Which Tamriel race is the best race?

Which Tamriel race is the best race?

also, Elder Scrolls thread

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Dunmer for that fire resistance

Dunmer for the whores

Breton for magic resistance. I enjoy rolling a paladi with them and slaughtering mages.

Dunmer are fine too.
Argonians and Khajiit a shit. Argonians ruined Morrowind like opportunistic vultures, and Khajit are drug dealers and thieves.

Breton for gameplay, Dunmer for lore and culture
Everything else is kind of meh, except for maybe the Argonians

They're all equal.

>They're all equal

Race is a social construct after all.
Shame Imperials cant understand such concepts, I tied up some Khajiit and threw them into a lake to retrieve later. Apparently I'm a murderer, they insisted I was mad when I explained they were bigots for implying only Argonians can breathe under water. I identify as a Dunmer (I was born and pigeon holed as Altmer by my racist parents), I hear they are going to try to burn me, jokes on them I naturally resist fire.

>muh Elven Supremacy
Tamriel is for all races, you bigot.

If there's one thing I can't stand about Skyrim, it's how every Dunmer (mer for that matter) is horceface as hell.

Thankfully mods can easily remedy this

> the Skyrim games
> the Skyrim series


It's a joke, you moron.

Argonians because they are the only race that's literally never done anything wrong.

>stealth archers

>tfw noone remembers me

> start TES with Skyrim
> B-but it was just a joke bruh XD

Yeah, I know the average teenage, hang yourself piece of shit.

You have to be 18 to post here

As long as i can play as a stealth archer, any race will do

i'm more of a mage kind of boy

>picking anything other than ancient robots when you can be a ancient robot
dwemer nigga

>the empire is evil

>selling out your people and faith because you're scared
>leaving some to die because they're brown

>[an obvious joke]
That's wrong though, this image is stupid

No, seriously. That racial sheet is a joke:

>Imperials hail from the province of Oblivion, home of the evil Empire
>(Argonians) all wear daedric armor
>something about talking trees, which is also cool
>noteworthy Nords include Ysgramor, Ulfric Stormcloak, and Lydia
>the "island" of Morrowind
>Bosmer live in "graceful harmony with the trees" almost identically to wood elves from LotR
>Redguards are Nords who became black
This thing is literally old bait. How do you not see that?

I started TES with Redguard.
I do not like Morrowind

>Redguards became black, and as no surprise to anyone they resorted to piracy
Fuck off Sup Forums

If you pick a race that's not Nord, Breton or Imperial you should be hanged.


Orc masterrace

Breton was my first in Oblivion
Khajiit my first in Skyrim

What's the deal with stealth archery?
I mean first time I played it's my obvious choice for survival, but did everyone do that too?

Only right answer is Altmer.

That's basically what everyone gravitated to in Skyrim, since it's the most useful.
I try to steer clear of Stealth Archery as best I can.

Tamriels races are all liberals, if they weren't you would hear all sorts of raciest/funny shit.

Part of the reason is that vanilla Skyrim draw time is slow, and for some retarded ass reason the draw time SLOWS DOWN as the bows get higher. Aside from Dragonbone bow, the progression of bow speed gets slower until the Daedric bow is literally twice as slow as the basic long bow. With big enhanting and smithing with max arrows, the Long bow can easily out DPS the daedric bow.

Dunmer designs in Skyrim are the closest they've ever gotten to their original artwork. They're not meant to be pretty by human standards.

Altmer.. Because they're the most hated at the moment.

Because they don't give a fuck

Altmer are the master race in-universe.

Bretons are best in-game because passive magic resistance is more useful than anything else.

I wish Imperials were split into three races. There's enough lore difference to justify the Colovians, the Nibenese, and the Heartlanders being separated into different races. They're at least as different from each other as they are from the Nords.

Lizard pussy.

I was reading on Arena and Daggerfall recently, and I wonderded : how did they achieve such a huge map with computers at the time ? Is everything randomly generated ?

Pretty much, yeah. There's some that wasn't, but all the stuff that wasn't important was randomly generated.

>skyrim 2 still isn't announced

Daggerfall is a whole load of nothing. It's constantly hyped up for being as large as the United Kingdom in terms of landmass, but there's nothing to do.

Is the next game taking place in Skyrim?

And with the memory capacities of the time, I guess it changed everytime you went back to the same place ?

>Wanting to touch a ligger's disease ridden cunt

No Todd. No more pig disgusting nords. Anywhere else.

It'd be about as disease ridden as anybody else's.

You know what I think would be a good idea? A game focused entirely in the Imperial City. Bring it up to the way it was portrayed in ingame lore; a truly massive city, worthy of being the capital for an empire that would dwarf Rome.

I don't know; I did play it a bit, but never really got into it.

Hoping to see best girls in the next TES game.

