What are some games that you waste hundreds of hours on in one sitting?

What are some games that you waste hundreds of hours on in one sitting?

I need to fix my sleep schedule, and If I can spend a full day awake, I can finally fix it.

>I can spend a full day awake, I can finally fix it.
Only summer neets can think something so stupid.

My sleep schedule is fucked up as well, I go to sleep around 8am and wake up at 5pm. Personally I can play Disgaea for hours, but since its mostly grinding I cant really recommend it for your plan. It gets tiring more than anything at one point. I mean, it can still be fun, but not if youre tired as hell.

Total War or Civilization

X series
M&B Whoreband.

just take naps

naps = 8 hour naps for me until my sleep schedule is back

Go for a long jog or brisk walk if you're a fattie. No breaks. 2 hours should be good.
I guarantee you wil be tired enough to sleep at 11PM no matter when you woke up earlier today.

Thank me tomorrow.

>My sleep schedule is fucked up as well, I go to sleep around 8am and wake up at 5pm.
Same here, I almost fixed it a few days ago by staying up all day after waking up at 12pm, but something interesing happened on Sup Forums and instead of going to bed at 1am I ended up going to sleep at 4-5am. Woke up at 5pm again. This sucks.

same, feels good man. id actually prefer this way if it didnt mean being an unemployed neet.

basic income for everyone when?

Get into some stupid argument on Sup Forums, it always helps me to stay awake no matter now tired I am.

Path of Exile every time new league start

>this is what sleepy people believe

Im gonna pass out from not sleeping unless I keep my mind preoccupied with something.

Jogging is a risk.

Also im a skinny fag

Just go to sleep an half an hour or hour earlier every few days you dummy.

>be skinnyfag
>want to workout
>cant because can only afford 1-2 meals a day
>end up feeling like shit even more

if i workout ill just lose more weight :( wheres my free food Obama?!


This. Also any kind of immersive singleplayer really. I know your situation and I'd avoid competitive multiplayer games as much as possible. Can also recommend the Witcher 3.

>and If I can spend a full day awake, I can finally fix it.
You'll have fixed it for approximately one day, and then you'll sleep way too long the next night and you're fucked again.

>something interesting happened on Sup Forums so i overstayed my bed time by 4 hours and then slept for 12
get a fucking job

I'm on summer break till the uni starts in two weeks.

Bit of advice, I did this to fix mine from night shift to days

Do not deprive yourself of sleep, just get an hours sleep then wake up, and go to sleep at a normal time later on, I kept waking up after like 5 hours and waking up at 4 or 5 in the morning at first, then having to get my head down for half an hour later on, did this for about a week until I could sleep naturally for 8 hours without waking up early.

Civ, Total War, Hearthstone, Dworf Fort, DayZ

That isn't how you fix it. You fix it by setting your alarm to get you up at 6AM

get a full daytime job, you will have no excuse for not waking up

Total War

pop some tramadol and fap away

used to do this in college. shit would have me fapping for like 12 hrs straight. it gets you high but also keeps you up in some weird way. fucked up drug had to stop taking that shit lol
