What made the PS2 so amazing?
What made the PS2 so amazing?
It had games. Unlike ps4
This, the PS2 library is top-notch
please stop posting this inaccurate image
>that image
What a lineup
I can't imagine seeing something like that nowadays.
This. Half of these games were timed exclusives but whoever made the image conveniently doesn't mention this.
Nowadays the *also on PC shitposters would tear this list apart.
I like all the PlayStations
Back then you still had exclusives on consoles that arent Nintendo.
Also people used to buy and support superior japanese games.
Games where cheaper to make. So devs didnt have to rely on tricks and bullshit to rake in a profit
Games upon games, upon games.
It was the cheapest DVD player for a while.
Better lineup than the entire current gen.
games were still new
PS2 had a monopoly because Nintendo kept pissing off the third party & Xbox was brand new
Today all of those would be multiplat except the SCE games
meh 1999 dreamcast is more impressive, at least to me it is.
ratchet and clank and dbz games
Games were big enough money to be big and well made, but not big enough money to be really jewey
>never again will a new game console ship with up to 3 games, 2 controllers, and a lightgun
This was a big part of why they moved so many units. And more units in the market means more reason to put your game out on that system.
besides Shenmue, I seriously can't think of a single DC game worth mentioning.
Crazy Taxi says hello
You had your chance to revive the light gun games with the Wii, but most people didnt buy the light gun games on it.
Short game development time
Every time we heard about a game it usually came out the following year
Who cares?
If you had a PS2 you had tons of games to play.
Exclusives are a fucking meme, "I have only 4 games but at least only I can play them"
>exclusives dont matter with consoles
w e w
It had insanely large library of games. Nintendo fucked up a generation earlier with the N64 and lost most of it's 3rd party developers because of it and XBOX hadn't proven itself yet so developers avoided it.
The wii u has proved this.
you are a retard. the wii u failed for entirely different reasons. kill yourself for being this stupid.
Most overrated console, basically a weeb shovelware machine. Now they put just all that crap on the Vita.
You are a ticklish little bitch, aren't you? The wii u has nearly 0 third party support, and can't sell even when its cheaper than its competition. Exclusives do not matter, the sales prove it.
exclusives matter to consoles faggot especially during the ps2 era.
>exclusives dont matter now which means it didnt mater back then!!!
you are literally comparing two different eras of gaming you stupid nigger.
The shit hardware that held back its gen. In terms of power, the PS2 was the Wii U to the Xbox (PS4) and Gamecube (Xbox One) It also had loads if devs that loved to produce Wii-tier shovelware and was cheaply made.
Easily by far one of the best launches of any console.
Meanwhile compare the Wii-U, 3DS and PS4.
ps2 launched in 2000 though
You were that kid who had an xbox right?
>hardware restrictions forced developers to make the game fun because they couldnt patch it up later
Developers still thought video games were the future. That belief is now long dead.
Nope, all I owned was a Gamecube. Cool friend of mine had an Xbox though, and I hated seeing multiplats having shit graphics due to the PS2.
Never even touched the trash system until 2008.
Catalog made the videoconsole. It has a lot of games and a lot of them are 8/10 at least. The developers really pushed what they couldnĀ“t on the last generation, playing something like DMC
or RE4 was a dream before this.
Also it had best controller that gen, a fuck ton of 1:1 arcade ports just when arcade was dying, it was a DVD player, It had good couch games, it was moddable, the best online play of all 3...
The last generation before the bullshit: It was just put the disc on and play. It was the golden gen of consoles if I have to choose one. The GCN was also great, too.
careful your underage is showing
Limitations, audience, and controller.
>The shit hardware that held back its gen
>lots and lots of titles
>far more flexible compared to previous gen
>games were innovative with tech
>new hardware on PS2 was used for gameplay
>restrictive graphical power meant games had to play better than they looked
New games were just as expensive then. However preowned games were massively widespread, there were even bargain bins filled with PS2 games
So you were that kid.
Kinda sad really. I've never seen anyone bash the PS2.
And this as well. Online updating for the most part has only encouraged releasing literally HALF FINISHED GAMES and removing unlockable rewards with Jewish DLC tactics. If we could go back with the progress and innovation we've retained today vidya would be perfect.
xbox had dlc dumbass
Why don't you try reading the OP post again?
this is a 6th gen thread dipshit
It's okay kid, I didn't expect you to apologize and admit you are an idiot.
stay booty blasted then
>What made the PS2 so amazing?
