /vg/ that does not do that.

it wasn't a good game at all
the gameplay is shallow and it's not "bullet hell" like advertised

using the state of the games /vg/ thread isn't a valid point because every /vg/ thread is just degenerates and porn requests. It's worse than /vp/ at this point

So pedo is now a meme word?




/indie/ is alright, and /dadg/ when that still exsisted

It always was. People can call you a pedo if you like 17 years old girls

the writing is fucking awful.

The game itself is good. It's a throwback to games such as Earthbound. However, the fanbase is fucking horrible, FNAF levels of horrible. Stay away from the fanbase and just play the game.

It was a cool and alright game.

The soundtrack's pretty good.

Baby's first bullet hell, tho.

This thread is gay as fuck.

Zonkpunch is almost there.

>Music: 10/10 - Theres 101 songs packed into a 5 hour story
>Gameplay: 6/10 - Pretty standard bullet hell, but each character is unique which keeps things fresh and some of the bosses are pretty challenging
>Story 5/10 - The story is pretty standard rpg cliche with a few twists here and there. What redeems it is the fact that its replayable due to character choices making a difference between playthroughs. The fourth wall breaking puts a spin on alot of rpg tropes
>Characters 8/10 - Almost every character is likeable besides Alphys.

I'd say play it you degenerate and don't let the hate hugbox convince you otherwise. It's worth it for the music alone.

ik user, the waiting is killing me

The cumming scene is a bit disappointing though from what I've seen on his patreon.

you forgot "Literally 1 on 1 copy of earthbound"

>le ebin nobody is allowed a free thought, creatives are not allowed to be creative, it is solely I, who can't even understand basic art history nevermind know what it is like to create, who dictates what games should play and feel like

Eat a bag of dicks, you're a fucking nobody you dumb little cunt. Fact that undertale was successful even with its "bullet hell ascii gameplay" means you're a worthless sack of shit trying to find reasons to hate a game you have never touched.

/agdg/, /r6g/, /fsg/

nice opinion. I kindly disagree with everything you said.

No there isn't. That's an user bullshitting with 0 proof. You and retards like you just keep reposting it because it conforms to your own retarded personal view as to why a game you don't like was popular.

GameFAQs polls are rigged/botted every fucking time. BY US. We got Launchpad and Einstein to the end of the greatest sidekicks of all time poll, I guess someone was virally marketing Duck Tales and Physics that year. We got the fucking L-shaped block from Tetris to win the character battle. Could this have been a Russia cyber op campaign? I mean, there were threads ON THIS VERY FUCKING BOARD that were organizing to spam votes for Undertale to cause maximum anal pain for GameFAGs users (and apparently people on this board who took the results of this poll seriously for the first time fucking ever). Just as we do every fucking time. It's a tradition to fuck with those polls. Because those polls are a joke. They always are. And yet people always take them seriously and watching them get pissed is funny.

But no. This time it HAS to be some conspiracy to virally promote Undertale. It couldn't be that it was FOTM for a little while because it was a unique and above average game, especially surprising as it was made by a single solitary autist. Never fucking mind hardly anybody talks about it anymore, contrary to what your image suggests. You gullible fuck.

yes, but i guess is just a demo

It's an above average rpg with an interesting battle mechanic that keeps fresh especially during the boss fights, branching paths with not just the 3 main endings but variations of endings based on your actions. It's only real flaws are it's too easy and meme humor. The fanbase it's the actual worst, but you can't actually judge a game based on that.


Just play it and decide for yourself, its not a very long game so its not like you would have wasted much time if you dislike it

Well that is related to context while calling Undertale a pedo game is a complete asspull.


Why is he so smug?

cancer detected

Sup Forums liked it a lot at first, the threads in the first week were singing its praise far and wide. We knew it wasn't the greatest game in the world, but it was a far above average indie that had concepts and elements that a lot of people loved. It was essentially the poster child for those ">Final boss music is a remix of the main theme," threads. Plus the OC from Sup Forums was generally hilarious.

It got incredibly high reviews, which irked some people but fans were mostly pleased with them until it started attracting some pretty bad people to the game.

Tumblr and YouTube/Twitch streamers latched on, inflating its positives to absurd heights, so people on Sup Forums started pretending to hate it and inflating it's flaws to ridiculous highs as well, as well as cherrypicking the worse concepts to pretend nothing about it was good in the first place. Eventually a lot of people did end up not liking it after looking at the game's flaws critically enough, as well as people who played it when the game wasn't made for those kind of players.

Then people started making posts about how the game was actually nothing unique and instead just a huge plagiarism of other indies and freeware games, such as Cave Story, Iji, OFF, etc. People started believing those posts too, which makes me sad, because even if there's not the largest amount of straight creativity in the game, it's still unique with HOW it utilized all these ideas. Toby even said he had a HUGE amount of influences when it came to the game as well as the main battle theme, so it's not like he claimed he came up with literally everything included in the game.

There's more to the story, such as the GameFAQs poll but I don't feel like going into that much of it.

In the end, the game is still great, one of the best games of 2015 and honestly the best indie of 2015, followed closely by Ori and Hotline Miami 2.

Here's hoping the Undertale Yellow fangame is decent.

my doc says i don't have it, so fuck you user

Furries pls die

t. samefag

>were organizing to spam votes for Undertale to cause maximum anal pain for GameFAGs users (and apparently people on this board who took the results of this poll seriously for the first time fucking ever). Just as we do every fucking time. It's a tradition to fuck with those polls. Because those polls are a joke.
It's a joke when something stupid like L-Block wins, not when you lot bend over and suck tumblr's tranny dick.

Undertale was chosen because there was no other real choice to cause such anal devastation.

Point of the matter is that it was done to piss people off (like you), faggot. Just as every single other time was. It's to knock FF7 and OoT off the list, since they win every fuckin time.

If you really wanted to piss people off at the time, you would've obliterated it against one of the worst games on the list, the very first contender it went up against.

You forgot that the popularity also attracted autists and degenerates, just look at the /vg/ thread.

That said if you dislike a game because you can't ignore it's fanbase, you're a retard, so just play the game and see for yourself OP

>unsubstantiated garbage followed by a food analogy

This is a perfect Sup Forums post