Is he right?

Is he right?

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>You're know aware you've probably spent almost half your life getting mad at vidojames


This guy is great and the only alternative we have to Fitz in this cold, dark world. Shame he so rarely uploads videos on youtube, possibly due to having so few views/subs.

he doesn't offer any insight into anything. most people who are mad at video games aren't constantly going day to day thinking about how much video games are shit every waking hour of their lives. someone like him goes on the internet and gets a warped view reality

If you aren't being critical when discussing video games then you're just jerking each other off. Nothing productive comes from that.

There certainly are a lot of people who spend a great deal of time getting angry at video games or video games journalism or whatever.

No, he's wrong. 99% of modern games are absolute trash.
The jews bought up all the franchises and turned them all into the same 2 games of either cinematic FPS or open world action-rpg.

If you don't hate most games released today, you never had a good taste.

To an extent? Yes. It's not worth getting mad about every little thing, and I can guarantee everyone there's some game out there, free or paid, that they'd love and haven't played yet.

On the other hand, shit like No Man's Buy and Mighty No. 9 and Starbound is outright false advertising and should be addressed as the utter garbage it is. If you have fun with them, that's fine, but it's possible to have fun with something and acknowledge that it's a fucking mess or that the creators are cockheads. Example: FEZ.

What about Flimsii?

He's alright, I prefer Mecha. But all these guys are friends and have been in videos together, and they're all super inactive or dead.

Time to post Mecha's best video.

daily reminder that this man has communed with the spirit of our beautiful guy Fitz, may the soil lay lightly upon his remains.

But that isn't what he's saying. There's an element of cynicism to 'gaming culture' but it's neither critical nor constructive, it's cynicism purely for the sake of cynicism and it rarely calls out the real problems with modern games instead preferring a snarky elitism that adds nothing.

Wow, a thirty-something schmuck came to an incredibly original conclusion that nobody else thought of. Upboat away!

>"Am I saying never be negative? Never be critical? Of course not."

No. Videogames and the videogame industry have objectively worsened over time. The level of pessimism hasn't risen. The quality of games has lowered to meet it.

We need angry reviews because the normal media don't even dare to criticise anymore. If he can't help it, he should turn off his router and go buy some diapers instead.

It's a Sup Forums thing, mainly. This site is fueled by edgy fourteen year old pessimists. If you aren't one of them, then you need to 'go back to rebbit'.

yeah, I stopped getting mad at videogames when I was 15 and I realized how retarded I was
Unfortunately most of the people on this board operate under a false sense of elitism that compels them to endlessly shit on anything that isn't a perfect 10/10 because they secretly feel ashamed for playing videogames and thinking that they only play "the very best" makes them feel better

you know there are games that aren't walking simulator/cawadoody console shit, right

>some fucking idiot has made this image to start a thread on Sup Forums so that everyone can fume about a simple nice sentiment

I guess that's Mechagamezilla ruined now. He had a good run of going under Sup Forums's radar but I guess now he has to be added to the list of people we hate. Thanks OP.

> or video games journalism
Because they are lying, manipulative retards who use social politics to warp the reality of their medium to push a narrative that has nothing to do with fucking video games?

Na, journalists are fucking retarded. Video games are pretty cool, though.

The Irish are the niggers of Europe.

Could you imagine if board games were treated the same way as video games?

Shit games should be called out for being shit games, but some people get far too upset about video games. They're a hobby that people get a little too invested in.

Exactly, getting mad about about details is stupid.

But... allowing a Todd or a Sean to slip his slimy cock into people's wallet as he whispers "Mulitplayer" or "Mountains" in their ears, while everyone else watches IS NOT OK.

Nah it's worse than 14 year olds. It's mid 20/early 30s with the mental development of teenagers because they have limited world experiences.

how's it going, Paul?

Yes he is, if enough people star talking about the Simpsons as a thing of the past maybe the producers will get the message and finally end the serie's agony.