>Stealth archers
>Stealth archers everywhere

Comon, that shit was funny though objectively false.

I don't get the Stealth archer hate. The most broken class is two handed heavy armour.

How to win at Skyrim
1. Pick a Nord
2. use only two handed weapons
3. use only heavy armour
4. spam enchantment and smithing
5. Enchant everything with two handed weapon buff
6.make a second set of cheap armour and enchant with improve smithing
7. make a 200+ damage weapon at level 15

gg alduin.... gg.

Seriously, Stealth archer isn't as broken as a two handed Nord with enchantments.


Having played a lot as stealthy archer, the advantage is that it requires absolutely no effort.

No smithing or enchanting or whatever.

I'd never really considered that but it sounds like a good idea. Would be like Thief with my stealth archer build.

No, it was procedurally generated initially and everyone who plays will have the same seed.

Same way you can share maps in Minecraft.

They're disease resistant, so long as she's got good hygiene there's nothing to worry about.
you will never bury yourself into an Argonian's egg-stretched, clammy cloaca

I feel like the most broken thing is twin souls dremora lord conjuration, summoned bow, and dragonhide. Enchant all for archery bonus, and you're killing dragons before they land, and even if you suck at aiming the dremora lords draw most of the aggro.

Really, I just want it because I got massively disappointed when I played oblivion and saw how small the Imperial city was. I get that there were limitations with what could be done, but I really feel that Bethesda has to be reigned in to a small area to do justice to it within engine limitations.

Did you enjoy reading "The Lusty Argonian Maid"?

>tfw not lurking enough

What is the pineapple for?

>Implying I legitimately haven't masturbated to that book

Skyrim was made for casuals, play that shit on legendary, the whole system breaks.


Pain. The fun kind, provided you're on the right end.

Nord master race reporting in.

>caring about fedora tipping 'muh science' retards who existed in a world where gods interact with people and magic exists

So the Dwarves did a Magnus and got stuck in the Warp?

You mean the master race that took in elven gods because a bull fucking whore told you?

>that first time you read the Lusty Argonian Maid
>playing Morrowind on the loungeroom TV
>just going through as normal having some fun shenanigans
>reading through some books I have in my inventory
>read that
>now this young lad must fap

Spotted the redguard

dude what
Skyrim is a shit game but if there's something I can praise about it is its representation of Dunmer's appearance


Can somebody tell me some GOOD oblivion mods?
Specially the ones who fix the leveling, please.

use OOO and realistic leveling.

But he was a god.
Technology was his sphere, the Clockwork City his domain.


Or, the short version, what said. But still check the guide; its got some good advice.

They became the metaphysical aspect of their giant robot-god.

Are there any mods that make Skyrim's water not look like shit-stained river with actual waves?

Morrowind's water can look pretty amazing with actual waves instead of just a texture.

That's not a Dwemer, tho. That's Sotha Sil.

>if your race goes instinct, you win
Was Sotha Sil the Justin Trudeau of TES universe?

The most likely answer is . Other possible answers; they zero-summed, they got eaten by an Et'ada who was sick of their sick, or they possibly fell into the void.

But merging into the Brass Tower is the most likely answer.

What about unleashing that plague?

Objectively best god. It's a shame you couldn't meet and talk to him in Tribunal

Isn't the Brass Tower destroyed already?

>Filled with Dunmer straight out of morrowind
>Not a single one has a Vvardenfell accent
That was one thing that was weird about their representation in Skyrim


Yeah that's why I specifically mentioned their appearance.

>arrive in Solstheim
>full of Dunmers
>"Hail traveler, what can I aid you with?"

Sort of. Its physical form was destroyed at the end of Daggerfall, but its not like the Dwemer created a tower to make Numidium; its more that they built a shell around it (or drew the tower to the shell). That's what was destroyed; the Tower itself, if I recall, is rather more sturdy. And continues to fuck shit up well into the future.

That is what you get for being daedra worshiping scum.

I hope I get to carve the name Talos into every altmers forehead to remind them of their place.

We'll it did have a lot more spoken dialog

Who needs oblivion when you got a blade?


Two hundred years change accents quite a bit. Nords aren't Scottish anymore. That said, I miss dunmeri voices.


That's literally what happened you fucking CUNT god I hate you you fucking disgust me you smelly baboon. The red guards immigrated from Yokuda and then became Pirates it's literally in the lore get cancer and die you disgusting fucking freak of nature.

>everytime I start reading the deeper lore of TES
It is always 1am when I am in these threads too.

The base games have fairly simple to follow storylines but once you start trying to account for the actions of the gods and metaphysical realm shit gets fucked.

>it's CHIM I ain't gotta explain shit

>not rolling a redguard Mage anyway
>not being a mageslayer
>not having enough hp and overpowered armor that magic means nothing anyway
