Turns out it runs just fine and the russians were memeing
Turns out it runs just fine and the russians were memeing
>Contact Hardening Shadows
Looks like this is the culprit for shit FPS
>mfw rx 480
And dx12 will give it somewhat of a boost
Feels good
>45 fps average
Or you can lower setting to High and turn off shit like MSAA
That minimum. And it's still on ultra preset. Putting it to high should easily give them 60.
Except it averages 51. Turn down one of two settings to High and it'll run fine.
45fps is pretty good as long as it's not a competetive shooter.
Pretty sure you can disable some shit that makes practically no visual difference to gain that extra 15 fps
OR emulate console experience by setting it to lowest and running 10 crysises on ultra in bg
Why are they using a 1060 3GB version, from Palit no less?
Always bet AMD
>the meme image shitposters have been using as an excuse to clog up this board was false
Gee, who could have fucking guessed
Should run fine on my old compy then
I knew it was a meme setting
I guess you're the shill team? how's the strike team doing?
>just turn the effects off guys!
>Hitman runs like shit
>Tomb Raider runs like shit
>Deus Ex Mankind Divided runs like shit
>All AMD sponsored
Why are AMD so fucking incompotent?
>tomb raider
>amd sponsored
Wew lad
Otherwise I agree.
>b-b-b-b-but its just denuvo...
Yep. They have a small visible benefit for a massive performance hit.
It's designed for future hardware. Because it's an OPTION that can be turned on or off.
My 970 managed to run Witcher 3 on ultra settings at a fairly solid 60, only dipping to 55 in novigrad. Considering I have a 6 year old PC outside of that 970 it's amazing to me regardless.
I'd expect a game like this to be an easy 100fps+ on ultra considering it's not all that crazy looking.
Those were ukrainians. Bot theyre basically the same
Yea, I forgot. AMD got cucked with Tomb Raider
And now for the actual Ultra benchmark and not this German damage control. (No MSAA)
I bet you bitched about TW2 running badly with ubersampling on
>b-b-b-b-but it's not maxed out without it! ;_;
CHS is on. Benchmark discarded.
>"B-but I want Ultra"
It's a pointless setting that kills fps. Turn it off and go away.
>gtx 660
god dammit, i've been putting off a new card for like 3 years.
yep, seems correct.
george and many others reported the game struggled to reach 30.
It's a benchmark. I want to know how to game runs at a given preset or maxed, not at with some cherry-picked settings so I can feel good.
>not at with some cherry-picked settings so I can feel good
what the fuck does that even mean ?
stop user
Here's High settings, which does not have CHS enabled.
Performance seems okay.
>need a 500 dollar GPU to not drop below 60 on HIGH (high) settings
lmao jesus fuck
>all those people saying 480 is worse than 970
I'd love to see the face of someone who got 970 instead of 480.
Here's medium. Not amazing, but definitely playable.
Translation: Vomit tier visuals
>medium settings
>42 fps
literally needs a 1070 to get over 60fps on medium. ON FUCKING MEDIUM.
repeat after me: THIS WILL BE A DISASTER IN 1 HOUR.
>Game looks like shit
>Doesn't even run well
I especially love how objects that are literally like 20 meters away from the player don't cast shadows.
>Top of the line GPUs from 2016 can't refrain from dropping below 60fps at 1080p
>/thread'ing your own post
Fucking PCucks
So, why did developers give up on optimizing? Is it not worth it? Are they getting paid by nvidia/amd?
i'd play it wireframe to get muh framerate, fagotron
>which does not have CHS enabled.
That's not stated anywhere on the page
CHS works in tiers
And the popin
And the shite tier """""animations"""""
You realize they can overclock that MSI and blast the sapphire clocked at it's absolute limit out of the water, right?
It's optimized fine. The game runs at medium-low on consoles at 30fps. One medium settings, the PC port runs about the same on shit like the 660 and 7870.
Old GPUs can't hack it anymore.
>worse graphics than 5 year old games
>can't run on a 4 year old card
Good fucking job
>sonycucks not even running ultra
>still drop to sub 20
The big problem is that the game looks like shit on all platforms.
hitman runs 60 fps 1440p on 390
rotr runs 60 fps 1440p on 390
dxmd have no idea yet, will know in an hour
AI runs brilliantly on toaster
tr13 runs great on toaster
sleeping dogs runs great
twwarhammer runs on everything great except on maxwell and kepler(imagine that)
doom even opengl runs 80fps at 1440p 390
should i list all the terrible running nvidia games? except tw3 and rotr, you still can't break out of 40-50fps in 90% of those
>970 can't reach 60fps on medium
>medium looks liek a 2012 game
>i-i-it's f-fine goyim!