>people are legitimately getting mad about someone saying videogames are good and for enjoying
Proves he's right, whoever he is

Mecha started on Sup Forums, bro

>fucking entitled gamer shits! stop complaining!

if you had been around long enough to see how much better things used to be, you too would be turned into an angry cynic by the current state of the video games industry and the cancerous 'gaming culture' that has grown around it.

I'd say he's right, particularly with regards to contrarianism. That's ubiquitous these days, not only on Sup Forums, where popular = "normie", but sites like RPS, where any non-indie game is a dudebro COD shooter, etc. etc.

Just fucking play games, if you don't like them OK, if you like them also OK. This whole thing of waiting to see how popular something is before you declare your opinion so as to avoid accidentally liking something that "normal" people like is really fucking tedious.

>Being this underage
>Not realizing from day 0 that most games released in ANY period of time were mostly irredeemable shit

Way to overestimate how bad this gen was compared to others, retard.

I assume he's talking about the Gamecenter video

He's right and you can tell he's right because the only way people can imply he's wrong is by greentexting a retarded interpretation of what he's saying instead of reacting to what he's actually saying.


I honestly thought Simpsons ended years ago


I started with atari you little shit
You cannot possibly defend how every bloody AAA game nowadays is either an fps or action-rpg with the exact same mechanics.

What the fuck does that even mean. Pretty sure he started on youtube.

It's telling that so many people see what he said and read it as "all today's videogames are flawless masterpieces"
I can't tell if people on Sup Forums are just underage or have mental problems.

He's right, and it's one of the reasons I mostly don't consult online reviews or opinions before purchasing or playing games. Leads to me enjoying plenty of games where the 'correct' opinion online would have told me that isn't possible because the game is bad, downgraded, rehashed or whatever meme problem has been invented by idiots online to justify not playing it

Games communities in general are garbage discussions between people who don't play games and would like other people to be as depressed and negative as they are, I just come here to enjoy the cleverer shitposts

Battered housewife syndrome is what he's spewing.

He would be right if most games were made to be fun, enjoyable experiences, but unfortunately they're made to milk that $$$krilla.

>instead of reacting to what he's actually saying

he isn't actually saying anything concrete. only vague generalisations without substance.
>omg people are angry all the time!
>stop being angry its not cool!

like, what kind of answer do you expect to such a statement? if you had pointed out concrete examples of unjustified negativity or whatever your point is, then we could have had a proper discussion about it. but as it stands, all you did was throw out a bunch of passive aggressive criticisms into the open, directed at nobody in particular, and called it a day. great job man.

he's right and I always wonder why I'm still here

Sup Forums is full of bitter cunts and it's tiring whether it's "ironic" or not

half the time someone on Sup Forums shits on something its because

a) they fear a game/system will gain in popularity so much so that it overshadows a game/system they themselves love


b) they think its cool to be angry and are trying to impress anonymous internet strangers by grossly exaggerating their opinions

people on Sup Forums usually aren't legitimately as angry about games as they seem on the most superficial level and that should be obvious to anyone who's lurked here for more than a day. i can't say the same for youtubers, but it kind of sounds like he's calling out Angry Joe specifically in there and of the two Angry Joe videos I've seen, he didn't seem angry at all, in fact he was sucking the games' dicks

so no, he's not right, he just can't handle the bantz

>being passionate about things you care about is now a bad thing

neo-Sup Forums is real.

>retarded greentext interpretation of what he's saying
Hey, you did it! Great job

If you started with atari, how can you not remember how shit the games were? Most of the games coming out were shit. A rare few were good

People have become addicted to gaming to the point of buying annual releases and forcing themselves to "enjoy" it. They aren't enjoying it. They 12 year olds calling grown up 12 year olds cocksuckers and faggots. Does that sound like enjoyment?

Do you have to buy every new game at top dollar?
I haven't bought a new game since Dead Island. My first and last pre-order, ever. It was a mistake.

