Lost Ark thread.
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Lost Ark thread.
Did you get in? If so, we have a Discord!
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20min gameplay
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>korean trash
>killing anything but your will to live
>implying Diablo needs any help dying
It does a very good job all by itself.
did you have to be a gook to get into beta? or were they taking americans too?
wished i woulda known, i would have signed up.
Cant wait to play it in never when it never comes to the west
>Diablo Killer
>Diablo Killer
How can it be a Diablo killer, when Diablo already killed itself?
the abilities and classes look really great, but i worry that mobs will be as brainless as that video throughout the game.
>20min gameplay
that looks fuckin great desu
this, when you'll learn Sup Forums
>Diablo Killer
is this 1998
This is nothing more than a way to promote the games classes. You don't go to the hardest boss in the game and then promote your game as being too difficult because then people would not play it.
But OP, Grim Dawn has been out for a while already.
I love all these games claiming to be "diablo 3" killers lol its sooo pathetic at this point.
They all feature bigger worlds, much more skills, classes and just much more STUFFF!
But in reality not one NOT A SINGLE one controls, plays and actually feels better to play then diablo3....
Maybe all these Diablo 3 "killers" should focus more on making the game enjoyable to control, work and actually play instead of filling up everything with just more crap? Get the actual play part as polished as D3 only then you can even compete and no amount of gigs of stuff you cram in it will change that.
Looks like downgraded to me.
>I love all these games claiming to be "diablo 3" killers lol its sooo pathetic at this point.
Unlike those other games, this one actually has good combat.
D3 handles well but still was designed by retards and sucks ass.
>Korean Shit
hairstyle 50 dolla, no? fak u here bomb
Marketer go, and stay go.
I can't tell if it is a Diablo game or a MMO. It looks fun, definitely worth a playthrough, but it could very easily and probably is a huge fucking grind and microtransaction shit.
Okay but how many fucking skeletons can I summon?
D2 had the perfect ammount of complexity.
D3 is too dumbed down and POE is unnecessarily overcomplicated.
1000 jew points per premium skeleton pet, 200 more for your skele to wear a funny hat!
>ZERO thief classes
>ZERO magic classes
ZERO interest in buying your shitty game. I can be a generic Warrior or pistol guy in literally EVERY OTHER FUCKING GAME.
>[game] killer
I heard that about torchlight1,2, grim dawn, path of exile, sacred 2 (awesome), titan quest (awesome).
There are good games in there but i wasted good money on games and gamers claiming "thats it" and it never is lol Like never ever.
Blizzard are really kings of polish it seems.
Cant take this Diablo killer talk seriously after like 10 games claiming it and failing lol
But sure i will try the game.
People still fall for Korean games?
but that's wrong retard
Im a huge Diablo fag, and played probably 6 seasons of D3, can confirm that hardcore PoE is definitely more fun and probably a better game.
The only thing that D3 has over it is polish, especially in animations and play fluidity, but as far as content, PoE blows them away. Also, its free, or very cheap if you feel compelled to buy a few tab slots on sale with your steam wallet.
I can agree with that. Having too many variables actually makes the game boring,
How is PoE complicated?
Look at that fucking skill tree. It's like some goddamn Unlimited Saga nightmare.
Why play that garbage when Path of Exile exists?
>free without korean jewing
>already out
>full of content
>getting an expansion in 10 days
>runs like complete shit
>not anime
>Describing a game as a " killer"
not him, but stuff like righteouss fire and their builds are not user friendly.
I dont view it as a bad thing, but there are some aspects to advanced PoE that are complicated. That said, making an earthquake build and stacking health or a lightning archer is ez
it's not remotely as complicated as it looks at first glance
>korean trash
Hows Black Desert online doing, pal? v needs a new rule; no more korean games threads. They're all trash, all of them.
what's this? didn't play in a long time
>Unnecessarily overcomplicated
>Garbage animations that don't feel impactful at all
PoE is only good in theory. The gameplay feels awful
moshi moshi baito desu
>>getting an expansion in 10 days
whelp, here we go again. so much for crusader king 2 expansion
The Atlas, new map system coming out with patch 2.4 on Sep 2
Americans still fall for Korean games?
You hate jews when they take your money, but you don't hate us Korean when we take your money?
Americans are funny.
Looks like a trash korean game that will die in the west because it has a shitty p2w model that only gooks enjoy.
Its from the upcoming expansion in order to attempt at fixing the mapping endgame
>"Diablo killer"
>when Path of Exile exists
>when Diablo 3 exists
Hell, even Grim Dawn FINALLY came out.
Where's the thief? Where's the mages? All the class video showed off was Archer, Fist guys, Greatsword dude, Pistol faggots, and Gunlance straight outta Monster Hunter.
