What went wrong?
What went wrong?
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Disgusting community.
except porn
The community isn't much of a reason to hate a game.
I quite liked Undertale, nice break from all the Counter-Strike I've been playing.
Sans is a great character, always gave off a vibe that he knows more than he's letting on.
Asriel didn't deserve anything that happened to him.
I felt sorry for the bastard, having Chara take over his body after Asriel absorbed Chara's soul.
When you first start the game, and spare Toriel later on, head back to where you started, by the flower bed. Toriel would say something along the lines of "Don't worry about me, someone has to take care or these flowers, anyway".
Asriel would say the same thing, and explain his past and try and move on. I didn't expect so many feels.
It's soundtrack was pretty solid.
The only flaw I can think of is just how ugly it is.
Characters are alright, story is pretty good, the few mechanics like self-awareness was pretty neat.
>shitty boring NPCs
>unfunny characters
>genocide route grinding being boring as fuck
>easy/boring puzzles
>too much Mettaton
Sup Forums liked it a lot at first. We knew it wasn't the greatest game in the world but it had concepts and elements that a lot of people loved. It was essentially the poster child for those ">Final boss music is a remix of the main theme," threads.
Then tumblr latched on, inflating its positives to absurd heights, so Sup Forums started hating it and inflating it's flaws to ridiculous highs as well, as well as cherrypicking the worse concepts to pretend nothing about it was good in the first place.
Game's still good. 8.5/10, best indie of 2015, followed by Hotline Miami 2 and Ori.
Are you the guy who streamed undertale while on a CS break because of RSI?
Hot Zone was pretty dull, probably the low point of the game.
Everything past Toriel was dull because that's when Toby unleashed all his tumblr characters on the player. It went to shit instantly and ended and on a similar note. Good music though.
Nope, not me.
Yeah, you had Temmie, Mettaton and Alphys.
That's about as Tumblr as it gets.
I could look past it, hardly bothers me unlike some autists, but I didn't amuse me all that much either.
I honestly like the ending where it's hinted that Alphys killed herself following Metatton and Asgore's deaths.
Toby did well, though, you have to admit it.
He was committed, maybe even determined
>Sup Forums liked it a lot first
Nothing, it was an entertaining game
>The community isn't much of a reason to hate a game.
And yet, Bronies are universally reviled. So much it's against the rules to post anything Pony related outside it's sub'chan.
>that guy who says he doesn't like the game but the SOUNDTRACK is "FUCKING GREAT"
You're deluding yourself if you really think that the week after its release wasn't filled with excited discussion and fun times hearing about anons' first experiences.
That being said, people still made fun of it for some of its ideas, namely calling it a furry game a few times, but it was mostly in jest.
The real time where it went wrong was the GameFAQs poll. Normally I'm all for raiding the thing to make fantastic characters like L-block win, but this time, with Undertale beating out everything else, it was a HUGE blow to its reputation on Sup Forums, since tumblr loved it and legitimately thought it was the best game ever,
that's because the show is shit as well
>implying this didn't happen
The characters and such.
I remember trying the demo 2 years before release. It was pretty entertaining and the concept was intriguing to say the least. I thought it would get somewhat creepier and get weirder and that the reason it took so long and it was so short was because everything would have its consequence. I knew sans and papyrus were kind of goofy characters from the demo, but I didn't think it would devolve into what it is now.
I bought the game expecting great things, and the only part I could like was the secret lab. Most of the characters, the story and it not being as flexible as I thought (same thing next playthrough except this character complains about someone dying) just felt like the author was holding back. Too many anime clichés, too much pandering to specific people, put too much into fourth wall crap. It drew a specific fanbase, but the author itself was at fault, it wasn't accidental.
It was a huge disappointment for me.
>in b4 THAT pic with Muslim Toriel
>You know the one
What's wrong with that?
it was either hype or hate. and since this was Sup Forums every little kid hopped on on hating/shitposting/"trolling" because threads were everywhere. opinions get created, positions are made, "war" intensifies. and then everyone was like "WTF SHITTY COMMUNITY, GAY FURFAG ERRYTHING"
I personally liked the first playthrough of the game even though I cringed a few times, second playthrough was boring as fuck. dropped it after that and looked up endings on youtube.
Nothing really went wrong, because it sold and it's a solid game with a little replay value
The music is great though, Waterfall bgm is better than many 3A games.
I liked the humor, it was stupid, but I like that
The soundtrack was good.
and I guess the whole "breaking the 4th wall" was interesting at the very least. Especially with the saves.
Everything else is just shit. This whole NU male SJW attitude and the retarded community was pure cancer for the game and killed it in the end.
Music good
Graphics shite
Gameplay mediocre
Story is a completely mixed bag
I was crying my eyes dry by the time I was in Snowdin, Sans and Papyrus were like the friends I never had
With the game? Not a lot, although much of it comes down to your sense of humor.
With the community?
Also the way the game became so popular so quickly, much of the secrets in the game were swiftly datamined and discovered perhaps before their time. On the brighter side, plenty of decent fanart has been made for every thousand shitty ones.
This is almost exactly what happened but you're forgetting a few things.
When the reviews for the game first dropped, giving it a few 10/10s, people were pretty skeptical but overall pretty pleased. If the game didn't blow up, we would've found the next sleeper hit, sure to be placed into all the Sup Forumscore images from there on out. Plus, the Gaster followers and the ingame file mysteries had been found, and people were REALLY interested to see how deep the rabbit hole went.
But, about 2 weeks after its release, people on tumblr had taken an attachment to it. There wasn't a large fanbase at that point yet but it was there and starting to fester, churning out some cringey stuff. At this point, some people were questioning its absurdly high ratings, and, honestly, so was I. I thought it was a 9/10 at max but generally a 8.5/10 for some story beats dealing with Alphys, and Toriel/Asgore. Whatever the case, it had been rated higher than MGSV, which was absolutely huge, and it drew more people to check it out.
It was at that point that the bait images started rolling in from tumblr, stuff like the illustriuous "Humantale" image that derailed threads a many for over a month, and it also got to the point that large youtubers had started playing it as well, drawing the younger YouTube audience.
This was the point where people were starting to do the contrarian thing and pretending to hate it because of the new fans from tumblr and YouTube. It was still generally well regarded but most of the heaviest discussion had finally ended around a month into its lifespan.
Then the turning point began with the GameFAQs poll, where it wasn't until about the third round where things started going sour. People were clamoring to try and get Undertale to the top instead of OoT or FFVII like it always did, but so was Tumblr's Undertale fanbase as well, so when it won the third round, people were actively starting to hate it, on GameFAQs and here as well.
Not much outside of Sup Forums.
Even the fanbase hasn't really been on my radar for months.
I don't think it's been on anyone's radar for months, even the YouTube communities have sort of chilled out with the discussion, which says something.
Just wait for MatPat to do something stupid again like sending a copy of Undertale and a Toriel plushie to every UN ambassador or something. It'll be all over Sup Forums then.
Furfag in denial detected