Be me

>be me
>be stay at home dad
>wife does a lot of work at one place, I stay home with two kids and cook, clean, and raise them since I'm legally unable to work thanks to physical disabilities
>had a Wii U when it first came out and bought Super Mario Maker at launch, my kids were 4 at the time
>thought to myself, "hey if I can't find a good way to get my kid into video games, why don't I make my own?"
>make a crap ton of "Early Learner" levels, no stage gimmicks, no pits, and most importantly, no enemies, I don't want them to feel bad for losing
>make the first few about jumping around, running, and learning about how to move
>the next few are about coins and powerups, learning more about how the mushrooms make you able to bash in bricks and also use the spin jump in Mario World to destroy them
>next few are puzzle and a bit more platform based, using Yoshi jumps and switches
>they're having fun and enjoying it
>current day
>making the new stuff for them turning 5 (they're twins)
>place about three enemies in each stage, koopas, goombas, and buzzy beetles
>koopas to learn they can be kicked around, goombas to learn they're trash, and beetles to learn they're still alive
>a few of the last ones involve spike tops to teach you can't jump on them, and hammer bros to learn about patterns (they're only in NSMB style)

Super Mario Maker is probably the best Tool/Game I've played in a long time and I've made maps for TF2 and CSS. Can't wait to see their faces when they see Mario die from Koopas.


>can use a computer
>Unable to work

Pick 1 you dumb lazy faggot

>stay at home dad

You are part of the reason the West is dying. Kys

If that's the way you want your children to grow up, thinking that losing is something rare and unheard of, then go ahead.

I grew up knowing I could lose at any time.

Sometimes loss is necessary to get you to try again some other day, to stop you from progressing so that the goal is that much more satisfying when you reach it.

And then, once you finally make it through Mario 1 with your cousin and all the goombas are replaced with buzzy beetles, your mom thinks something's wrong with the game and hits the reset button on your NES to fix it.

All of those troubles and hardships make me into someone I can be proud of. I hope your children find their strength hidden somewhere in your tailor-made experiences for them.

You should've used enemies and pits from the beginning. Kids aren't retarded and they would have easily figured out how to deal with these obstacles. I was playing Super Mario Bros on the NES when I was your kids' age and I had no problem going through the game.

Modern western children are actually less intelligent than previous generations.

Stay at home dads are the ultimate redpill.

>stay at home dad

so youre making your kids into casual pussies. also do you fucking this this is reddit youre wife is probably fucking some other dude since youre disable

At least he is being productive while you shitpost on Sup Forums

>12 years later
>"Hey son do you wanna play Paper Mario: Toad Festival with me? It's been a while since we played something."
>"Dad you're so lame. I'm going to go play football with my boyfriend Joey. Video games are for kids."
>"O-Okay, l-love you too..."

Yeah, now the daughter you raise grows up thinking men are all beta faggots, and son grows up thinking it's okay to be a worthless piece of shit

Totally redpilled

just let them play Mario you cuck. you're a shining example of what is wrong with modern gameplay; it doesn't let you figure out anything on your own.

He said, contrary to every statistic

If the kids says something that direct, there is no way the kid has not shown his disinterest in vidya way before that moment.

So women who stay at home and care for their children and the house are beta faggots and worthless pieces of shit?
Also, do you teach your children to judge others and generalize people based on their preconceived notions?

What's the problem about being a stay at home dad?

Holy shit this
>Obligatory tutorial level is your dad
>Constantly hand holds you in everything he does because he doesn't want you to face even the slightest difficulty
Your son is gonna grow up asking people
>What is this? How do I do this?
For simple shit like how to copy and paste. Let him explore. Let him learn. Let him learn to try things. I grew up having to figure things out on my own. One of my friends didn't. Guess which one of us knows how to google, is better at vidya, and consistently knows that if I don't know what to do to explore my options and mash random buttons?

Women are supposed to stay at home while the man provides. This isn't even a social aspect, it's a fucking evolutionary one that has been the method for hundreds of thousands of years. When you turn it on its head, things go wrong.

So his son should grow up thinking women needs protecting and doting on while he does all the hard work to support so they can stay at home having fun and fucking the mailman behind his back and his daughter should grow up to be a manipulative cunt who knows she doesn't need to contribute anything to society and just needs to look good so she can attract a male slave to do everything for her?