I hated every fucking minute of it. I tried to play it to the end and just couldn't. Awful.

I started playing the classics again. Things I use to play that were FUN.

You hate games, Sup Forums. I mentioned classics and I bet your meme arrows were just full of the nostalgia goggles meme. You hate everything. You don't have to.

Someone posting about a game you don't like?
Leave the fucking thread alone. Every fucking thread devolves to flamewars. Every fucking thread. Because of your negativity, Sup Forums.

You mean like how every atari game was either a top-down shooter or shithouse "adventure" game with the same mechanics?

Or how every NES game was a poor man's platformer, or side scrolling action game with the same mechanics?

Or how every SNES game was a JRPG or a Metroid clone with the same mechanics?

Or how every PS1 game was a JRPG or shitty action game with the same mechanics (and horrible framerate/draw distance)?

Nigga, you're living in denial if you think video games are much worse off now than they have been in the past. Stop being a faggot, user.

Yes, he's absolutely right. Gaming culture doesn't have valid critique most of the time, it has retarded outrage culture with little to no substance.

Just look at Metal Gear Survive, people say it's shit without even a snippet of gameplay and almost nothing known about the game, how are developers and publishers going to take your fucking issues seriously when you have nothing to stand on?

Fuck this discussion, post Mecha

Best video coming through

it's because people had a lot of fun shitting on swtor and mass effect 3 and want to recapture those moments by shitting on everything

You should play Dying Light. It's basically Dead Island but actually good

>people on Sup Forums usually aren't legitimately as angry about games as they seem
being an ironic cunt doesn't make you any less of a cunt

The worst in recent history was the No Man's Sky shitstorm, people somehow GLOATING that an incredibly hyped project was a miserable failure, going "I told you so" on an anonymous imageboard. You could be angry, sad or just not give a fuck about a project that failed, but being happy something people looked forward to for years is not the right response you enormous autists

>Going on an anonymous anime image board and frothing at the mouth over every little thing you don't think you'll like is "being passionate"

No, it's being a fucking child. Little baby-kids do that sort of shit in the toy isle of Walmart.

You clearly don't follow board games very much. They've come far enough as a medium in the past decade that the first two are legitimate criticisms.

Newfag spotted.

>literally playing board games in 2016

Yeah, they were. I hated platformers and like 80% of the games released for the first few console generation were platformers.
But then we had a golden age around between 1995 and 2005 with many new subgenres invented and so many are gone now.

Syndicate was a unique tactics/strategy game. Now known for being a generic FPS.
Dungeon Keeper is now a P2W mobile city builder.
Doom is now a console fps.
Combat flight simulators are completely gone as a genre (besides DCS), because the modern gamer doesn't want to read a 500 page manual.
The RTS genre pretty much devolved into DOTA clones.
Party based RPGs where you control multiple characters are now generic action-RPGs. Even Final Fantasy games removed the ability to do real party tactics.
We even had interesting mix genres like Battlezone or Giants: Citizen Kabuto that combined base building with action.

So many unique genres died out or were transformed into fps or action rpg.

more like mecha game shilla, haha

So much this! Metal Gear Survive is assuredly going to be a fantastic game and these piss-babies need to a reality check. MGS has all the makings of a great and unique experience like crafting and survival game play and zombies. Who doesn't love zombies? I just hope it's early access so we can play it before it's released!

>mechagamezilla becomes so contrarian he contradicts contrarians on Sup Forums

God forbid we have heated discussions on a topic we all enjoy. Besides, you seem to have missed that Sup Forums is like a simulacraic parody of reality, anonymous at that.


He barely ever talks about any currently relevant games.

What is up with all the redditors invading and projecting their insecurities here?

It's also pretty sad from the standpoint of Sean Murray, who aside from being incompetent at PR and saying plenty of things a properly-media trained person shouldn't, seemed to genuinely want to deliver something people would enjoy, and people were happy that he failed. How much of a bitter husk do you have to be to hope someone else fails in pursuing their dreams?

user please, you are being facetious.

