Show me what ya got Sup Forums
You know damn well you want to edit this
Show me what ya got Sup Forums
You know damn well you want to edit this
I'm still fucking mad
Gary was here
user's a loser
Needs a single tear rolling down Ash's face
and Pikachu working Serena's back end
who is she fucking?
Kalos' champion.
Is that professor Sycamore?
>not fucking Greninja
It's Alain.
The new Kalos champion
>fucking the mon that got cucked by edgyzard
u wot
Does everyone hate this guy now?
>That greninja in the back
only ashfags hate this guy
Mega Charziard X or Y? Because one of them doesn't have a weakness to water or dark
Some people like him, some people hate him because they feel his win was unfair or whatever.
There's a meme going on in /vp/ where him and Serena get together because of how much of a cuck Ash is, and it's making shipfags angry.
Is that the Alolan form or whatever it's called?
Alain syncro-evolved with Greninja.
That's basically the ultimate "fuck you' to Ash since syncro evolution is seen as a once in a lifetime bond between a trainer and a pokemon.
>giving a fuck about girls
It would have been much funnier if Serena was at the door while the champion fucks Ash in the ass doggystyle.
When did "Ash cares about girls" meme begin? Never watched anime but I'm positive he never was.
In other words, Ash got cucked.
I hate his scarf.
Ash sure has fallen a long way from the Ash I remember growing up.
Idk what the fuck was going on in the anime since I was way behind (on the episode ash gets sick) but this is hilarious
X, but Greninja got one shotted by blast burn.
You heard me. BLAST BURN.
thats why serena is fucking that guy, didn't get attention from ash.
I keep seeing this serena cucking ash meme, but what exactly happened other than the loss? Is she going to travel with the dude who beat ash now while ash goes to another region?
>Expecting good writing from pokemon
Makes no sense regardless. Unlike the other pokegirls Serena seems to be loyal towards him.
It should be the dude fucking ass while serena watches.
Ash deserved it after the whole "aim for the horn" bullshit he kept pulling back in Kanto
>Mega Sceptile got one shotted by Water Shuriken
>You heard me. WATER SHURIKEN
that's right
Apparently Serena isn't going to the next region with him and is being replaced.
People aren't expecting the whole Ash/Serena thing to go anywhere especially after they hyped the league up to make it look like he won, yet he still lost.
The Kalos League Champion
he wants to be frogadier
Yeah but he only has resistant to fire, if his health is low enough then a fire move can knock him out.
She's just going to get replaces like every other Pokegirl, so it really wouldn't be surprising if she ends up with the champion.
It looks like he literally tore off some girl's hair and put it on his neck. You can even see the hair bands.
Also Protean
He was ONE SHOT.
What an autistic board.
Crit happens
Feels good not being part of dumb shippings.
The salt is glorious.
Alain confirmed scalping serial killer
He threatened to murder Serena if Ash won
Sup Forums
And Sup Forums has some the worst edits
>murder her pussy
Crit and Protean
Last move he used was Water Shuriken.
edit required of Gary and Ash's mum
It's a bit hard to top getting turned to stone by Mew and Mewtwo while trying to stop them fighting and having the tears of every Pokemon in a 20 mile radius bring you back to life.
I got nothing then
I never saw I single episode of Bleach, but I take it is over if you brag like that? Romance in Shounen never goes anywhere until the very last episode.
no no no
you have it partly wrong
he literally fucks her to death then scalps her to make a scarf
what happened?
Goodra got fucked by a Guillotine so she's down to 50% win rate.
even better
guess who she fucked
Probably nothing, because that's what became of Rukia's relevance, especially to Ichigo's dick.
Is there anyone who can stop my boy Alain?
user pls
It was the worst manga ending I've ever seen. Pretty glorious.
>villain becomes god
>battle starts in one chapter
>ends two chapters later
>big ending bonanza lasts two chapters as well and doesn't show what happened to most characters
I think he was told to wrap it up asap.
This needs serious updating with all the jobbing.
Yep. Finished last week. Cant believe I lived long enough for Nurutu and Detergent to actually end (Bort doesn't count)
Yep, it was facing immediate cancellation so he rushed the ending. Didn't have much of a choice but it still sucked ass.
I hate Ash's stupid ass even more.
Why does it turn me on to see someone's love interest fucking someone else who isn't them?
>Wan Piss still as strong as ever just ignore the anime
How does Oda do it?
He's chuuni? I haven't watched it.
so both of them are in the doghouse?
No, Renji.
I wouldn't know, Dressrosa made me drop that shit so hard.
So Editor-san finally stopped finding Bleach interesting? Damn that nigga cold as fuck, letting it run for 15 years then saying "It's over" with a shitty rushed conclusion.
I saw the first like... 15 episodes of Bleach and that's it. Stopped caring.
Saw a journal on dA bitching about Bleach ending and decided to do some research.
Shit was hilarious.
Basically the main male character ended up with cowtits schoolgirl while rukia ended up with red haired dude.
They both have a kid and it ends up right where they kids introduce themselves to each other.
Or if you want to be in the victim's shoes then cuckoldry.
The red haired pineapple?
Thank you, now this is truly hilarious.
Can't wait for when SnK actually ends. A manga stuffed full of mystery is bound to be full of shitty reveals that get worse and worse the closer you come to the ending.
And the shipping fallout. It has an obvious pairing and tons of delusional shippers that do mental gymnastic for retarded parings and yaoishit and a good chance of everyone dying on top of that. It will be glorious.
Yes. They FUCKED and had a kid, despite the series never really implying they cared that way about each other.
Uryu and Chad, who gives a shit, evidently not Kubo.
Ichigo fucked orange titty monster and had a kid with her who's also a Shinigami.
Aizen made some speech about how great hope is while sitting in his chair.
Idk, I think the magazine was dropping it.
I think OP is a cuck.
you're into NTR.
I'm still amazed that it was fucking Aizen giving the final monologue about courage and shit
Edgemons are best mons. Cute mons are cool too.
aizen was still tricking everyone, he actually won all this battles and he let everyone think they won
>Pidgeotto at 0
I know this is wrong because he wrecked Misty's Starmie in like the 8th episode
Bakuman was spot on with this shit lol.
it doesn't count because Team Rocket interrupted the battle LOl
If you just pretend Aizen had everyone still mesmerized by his shikai and won everything its a much much better show/manga
All that mystery went out the door when Eren's two buddies tell him that they're the two giant titans. I never thought it possible to immediately replace all mystery with sheer idiocy.
>In The Water Flowers of Cerulean City, Pidgeotto was used in Ash's Cerulean Gym battle against Misty, where it fought Starmie. Pidgeotto started off with Whirlwind, but Starmie jumped into the water and then hit Pidgeotto with Tackle. Starmie then went for another Tackle, but got knocked into the water by Pidgeotto's Wing Attack. Starmie, however, quickly recovered and struck Pidgetto with Tackle again. As Starmie headed back to attack once again, Pidgeotto used Gust to propel it with great force into the Gym's wall. The battle was then interrupted by Team Rocket, who tried to steal the Gym's Pokémon.
>you will never get to fuck Ash or Alain
That's Pidgeot, not Pidgeotto. For some reason the person who made that chart only counts the battles made by the final evolution reached by that mon.