I mean, don't get me wrong, he sort of fucked up when he got a wife, but at least he's the one living the easy life.

go back to tumbler faggot. a women needs to stay at home but cant cause the man is a beta faggot that works a shit job

I'm just gonna get my son to play DKC and Super Mario like I did when I was five, losing is part of playing games and improving.

it means youre a giant pussy or a lazy nigger

>Can use a computer
>Can't fucking work

Nigger, what the fuck is wrong with you? How brokenly disabled are you?

When I was younger, I worked alongside some people missing limbs, deaf people, blind people, for fucks sake I know a guy who worked at a call centre who had just about 0 function below his waist and spasm'd out every few minutes, and even HE landed a fucking job.

So for the sake of SCIENCE, OP, please detail with evidence exactly what otherworldly, hellish deformity has befallen you because unless it would actively disrupt the space time continuum and warp the concept of matter as we know it if you were to leave the house, if your life and our lives were obviously put into such peril that our fate becomes so incomprehensibly dire at the mere sight of you, I cannot fucking fathom what is preventing you from working aside from being a lazy shit.


If your kids can't handle original Mario and need guidance for fucking jumping, they and you should shoot yourselves for every cent you spent.

why is this faggot posting like its his daily fucking blog?

>Women are supposed to stay at home while the man provides.
So. He lucked out and you are jealous since you are a wagecuck in other words?

How so? he's taking care of the house and the kids; both things are incredibly demanding.

I'm not jealous at all. Since when does pointing out that something is retarded mean someone is jealous?

>lucked out

you mean he is weak and a fucking disable faggot

>women need to stay at home because cavemen used to do it

its sad when humans apply their superiority complexes to their ancestors

gtfo tumblerfag

>Tfw infertile

I got the lucky wife to support me and I stay at home all day but I will never be a dad.

Hate kids anyways.

>no enemies, I don't want them to feel bad for losing
You're raising faggots


>something is seen as the natural order forever
>suddenly turn the idea on its head
>instead of letting it happen naturally, force it, and shame anyone who disagrees with it

What could possibly go wrong?

>people are this jealous of OP taking care of kids, being married, and not having to work

Okay I'll let you know.
I once worked at a wal mart. I did cart bullshit. I worked late at night
One night this car hits me
I'm in the ER, yeah?
Turns out my left foot had to be completely cut off because the guy ran on top of my foot that it could not recover. So now I'm one less foot. This happened when my kids were two years old. On top of this I also have M.S. so that's great, but the one thing I'm glad for is that I get money off of it.

Also, to those people wondering about my children being "tutorialed," I'll give an update.
Son managed to use a koopa shell to kill a goomba, and daughter realized that goombas, in Mario World (they're called galoombas now, right? the ones that are round in Mario World?) can be picked up and thrown. I might do a few boss levels today, and make some interesting key levels.

One more thing I should mention: They hate the donut blocks. They' love water levels (I don't know how) and their least favorite enemy right now is right now, bloopers.

Because not having to work sounds fucking sweet?

I mean, I get like 2 hours for recreation a day just working a simple 9-5. I'd love to have a sugarmama to give me money for doing chores I have to do anyway.

And yet doesn't have to work his ass off so someone else can spend his money.


humans are supposed to not wear clothes or medicine, use tools, should really just have stayed in the trees

Women stayed at home while the men provided because women are physically weaker and works like hunting or collecting food were physically demanding.
We live in a modern society where physical labor is automatized and people practice intellectual works, ones where men and women have the same footing. Women being the breadwinners isn't as farfetched as some of you think.

lmao you worked at wal-mart? maybe if you had a better job you could have saved your foot

yeah his poor wife has to work a job that probably why she is fucking Tyrone on the side

hey op just letting you know you are scum and a parasite

Indeed. It's like being a NEET but with an actual purpose and economic stability so no depression or suicidal tendencies.

Stay mad faggots.

I love you man. Don't let people shitting on you get to you. You are doing it right. I hope I can live such a happy life as well.

>Not living the best version of life

If I end up having kids I hope I get to be a stay at home dad

Man every time some one has a good life people always push what ever they can to try and make it totally seem its not perfection.