Again it's like Mecha said, it's not that you should never be critical or negative, just make sure it's not all you do

>Dis nigga don't know 'bout based Thunderstone, Pandemic, or Twilight Imperium

The no-friends life must be suffering.

Shut the fuck up and accept the pun.

yes, Sup Forums is full of assholes. the point isn't whether they're assholes, the point is that they actually legitimately enjoy video games and you can't take the extreme negativity at face value

and you've got to be kidding me, everyone saw the No Man's Sky blunder coming from a mile away, the only excuse would be if you just watched a single trailer two years ago and then didn't read anything about the game after that until release

He's being intentionally vague to appear deep and "above" all "haters and cynics". People have been saying similar things for a decade now, but just because he's an obscure Omega Male (tm) YouTuber I have to respect what he said for some reason? Yeah, nah.

exactly the type of retarded 14 year old I talked about spotted

And no, been here close to a decade now. That's probably why it's so bad now, because I'm not an edgy child anymore.

>Sean Murray
What went wrong?

He said "sneering cuntery" not sneering contrary

then they should stop providing me with material to be critical and negative of

>seemed to genuinely want to deliver something people would enjoy

do you know Sean Murray personally? why would you say this about him moreso than any other developer?

Saying that complaining about a game with almost no info around it is stupid isn't the same as saying said game will be fucking great. Don't be a fucking idiot.

I'm sure it'll be a lazy crashgrab, but complaining about it being a lazy crashgrab works a lot better when you have some concrete information on it.

Sure thing, buddy. In the last week I've heard the "I've been here for a decade" thing around a hundred times, complete with screencaps stolen from nostalgia threads.

It is actually, thank you for your concern.

what is this the fucking court of law? that shit doesn't matter in the real world. i don't need evidence or kind of solid information to make a decision and see patterns and make judgements on instinct


>Iwata is dead
>We only have Sony , it's $500 console, it's $60 notwork "service" and a bunch of cinematic experiences as the future of video games.


>i don't need evidence or kind of solid information to make a decision and see patterns and make judgements on instinct

That's a fantastic way to make people realize you're the kind of person nobody should take seriously ever.

He's not saying games are flawless, he's talking to his audience on a personal level and warning them not to fall down the rabbit hole of obsessive negativity.
It's a simple and fair point and the only way you could disagree or be mad about it would be if you've already done that and you're hooked on being mad.

yeah, I feel bad for him too. I want to say he should have known better than promising things he couldn't deliver, but I've never been asked about the features of a game that was still two years in development

You could say that comicbook guy from the simpsons also actually really enjoys comics, that doesn't make him less of an asshole character

As for NMS I never gave a fuck, I remember seeing the titlecard with the black diamond before but I didn't really pay attention to it at all until it got forcefed to me for two weeks straight by assholes gloating about it failing on Sup Forums

And if it was that obvious beforehand that it would fail then the gloating when it did is even more pathetic

>mom i called someone a newfag again, i think these guys will like me and believe i was even alive when the site was founded soon!

When the thing you're passionate about is hating video games then yeah, it is a pretty bad thing.

I'd like to play videogames with mecha and listen to his nice voice

Aww, he's so human and likeable, just like DFW. I hope he follows his literary counterpart, desu.

they wouldn't take you seriously or change anything if you were to give them a well thought out argument so what's the point? i'll just be here, casually and accurately calling out a game's failure while butt hurt niggers go ahead and write a three page essay on people like me and why we're wrong

>they wouldn't take you seriously or change anything if you were to give them a well thought out argument so what's the point?

You need to leave Sup Forums for a while.

Surprise surprise, Sup Forums doesn't give a shit about your feelings and how you and other idiots "looked forward to a project that failed".

you need to leave Sup Forums forever you redditor shit head


>getting mad about people being human and likable
Jealous of what you'll never have, autist?