Not the XBOX, the XBOX was HUGE, not amazing
>complaining about shit graphics during the best console generation
games have far more to offer than being an interactive shiny object
dont make me laugh, the xbox was way better than the ps2
It was the last generation where you had to actually make good games to get good sales. Shit couldn't be patched, like every gen before it, so you either shipped a finished game, or you shipped shit.
Also game development and graphical design kinda peaked. What I mean is, everything looked good enough to portray real objects in a very clear way without being super photorealistic. That meant games could be made in a reasonable amount of time since they didn't have to work on insane graphics (even though they looked nice at the time, the work load was just less). Less time on graphics, means more time on making shit to actually do in the game.
>It was the last generation where you had to actually make good games to get good sales.
6th gen was when sports games really started to take off
user you are killing me.
not an argument.
>Sup Forumslack
>had an xbox
>was That weird kid in class
It checks out.
I can only hope that with this gen developers realise that improving graphics is pointless at this point. Everything looks fine now.
With the insane budgets many AAA games have they should be focusing on making fun games again, instead of rendering every pore on the character's face
And your is?
PS2 didn't
No, and the PS2 was quite the proof of it. Actually having a library with good games >>> Having half a dozen exclusives.
xbox had superior online and multiplats that didnt look like hot garbage
ps2 didnt
xbox > ps2
i don't live in the US, so i've never ever seen someone with a shitbox around here. maybe 1 or 2 kids had a gamecube, literally everyone else had a PS2.
>never owned a PS2
>was That Kid
>goes on Sup Forums
Project what? You had an xbox and not a ps2, you were THAT KID in class man. There's literally nothing I could project here.
>Exclusive software
Except five of those games were released on other platforms within a year.
its pretty easy to say all that and not have any proof of it
what the fuck makes you say that? i owned both retards
Lower expectations
People didn't whine about bugs and things that didn't affect them because the internet wasn't as much of a wide cesspool as it is today.
You would talk to people you knew in real life about games, and thus would have much better conversations because you could connect on a level beyond just the video games.
Gaming budgets weren't inflated quite so much, games had to be known for their quality not their name recognition (obviously not always). Hype marketing existed, but it wasn't to the level it is today.
QA was better, patches were possible but I don't think they were even remotely common. Games obviously still had bugs but generally you were thrilled to glitch out a game because you didn't get to see that kind of stuff very often.
I think we just didn't take gaming so seriously back then, people didn't see playing PS2 as a part of their identity that needed to be defended at all costs. Again, there were exceptions to this but I can only speak of my experience as a middle schooler playing PS2 all day after class with my bros
Ps2 had games, Xbox didnt.
Wich ones from the literal several hundreds the system had?
well meme'd
How were those GameCube textures Nintendorone?
max payne 2
>No proof.
>I had a GC
>the PS2 was trash
So how were those 3 games the GC had?.....
>Something something not an argument.
>muh sales
fuck off
PS2 was literally the cool kids console. You grew up to be a well adjusted person who didn't fap to imaginary gfs with it.
The economy was better during that time, the meant that developers were allowed to experiment more. After the the little recession everyone is covering their asses and not taking risks and just doing what 'works'.
Jet Set Radio, Daytona USA 2001, Soul Calibur, Sonic Adventure 1&2, Metropolis Street Racing, Space Channel 5, SEGA Bass Fishing, SEGA Sports titles and Skies of Arcadia all want words with you.
you didnt have one either faggot
>brings proof
Hold this L
so then why are you here?
Owning a PS2, Xbox AND Gamecube was so great. Each console had different games that was fun in their own ways. Truly a great time to be alive.
Glancing at my stack...
>Vice city
>Vice City Stories
Tony Hawk PS 3
>SSX Tricky
>Nba Street Jam BOTH Vol I & II
>Burnout 3
The PS2 had some good games
>ps2 actually had a great library of games
>ok post proof
>posts a pic of muh 155 gorillian sales
kill yourself
Being on Sup Forums =/= Epic depressed homo who faps to his waifu
>he didnt own the best console of 6th gen
my condolences
>No proof
Wew lad.
>...b...but it was a DVD player
Didn't the Xbox also play DVD's?
It got the sales because it had the games
>22 mil
Man, those Nintendo Exclusives really worked out for them
>still talking about sales
>posts a bunch of mulitplats
>still doesnt mention any exclusives
>mfw ps2kiddies think their precious console has any """""""""""""""""""""'exclusives""""""""""""
Heck yes