Nigger you just jealous.

nothing says low self esteem like making fun of someone else actually /working/, even if it's somewhere shitty paid and boring to work like Walmart.

Aren't you the one shaming him for being a stay at home dad? Fucking hypocrite.


He's western so she's gonna be fucking Tyrone either way. At least now he gets cash for it instead of giving money to his wife to fuck Tyrone.

Well said.

>Force it

What makes what's happening right now 'forcing it' and not just a natural progression of women being accepted in more roles in the workplace to provide for their family?

>humans are not supposed to wear clothes or medicine
>wear medicine
The worst part about this is they put me in that position. I wanted electronics and they gave me that ass position. Then my friend from college goes to an interview after me and he gets his job, I ask him what he got and he said electronics.

What's worse is that he was shit at his job, he ended up asking me about amiibo and Xbox One shit, didn't know what the P in 1080 P meant and thought a blu ray disc could be played in a Wii U.

The last few days I worked they replaced the carts too. The old ones were perfect but they were old, and the new ones were awful, they had the traction of banana pills. There was a case where a guy hit a whole row of cars with the carts with the cart return machine.
We're on Sup Forums I think we're all scum and parasites considering over half are probably NEETs who get Mama Money to get vidya.
It's not as happy as you'd think. I have some problems with standing up longer times obviously, but I will admit it's a lot better than I had with my childhood especially with my mother with M.S. had so many types of meds one night she almost burned the house down because one of them caused her to just... I don't know man. She wouldn't respond to me and dad, and then she would do weird shit like piss on the front porch. I hope I don't turn out like that.

I hope that if you do it's not because of a fatal injury.

>I hope that if you do it's not because of a fatal injury.

I certainly hope so too

>I don't want them to feel bad for losing
Congratulations, you've bred fucking casuals, you literal neo-male.

They are children.Literal small ones. His actions make sense.

They're 5 years old

Maybe he can get them to complete the original Rayman when they're 10 or something like I did

lmao gotta love the 16 year old boys talking shit to OP like they actually worked a day in their life and not spend all day posting shitty anime posts on Twitter. The fuck happened to Sup Forums, anyway.

Yo, I take back what I said. So long as you aren't just coddling them constantly, we're good. Glad to see you're paying attention to their likes and dislikes, but challenging them anyway.

When I was five i was playing Doom. You get used to losing - that's the point of a fucking game. You win or you lose.

Boy, they're doing levels today with enemies. They've died a few times but they know that there's danger. I mainly didn't do that until they could read and now that they can I'm gonna make sure they will know what kind of danger lies in store.

Today I'll make some lava/castle courses, first time for them. I'm gonna see if they try to get under Bowser to get the axe. I'll give them a fire flower and see what they do. If they don't get the axe, I have ideas of how they could get it to let them know getting the axe is risky but makes the fight end early. Probably something like put a few coins there. A bit of coaxing, you know? Reward them for doing something like that.
The internet became more available, that's what happened. I remember years ago we would actually discuss vidya and shitposts were usually TONIGHT'S THE NIGHT threads.
See the above. And also, I think I mentioned they're 5 years old now. Guess I should have also mentioned that around a couple months ago, I think March, I added bottomless pits to show that there is death below.
>tfw son calls it "the falls like I did when I was a kid"

Oh shit haha I remember those threads man that stuff was awesome

You are making me less and less hate kids.

Throw in some thwomps, those are scary.

You sound like a fucking rad dad, man, I won't go into detail but my own wasn't how a Father should be and its the little things like this that kids remember as they get older, let me tell ya.

I remember the Engineer update so well, Sup Forums lost their collective shit when someone posted their golden wrench. Kinda makes me wish Valve would do that again.
You're welcome? I mean trust me I hate kids and babies, or at least I used to, but then my wife was like "I want to have kids" and I thought "yeah I could do this."

Good Idea. I think I shoud make them partially visible, maybe make it to where they can be seen. Thing is I think they'd run past it since they like running no matter what. I could do something like make a few brick blocks above and they have to climb up before a big Thwomp gets to them and breaks the bricks and gets to Mario. That's a better idea than letting them hang since they run almost no matter what.
I could add a few conveyor belts next time in another course to punish them for always running. Their reaction times are pretty good, but they aren't "jumping immediately before they hit a sawblade when they step on a conveyor belt" good.