Check the very first page of the article at the bottom.
What is this? Ultra preset?
What are some meme graphical settings that should always be avoided or turned down?
>Game looks like shit
how did this meme started? no really, am I blind? how is this looks bad? why are you parroting this for no real reason? make red circles at places that look that bad
CA,dof,motion blur
sharpening if you don't like it, I do like it in moderation
Do we even get to disable sharpening? Consoles don't have that option
Its very uncanny this image.
Look at the right soldier, he is so out of place, and for that matter every human is out of place.
Also check the bike area, it just looks like cardboard cut-out in a very nice picture.
problem is not environment problem is inconstancy.
pajeet my son you need better englando to shill on this site, otherwise it's way too obvious
970 runs at 50-something FPS at ultra settings you fucking faggot
Should get 60 just from a partial drop to very high alone.
>Horribly oversharpened
>Entire objects that are outright missing shadows despite not being that far from the player
>Low quality assets
>Mediocre texturing
>Very basic AO
The only part of the game that doesn't look like shit is the reflections, but everything else is ungodly ugly.
Visually speaking the game looks worse than games from years ago like Battlefield 4, Crysis 3, hell, I'd even argue that it looks worse than the original Tomb Raider reboot.
yeah, option is in screenshots I saw
You realise that not the run of the mill 480 you poorfags mostly buy? its the one thats had its bollocks clocked out of it
What card?
If anything 970 tier or below you need to avoid all the settings considering you won't get 60 fps on medium
Shilling wonb't work when we have hard benchmarks schlomo
New Tomb Raider is Nvidia sponsored game.
go drink bleach you stupid nigger.
woah, 970 lower than 470
this is hilarious
>he bought a meme 970
but that's the mini 970, not the regular one.
>implying you can see a difference
>we told them about nvidia but they did not listen
they are actually the same as big ones, they do throttle a bit in bad ventilated cases, that's it
470 is just a little weaker than 480
>Horribly oversharpened
personally I like it, and don't get the hate for it
let's ignore that
it's sun through clouds weather, and when it's like that small objects do not have shadows
>Low quality assets
except that boardwalk to the left, it's simply not true
>Mediocre texturing
looks sharp to me, with enough detail which you would expect from concrete walls
also let's just ignore that this is one of a very few games that reflect whole street in a puddle
>Very basic AO
as it should be
>4k is he future they said
>4k is here they said
>Neo will be 4k they said
Next gen...
A $1200 gpu dips to 63 fps on 1080p even without MSAA, what the fuck is this shit
>don't cast shadows.
come outside in bad weather more often, when it's sun through clouds most objects do not cast shadows
>it's sun through clouds weather, and when it's like that small objects do not have shadows
Stopped reading there.
You clearly don't go outside literally ever.
Same to you, you're very clearly a basement dweller.
I don't know why devs think sharpening looks good. Good thing you can disable it on the PC version, shame about console cucks though.
shlomo please, i can't breathe
Are you niggers blind?
That's very clearly a sunny day, given how hard the shadows cast by the car and environment are.
It's just the game's shitty LOD not rendering the shadows on smaller objects.
But yea, overall it looks like a game from early 2013.
Actually, not even that, considering Crysis 3 released in early 2013 and looks miles better.
>At minimum spec, which is a HD 7870 2GB or GTX 660 2GB, paired with an Core i3-2100, we aim to give you an average of 30 fps, at 1280*720 resolution, but this is at the low quality preset.
What the hell, this GPU is on par with PS4 or even a little stronger.
>At recommended spec, which is a RX 480 4GB or GTX 970 4GB, paired with an i7-3770K, our target is to offer you 60fps average at 1080p, but at the High quality preset.
>We also offer a Very High and Ultra preset aimed at users well above recommended spec or those who wish to trade framerate for image quality. When above recommended spec, even if you cannot use the Very High preset entirely, please experiment with individual settings at a higher quality, and see what settings work best for you!
see any shadows?
>devs would learn how to optimize their piece of shit games they said
When's the crack coming?
Jesus christ you're one dumb nigger.
Step outside your basement every once in awhile.
Oy gevalt!
or here?
Crysis 3 is an exception, not a rule though.
posts sunny day when on screenshot it's clearly sun through clouds
source of the ss?
>console version
>30 fps
>Graphic settings on low