Where's my sneaky melee class that steals shit and fucks with traps to help my bros along dungeon runs? That's right, fukkin nowhere.
Thread should have ended here.
Nah its really simple when you get a grasp of it
Builds are made around keystone->es/hp->dam->other thing
no more acts?
is the expansion a new main game area?
Because the combat in PoE is shit.
>Cookie cutter "Put everything on same passives and use the most OP skill boosters"
PoE is a character builder
Diablo 3 is fun hack and slash
Lost Ark is graphical perversion i want to try out at least.
I miss him
>where's the classes
in the video OP posted.
Grim Dawn is better
haha that shit doesn't even look as good as path of exile.
I thought koreans were supposed to be good at making videogames?
>Gook shit: Online #95128541
When will you retards learn?
Combat in PoE feels horrible and falls into the same shit every other game in this genre does.
Either spec heavy into AoE spam build, or be completely worthless on higher difficulties.
It's a mini expansion that changes up the end game
Yeah you are right in terms of content diablo 3 cant compete with most modern hack and slash games
first post best post
>playing the korean release
It's an endgame focused expansion
most of the changes are additions to the mapping
Yeah, we got 4 classes, repeated a couple times with different names. Fucking WOOOOOOOOOOW.
New act is supposedly in December
We are good at making games look good, our women look good, and in the end we take your money anyways.
Some people around the world say Korean games look good, but they don't know cash shop apparently.
>lol these enemies r such skrubs
>y cant they 1v1 me whata bunch of fagits
gookshit online games are always fun for the first week. then you drop them
Wow you can count to 4, that means you should be able to tell OP posted 3 videos.
its SJW trash
Really depends on your build,
it would be if it had a closed online
youd think they would have made it super modular so that they could shovel new content into it like WoW or even Torchlight. Instead they made a fucking static game. I have no idea how they fucked it up so bad.
Enjoy your terrible boss times.
>Diablo killer
It's 2016 grandpa. Diablo died long ago.
"closed beta"
this is not how you advertise a game
that being said I still want to give it a try
I just want my old health orbs back.
More like what's the point of even developing a bunch of skills if only 4 of them are going to be used by the time you reach end game? "Build diversity" is a fucking meme that boils down to, "Rape your character's performance for the sake of the snowflake effect. Also no one wants to play with you now."
There are 3 problem I found in Grim Dawn
1.The map is not auto generate,meaning its always the same,for game with multiple difficulty like it,feel kinda boring to replay
2.The epic and legendary have the same flaw like diablo 3 and other games, they are just rare with better stat and sometime adds "%chance to cast xx"
3.Crappy end game content, d3 and poe BTFO grim dawn this aspect
>when you shill so hard even shitposters don't want to derail your thread
Enjoying your PS4 cinematic experiences bro?
the most important part of a game ( the gameplay ) is shit in poe
Enjoy being raped by 10,000 unit skeleton mobs and never making to the boss.
OH boy.
Another shitty korean MMO that will never come out in the rest of the world.
That's why you have both single target and aoe ya tard
>korean shit
ahh so it's a marketer thread
I liked the legendaries with + to all skills or certain skills. I don't think rares could roll all skills.
B4 ascendancy this is true, but after ascendancy its not anymore
Literally every build is viable in maps right now
Its up to you you enjoy it the way you do or follow the clear speed meta and clear map as fast as possible.
>1.The map is not auto generate,meaning its always the same,for game with multiple difficulty like it,feel kinda boring to replay
There is a little randomness in the dungeon maps, and the overworld does the same thing where it's a little random each time.
But yeah, it's static just like Titan Quest. The game really is just Titan Quest in a grim coat of paint.
I actually like the maps in Grim Dawn versus the auto generated maps found in other APRG. GD's maps are well designed for the most part (some areas are just trash), but I do agree that GD's end game content is lacking.
B-But they're working on it. Please look forward to it ;_;
Was this supposed to be a complaint?
Only for the first few characters
Story is terrible, gear rng variation is wide beyond necessity, ground effects are shit, damage system is unnecessarily complicated, lack of functional pvp pretty much nullifies the reason to grind
>good at making videogames
Say no one ever. Even their character design literally steal from japan
Honestly, isn't the diablo-style control scheme pretty shitty when you get down to it? You just click at things!
No shit, which boils down to why these games have shitty gameplay. You literally spam a single attack for entire fights, and since waves upon waves of trash mobs is the majority of these games, guess what skills you spend 90% of the time spamming?
looks like shit
I'll stick to Path of Exile
Better or not.. On the other side.. its like whatever.. hack and slash is among my favorite genres and its not like there are millions of these kinda games out there.
Fuck me is still play titan quest occasionally (including slow down in immortal throne last dungeon lol)
The only Asian can make game is Jap. Chink and gook games are fucking trash