Don't fall for his sugar coated cherry picking, they're annoying

God... I seriously can't wait to raise a family of my own, but it's gonna be a long road. I hope to someday be in your position, making stages for my kids. I just hope I have the lesiure time to do it.

I guess I'm really good with kids and my girlfriend is open to the idea of having me be a stay at home dad once we get financially stable. It's just a lot of school and work until then.

And even then, being a stay at home dad with no disability compensation like you seem to have will probably be a financial strain. Maybe I should just give up the idea of being involved in my kids' lives in this way?

I hope you feel blessed, despite the troubles that you've had to endure to get here.

I hate kids and a lot of people I know who felt the same always had their own and suddenly they're completely turned.

In that I mean you hate other peoples' kids but when it's your own child it's different, ya know?

Such things have never been considered an actual job when women did them.

Though it would be funny to do that right now, showing that something is only a job if men do it

What a fucking moron


I actually feel nothing for lolis and shotas. Maybe a little disgust but its all fictional so what does it matter.

>not being childless and both of you work
looks like someone likes being poor

is there any games like this on pc or anything but wii u?

I'm not gonna buy a wii u for one fucking game

Wow, disgust? You really DO hate kids!

are you implying
that a woman
that is working
is wrong?
filename not related

Not him, but don't you feel a bit, annoyed/sad that now you have no life of your own?

Like, for everything you do right now you have to put your kids/wife ahead of your own needs.

That would be so frustrating to me.

Yes. There's been Mario editors around on PC for decades.

Most of them are way better as well since you can actually do stuff with it.

Can you blame me? They are like retarded midgets. But there can be something endearing about caring for them.

>wifes sons

you could, you know
buy a wii u and get more games
i mean just because it's mostly first party at this point doesn't mean it's only meant for mario maker.
Mario Kart 8 is great and Smash 4 is a no brainer, and then there's splatoon which rekindled my shooter interest, and Hyrule Warriors is fucking amazing and fun, albeit a little slow since it is a warriors game.

That's a pretty fucked up way of thinking about kids, but it takes all kinds, I guess. Can't really blame you.

It's like a romantic film.

When you watch them you start to really want a girlfriend so everything can be perfect and sweet and you can live happily ever after.
But then when you return to reality you realize people are human and humans are awful.

If I read Yotsuba I wish nothing more than to have a child I can take care off, my biological clock(if men have such a thing) goes haywire.

Then I see a child on the buss smelling of dog saliva while yelling for no apparent reason and I remember children are disgusting and all those thoughts disappear until I read it again.

Life should be more like anime. God fucked up.

If you're worried about there just being one fucking game on the Wii U, then you'd be pleasantly surprised.
Try out shit like Bayonetta 2 and The Wonderful 101, why don't you?
I also recommend Sin & Punishment and Sin & Punishment Star Successor on the Wii U virtual console, as well as Dynamite Headdy on the internal Wii emulator's virtual console.
Hi, I'm a Platinum and Treasure fan.

Not only that but hell the VC collection of games, albeit small for N64, is huge for almost everything else. There's GBA and DS VC and they also have DK 64 on VC.

Or you know, you both can get off your asses and work, doubling the family income and opening up opportunity to have more enriching experiences

And leave your kids at home feeling neglected.

Oh, nah, we'll just hire a maid or nanny to care for the kid when they're young, and the only way any love will be shown to the kids is a weekly allowance when they're older.
Money can buy you anything, y'know?

I have a 3ds and its all fine and dandy but I really can't justify buying another console from this gen, I am also a PC gamer and fell for the xbone meme. Every console this gen is a giant kick in the nuts.

>I fell for the xbone meme
I'm so sorry. Holy shit. Sell that garbage.

I would but I actually have 7 friends I know IRL that play it every once in a while. Its the only redeemable quality. Everything else about it is a sad depressing reminder of wasted hard earned money.

Your doing it right user. That's how I would raise my kids.

Sauce desperately needed

I honestly don't remember. I know I've read it before, but I can't remember what artist, even.
I'm a shame even to lolicons.

>It's a biological imperatives are a sound basis for societal norms episode