Post starships, faggots.
Post starships, faggots
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Argon Represent
What's that from?
Terran Conflict
I busted my balls trying to get that, but apparently, you can just buy it in Albion Prelude.
Isn't star trek supposed to be realistic?
Aren't these parts extremely structurally weak?
Ah, I never played the X3 games.
>Isn't star trek supposed to be realistic?
Where did you hear that?
Also, this is Romulan design, not Federation/human.
Forgot pic
Perspective tricked you.
>Isn't star trek supposed to be realistic?
Not particularly.
>tfw love the look of the Galaxy class
>but want the damage so I have to go with Saber
is that from star trek online?
Fuck that ship is fucking huge.
Look how fucking insanely huge the Enterprise D is, this only shows 2 decks and a bridge.
Now think of how big the Warbird fucking is.
And unlike Enterprise, D'deridex-class starships are warships.
my favorite
The entire front of the ship is one massive gun.
They built the ship around the gun.
Your argument is invalid.
Argon have shit ships, unless its OTAS.
>allowing a fucking retarded design like that into atmosphere
Absolute shit. Whatever game that thing hails from is garbage.
Capacitor Lasers, BITCH I will ram you
Enterprise B best Star Trek, E second best
The following is classified level Rho.
Fun fact, the effects artists actually fucked up it's phaser banks, the phaser banks on the D'deridex is it's "Eyes" (the circle thing where the eyes would be on a bird), not the "nose" like in the show. The "nose" is a deflector dish.
Is this accurate?
It is very realistic. The only part that has people in it long term is the beak. The engine ass section houses a fucking quantum singularity. I.E a black fucking hole. Its dangerous. Same with the warp nacelles. Generating a stable warp field is not safe. That's why they're spread out as far from the people as possible.
For how it was actually shown in the show. The eyes though are it's proper weapons.
Yes and no. That sode view doesn't show that the top and bottom wings are actually quite thin. It just LOOKS way bigger than galaxy class due to the design.
I'm mad. As fuck. Hoisemates being dicks mean my old pc is dead and i cannot get back into my lifetime sub'd sto account.
Musta spent about 3-4 grand on ships etc.
Buy the t6 galaxy refit. Its sexy as fuck and rwally lets you layout the beams of death.
Whoa there.
I've only just started playing as Federation.
There's also t6 klink and rommie refits of the DD and neghvar. They are also sexy as fuck.
Thanks for that.
If you have more .webms with Romulan ships, please share.
Yeah, but how much time will I need to grind the dilithium for them?
They have sweet set ups and command cruisers are actually fucking sweet as party boats. All the buffs man
All the buffs.
Alot. 50 ish usd or some crap for all three.
Not a ship, but here is the bridge of my D class warbird
And the bridge I use on my Fed Akira class
Shame the Romulans don't get to change their bridges, like the Federation and Klingons can.
And last the bridge of a Klingon Negh'var
>Massive freighters with guns
The Trade Feds were lucky the Naboo were massive pussies.
Just took this of my Akira sitting outside Earth Space Dock
It fell.
I love this thing.
Oh man, the capital ship battles in that game were really something.
Some of the ships parked inside ESD
One of these days I will come back.
I pre-ordered the game back then, got burnt out before hitting level 30 and now every time I try to come back it's a culture shock.
>Isn't star trek supposed to be realistic?
Only if you count commie fiction as realistic.
So, not in any way, shape or form.
I played back in closed beta, got the lifetime subscription and then took a few years off. Been playing on and off for the better part of 2 years now. Game is fun and has held up surprisingly well. Always lots of people on and they bring out new content fairly often. I can't remember the last free to play game that I've played that was like this.
Anyways, Breen ship this time.
back int he days
God damn that UI is a blast from the past. Too bad all my old screenshots got wiped when my harddrive got de-mag.
Kobali Samsar Cruiser this time.
On a side note I hate the Kobali. Fucking body snatchers. Should have just let them get wiped out by the Vaadwaur.
>tfw just realized they made a non-cannon Entreprise F
Is Star Trek Online f-f-fun?
This looks kind of like the rebel TEC Titan.
They're both fairly basic geometric shapes
It's basically an Alien Bug Lich's personal flying Space Coffin/Phylactery.
