Sup Forums why is this game so ugly for the most part?

Sup Forums why is this game so ugly for the most part?

Only mother base looks nice. Now honestly, I should have had at least 200 fps in the open word areas. At night, just with maybe even 2 or 3 light sources, the fps drops. Never beneath 90 but it drops significantly which it shouldn´t imo.

Does someone else think, that open world was a really stupid decision? The opening level in the hospital was great, the graphics looked really good too.

From the level contruction it really should have been like MGS4.

Picture related this is ridiciulous

Motherbase looks really good but that´s it. I think shiny objects, interiors are the strength of this engine. Pic related

another pic. Dunno why there is a fps drop srsly. Everyone is bragging about the great optimization. It is not well optimized, it just looks shit, it does not need a lot of resources. If this game had been well optimized, I would have had much more fps. I am using a gtx 1070

I still wish it was like GZ. I dislike open-world for open-world's sake, which is more often than necessary. It's one of those things that catches casual's attention for some reason.
But back to my point, if it was set areas that you went to in order to complete missions (which really, it is, they just have you travel across a wide range of nothing to reach it), I would have much preferred it.

blame Konami for giving small budget and forcing Kojima to make a shit openworld game

holy fuck i thought i was looking at sniper elite

it does look really fucking bad

>Sup Forums why is this game so ugly for the most part?

It's painfully obvious that the game was also on 360 and PS3, it suffers as a result visually.

> interiors are the strength of this engine.
And there wasn't enough of them. I wish amidst all of that open world you can infiltrate huge buildings.

For me graphics dont really matter that much. I just wish the 2 overworlds had more to see/do in them. I cannot count how many times i´ve been doing side missions on the same airfield.

>Developed for 360 and PS3 in mind
>Half finished
>Fucking Konami

It´s just stupid. Why does everyone consider kojima as some sort of King of games?

I honestly belive, that he is overrated. He is mediocre at best. Because of all the hype around him, he is producing shit like flying whales and other stupid sciencefiction.

He is just an edgelord with way too much confidence. He has no right for so much confidence.

Is this operation flashpoint cold war crisis?


because Fox Engine is literally amazing at making enclosed spaces look great, but as soon as Kojimbles demanded it be open world, the engine went to shit

Stupid science fiction is what he's produced for his entire career and one of the main reasons for his games' popularity. He didn't start doing weird shit because of hype.

>konami is at fault meme
Kojima wasted a fuck tonne of money on MGSV and making it an openworld meme game was Kojimas idea, thinking it was the natural progression of the franchise now that handling large open environments were commonplace.

>He has no right for so much confidence.
Right? He only made what is considered the best PS1 game, one of the best PS2 games, and some highly praised handheld games in the west alone. Where does he get his confidence at?

>hurr durr why are models off in the distance so blocky

kys pls

Download the mod that increases view distance. You get far more detail if you do that

Lighting and volumetric clouds are the engine's strength.

it was a great game though

It has no volumetric clouds. It's a ps3 game.

yes it does

It could have been. It should have been. But it wasn't. Huge chunks of it are missing and there was no closure.

I thought Afghanistan looked good for the most part but Africa looked like it was never finished.
The E3 gave the impression that it would be mostly a jungle area but it turned out most of it was savannah, and it looked like trash because there was no detail.

>muh story wasn't in it so it's SHIT

one mission cut early on is not "huge chunks" and what we do have is a highly polished collection of game mechanics making it one of the best stealth action games ever released.

But ofc it doesn't have a shitty Big Boss = darth vader main plot where you kill kids and niggers so the children hate it.

It was optimized to run on last gen and at 60fps1080p for current gen.

MGSV is actually one of the few ports were they bothered to improve the visuals a bit for PC, but yes the draw distance is disappointing, but I think it might have something to do with how the engine works and how it renders stuff.

I thought it looked pretty good


I dunno on the PS4 it just looks comfier desu

isn't one of the tricks that they actually use lower poly models, but the engine's lighting hides it?

Why are you trolling? The game is shit.

>stop liking what I don't like!!!!

It is an amazing game bro

This is the PS4 standard for "good graphics"

A bunch of blurry shit where you don't see anything, jaggies everywhere and some bloom for good taste

Then again the PS4 version probably doesn't even look that "good"

Like I said, motherbase looks great. Nothing else looks good though

You are trying -way- too hard bitch nigga.

TPP feels like it was going to be a bunch of levels like GZ that got forced into an open world.

I'm on pc my friend. You can't see anything because it's foggy which the engine handles pretty well I think.

looks good on my machine :^)

It's a collection of levels you can visit in any order like any other operations game. I like how apparently the only way to be a """true""" mgs fan apparently means skipping some of the games lol

You're obviously having a childish reaction to it and not taking everything into account. Ignoring the bad parts of a game doesn't make it good. The shit is still there. Stop trolling.

ill PM you the fix

okay? and ignoring the good parts of the game doesn't make it bad? The bad in this game was all far outweighed by the amazing greatness

I'd love to skip the 40 second chopper rides before every mission. The 1 minute of travelling through an empty map after being dropped off can get axed, too.

stop taking the chopper so much then, it's supposed to be a hassle, and maybe bring DHorse or a vehicle if you need to get around

Now you're just repeating what I say because you can't come up with anything better. You know the game is less than perfect. Why don't you admit it?

You really will defend anything in MGSV, won't you?

I never said the game was perfect but it's definitely not shit

I don't see the problem. Half the fun is planning the most efficient route through your objectives

Do you know what volumetric clouds are, user?

>Log in yeasterday
>My motherbase

Sitting in a chopper or driving through nothing isn't fun.

something the engine does really well

The game is painfully unpolished graphically. Despite the fact that the fox engine can render great looking stuff, open world doesn't seem to be a strength the engine has.

You know there are animals to hunt along the way that deduct demon points, right?

>Make an offline save
>Log in and take the dicking
>Log off and exit game
>Load up offline save
>Come back to game and log on
>You've now lost nothing

you don't even lose that much in FOB though what's the big deal?

There's nothing fun to hunt. I play the game for the gameplay. So much of the game is just making your way through a dead world to reach the gameplay.

It depends on how long you've been offline and what you have to lose. I have a base full of S+ and backing up my save prevents the constant losses from players looking to steal my staff.

Its crazy optimized. They developed it to run 20 fps on last gen consoles, so now it runs 60 on current gen consoles and even 60 on my toaster on medium settings.

Birds are like a tiny moving target that takes concentration to line up and hit, how is that not a fun little diversion. And it's good for once we have an open world that's more than just click here to teleport, it actually feels like a world jeez.

What's the point in farming ranks if you're never going online anyway, FOBs are a significant portion of the gameplay

Thought you were implying that the smoke grenade screens were volumetric. This is not "really well" either.


I'm talking about the dust clouds that kick up when you shoot

How have you come to that conclusion? I have one fake post but not the one you have quoted last.