2 hours

>2 hours
>literally no hype

What went wrong?

Other urls found in this thread:


Didn't care about Human Revolution.

Don't care about this.

does it have denuvo

my titans in sli cant run it

Denuvo is the biggest fun blocker.

Denuvo destroys the fps and even games like ROTR (looks as good as the 2013 version) runs like shit.


>My computer is shit and I can't accept that


can we please stop this shit?
It's stupid.

Doom runs just fine.

Aren't 7 active Deus Ex threads enough?

cut content
cash shop
game ends with blue ball ending

Man that season pass is so expensive. Hopefully the DLC sucks ass.

mad mex had denuvo, everyone talked about how well it was optimized, and how you could do 60fps on low-tier hardware (still a shit game)
if denuvo is the problem you must be trying to run the game on a smartphone

>cash shop in a full price single-player game

if i pre-order do i still get any good goy points?

>looks as good as the 2013 version
gotta get some glasses

denuvo killing SSDs/ruining performance has been confirmed as an excuse. the only thing denuvo ruins is your ability to play the game for free really early with a crack

Is this a Cat in hat?

afaik it's just 2 more missions, more items and stupid shit for the breach mode so you won't be missing much

hell the missing link was shite.

It's going to be shit and everyone knows that already.

Yeah figured the DLC would be crap after Missing Link so I doubt I'll be missing much.

No it doesn't.


Cash shop? Where is this a thing? Or is it part of the stupid breach mode.

If you do 100% you get a trailer of the next game, Deus Ex: Humane Conflict which continues the adventures of adam jensen as a member of the illuminati trying to take down bob page with a baton

Yep, breach mode.

I think basically if you don't get what you want you can buy stupid shit for real money to use it there. I highly doubt it will be interesting enough in the first place.

Oh, i don't care then.

And claiming these things don't happen has already been confirmed as bullshit astroturfing by pro-DRM jagoffs. Go post on neogaf or some other even more retarded board

D44M ran great on my 970 meme card

nice try though user

[Citation Needed]

You can't just make shit up because other people have inconvenient points, kiddo.

The game is unoptimized.

>People blaming Denuvo by making up technical issues just because they cant pirate it

>Everything said in favor of a company or their methodology is shilling
Vladimir please, keep on stealing accounts. I know it hurts that it took this long for you to enjoy Tomb Raider but please bring your entitlement elsewhere.

There's your answer. I'm not touching that shit from a mile.

Because I'm not interested in piss filtered button awesome simulators.

>mad max
>having problems with fps when everything is flat and nothing

>2 hours
>Consoles and streamshitters have the game already
This is why the hype died for me.

My cat lets out farts stronger than that point, user.

>doom runs great on a mid-range card
No fucking shit, it is 60fps 1080p on fucking PS4.
They still optimized it like shit though, since I can't run it on lowest despite having 670 which is certainly a better GPU than PS4 has.



Enjoy not playing then, poorfag.

Rig is too shit and I can't afford a new card.


DSP forever.

Are you memeing me or what? Doom looks like fucking carbage and I'm not supposed to run it even on lows because it's a card from 2012? A PS4 has the card from 2012, a fucking 960, which is comparable to 670 in nearly all fucking benchmarks, runs doom, while my is not.

>muh shitty obsolete 670

So does Jensen still instantly die from exploding knees when he falls more than 2 meters without the icarus aug?

I know it's obsolete, it's about optimization on comparable hardware, dumb fuck

>my obsolete hardware should be able to this and that

I also have a 670, what particularly is wrong with it?

they're shitposting, ignore

developers should waste time to optimize for my outdated hardware

A card from 2012 on a console will outperform your shit card because the optimization is built around that combo of CPU+GPU

>those games (AAA shooters & Co without interesting MP) are usually 90% stolen by pirates
>now Denuvo protects the games
>pirates can't steal them anymore
>90% of people don't hype it up anymore

Just started playing it, any tips?

Piracy is the biggest meme scapegoat of the gaming industry. The only people who pirate are third worlders who can't buy the game at all or not without 9 months' wages.



Didn't outpeform in other games, Doom is one of the few, if not the only exception

>no one talks about the shitty game
>no one hyped about the shitty game
>h-heh denuvo w-wins again! heh!

t. console player who buys used games

They just wanted to be done with the trilogy, it'll be mediocre but it'll be a nice end to the franchise.

He doesn't know, quick point at him and laugh.

Remember to enter 0451 at the first keypad.

How to get your game removed from the steam libary: the post

The devs revealed that achievement weeks ago.

I just got my physical copy of the game.

It's literally just the box with 3 disks in it.

No instructions, no promo for other games, the code is just glued to the box on a piece of paper.

So already I'm disappointed.


crack when

Why hype anything? Really? WHY? Once you get let down once, when will it be enough? People literally get paid to hype you regardless of product quality. People will promise things that will NEVER happen just for that hype. When hype= fake promises- your money....why hype?

lol liar

this was coming out this year?


You could say Mankind is Divided about this one

If it doesn't run like complete ass I'll get it, I liked HR well enough and this seems like a decent sequel


why post it then, liar?

Look at DE and tell me why I need a SLI setup to run that shit at a constant 60fps? This shit shouldnt require more than a 970, not still perma die using the current top of the line GPU.

Are you okay Carlos?

>Game don't have ridiculous hype
>This is bad

I think it's part because the game doesn't have that big pre-existing audience and that by being from a nip dev it don't have good marketing and will release broken...but in a dream world every game would have this reception

I never asked for this.

>Powerful DRM

It didn't work with Starforce, it won't work with Denuvo. That being said eventually enough people bitched to where Starforce was dropped. The difference now though is people willingly eat the shit that developers are shoveling into their mouths. Thanks normies.

it destroys mods too

I will report when the game unlocks and i get some gameplay in.
Fully expecting to be able to get 60fps, i don't give a fuck about visuals as long as the textures are not putrid vomit tier.
I will turn down everything related to filtering or blurs or shadows, i don't give a fuck about those.
I will get my frames

Hearing about the ingame dlc and shit, also how the game doesn't really have an ending. Just not feeling it. Think I'll just wait for the goty edition desu.

>by being from a nip dev

I will never understand how dumbass people don't know the difference between publisher and developer

Micro-transactions in a single player game.

>supposed to be out 20 mins ago

>Sup Forums
>knowing anything about videogames
pick one

its in 40minutes
is this your first vidya launch ? its always at the same time trough steam m8

>4pm, gmt0 is in 40 minutes
Is this your first day on earth?

don't know where you're getting that time
steam releases the game -> check steam store page

>preorder bonuses can only be redeemed once
>want to do a ghost playthrough and then a combat playthrough afterwards? Sucks for you
>done to incentivize the microtransaction shop

Yeah nah, fuck this game

just because a person is starving doesn't mean they'll eat shit

>Can only be redeemed once
As in they aren't redeemed to your account, but a single playthrough?
What the fuck.

why? still clinging to that myth of denuvo destroying hard drives? or some other made up shit?

>needing items to beat the game

that SLI setup is for 4K you idiot

>Variety and options are bad

The only games Sup Forums talks about are Bloodborne and New Vegas

Discussion here isn't exactly high quality

why do people care so much? just don't use it...

its hitting performance tho and hard

Deus Ex was fantastic, and if you read about the development, it was almost a fluke that it was so good
Invisible War was disapointing, and even the same team couldn't save it
Human Revolution was great, and if you read about the development, it was almost a fluke that it was so good
Mankind Devided: ???
I have a feeling it'll suck