We need more Basic Geometry ships in this thread instead of Wineglass stemmed shit from Star Trek and whatever the fuck is supposed to be
>tfw Iconians spray graffiti all over your ship
I'd argue that's it's pretty fun if you like flying around in Star Trek ships. Also everything in STO is like pseudo canon. They have to get approval by CBS before they can actually add anything story/contentwise. Hence why we're not allowed to play as Androids or Holograms. I mean you can make a character and say they are either of those, but there is no base class you can choose to play as.
I find the ground combat to be a bit meh. Space combat is pretty fun though.
Starfleet Prometheus class this time.
Blast from the past you say?
Heres Sup Forumsfleet ruining raids for other people by pulling all mobs to the spawn point
Im in the video
I really liked how X3 made space spooky.
Will each "season pass" include the previous dlc with it? I'm not sure if I should get the current one or wait until the game is actually finished.
Aww shit. It's too bad you can never get a group for those big fleet ops anymore. I miss doing shit like Starbase 24 with like 20 people. The closest you can really get now is Crystalline Entity, and that's just 10fps the mission.
Here is the Prometheus in Multi-Vector Assault Mode
I remember the days when people were grasping to be the first to COMPLETE the crystalline entity.
I stayed up for 10 hours trying to finish it
Is that a teeny tiny warp coil on the top of the section on the left?
Is there a Sup Forums fleet in EU?
Same here. I tried to lead my old fleet, AoA, to be the first. It was really annoying because people in that group didn't seem to have any grasp on how raid mechanics worked. Eventually I just gave up.
B'rel Bird of Prey
In STO how does warp travel work? Is it instantaneous A to B, or do you really warp through the galaxy?
vidya trek, no idea how active it is, havnt logged in in 2 years
Any good Star Trek ship flying games out there?
How is the mmo? Worth getting into?
Yes, it is a tiny little warp nacelle. It comes out when you go into that mode.
It's all one server so I don't think it matters if it's EU or not. I don't know if the Sup Forums fleet is still alive though.
Heading over to the Qo'nos Shipyards now.
you travel though a world map called sector space
Completed it the day before it got nerfed. The trick was to have as many Fire at will beamboats as possible, and a bunch of science vessels all equiped with tractor beam and subnucleonic beam(pre nerf) to slow the shards
You travel though a warp sector map
Sector space with astrometrics on
Warp travel through Sector Space with astrometrics off
Sup Forums fleet fed side is sort of active. there's 3-8 people that play regularly. there was a recent expansion but the hype is dying down again and their temporal alts are getting most of their rewards complete so people aren't on as often.
Klingon side is dead as far as I can tell, maybe 3 people play that.
What is the best X game to play? terran conflict or albion prelude?
So is the entire game played on a single axis or is there free form movement in the 3d environment?
>No one posting the best ship from sto yet
Dumping more ships. If anyone has any requests I'll see what I can do.
Hey guys, is it worth getting into STO for the first time or is the game dead? Is it still good for multiplayer or will I be seeing empty space all the time?
Also how is the grind? I miiiiight be willing to spend real money on it if I end up liking it, but even then, I dont know how i feel about grinding for months to get a better ship...
Romulan Warbird.
Sleek, sexy, armed to the teeth. Not to mention having a shield draining weapon.
Post krenim ships
oh God I spent so many ecs trying to get the dreadnought and it was shit
From what I understand, you don't have to spend money on ships until you hit level 50.
The rest is cosmetics, species unlocks, boosters and so on.
Oh yeah, if you think you might want to come back at some point, you should create a 23 century Starfleet character and get it through the introductory story sequence by tomorrow.
You know it's all about the motherfucking Kestrel!
See video in for a taste of how space combat looks. It's an old build but the principle is the same.
If I could fucking get one I would.
Grind is pretty easy, game is very much alive. They're even doing so well they're releasing console versions. This game is like 6-8 years old now. You don't have to spend money, you get exchange refined dilithium in game for premium store money to get better ships. That shit takes a while though and the market is always fluctuating.
Aight, give me a minute.
Vo'Quv Carrier (technically mirror universe version). I can launch 4 Birds of Prey from this instead of fighters.
daily reminder that Imperial Navy stomps over any other universe in existence