It's fine

It's fine.

Mundane Matt is such a fat faggot.


man I really stopped giving a shit about them.

Too much shit content and I just can't be arsed to follow up. I remember that I wanted to watch the entire HR playthrough and it was so fucking shit.

Anything worth while now?

thanks for the bump!

God tier:
>Pat and Matt
>Pat and Woolie
>Pat and Liam
>All 4
>Pat Solo

Good tier:
>Woolie and Matt
>Woolie and Liam (minus Despair Girls)
>Matt and Liam (half the time)
>Pat, Liam, and Woolie
>The traveling/con/random solo vids

Meh tier:
>Matt, Pat and Liam
>Woolie tries to act like an art student vids (boxart critique, character making, etc.)
>Matt and Liam (the other half of the time)
>Woolie solo vids

Bad tier:
>Woolie, Matt and Liam
>Matt, Pat and Woolie

Irrideemable shit tier:
>Matt solo videos
>Matt's playing with his baby toys videos
>Despair Girls

You're not the only one. Only thing I would want to watch at this point is their minecraft lp/podcast.

Or a Resident Evil lp because those are usually pretty damn good. I'm just glad they haven't taken down their earlier videos that are GOAT

God tier:
Pat and Woolie

Won't watch tier:
the rest

I still can't tell if Pat actually likes the game or not.

>elder god tier
pat stares at

>original tier
matt and pat

>bro tier
woolie and pat

>cuhrayzee tier
matt, pat and woolie

>shit tier
anything liam

He likes the story but not the gameplay.

RIP smallfriend

I still can't believe these quadrupleniggers just fucking gave up on XCOM 2 instead of playing it through properly on normal difficulty

>this fat ginger manlet childrens entertainer is fucking a tall banging hot redhead and basically you're fucking retarded

Same thing happened with the podcast for me

I think I just grew out of this. I remember watching their shit every day, especially the eternal darkness series, man that shit was cash.

I liked them more when it was just them and more "indie".

didn't do it for the bump, sperglord.

Matt is the Jew that holds it altogether. He shouldn't be in the videos. Neither should Liam he is such a cocky cunt. Pat and Woolie are broken men and that is what I like about them. If I had the chance I would fuck Matts wife and cuck him.

Liam in the recent podcast still somehow manages to be an ever bigger contrarian piece of shit I can't believe it.

>Federation force isn't bad, it's misunderstood
>Starbound was great!
>It was made by really good developers
>Fez wasn't a pretentious pile of shit, that's what YOU choose to believe
>Liiiiiiiiikkkeeee x infinity

Their minecraft LP is pure comedy, delving into Pat and Woolie's psyche as they play shit is great.

This is the only correct answer.

Liam is basically subhuman

Any solo video is awkward and boring

This guy gets it.

I can stand Matt if both Pat and Woolie are there, and Liam if one of the two. Liam's boring and Matt is aggressively annoying.

It would have been a long samey play through where Pat spends 30 hours having no idea what he's doing
The way it ended is the best possible outcome, with the last man alive dodging like 15 shots only to be killed a turn away from the helicopter