There will never ever be a good RPG set in the Warhammer 40k universe

>there will never ever be a good RPG set in the Warhammer 40k universe

Other urls found in this thread:

>females in the warhammer universe being things other than sex slaves


40k isn't a good setting.

Birthing worlds don't always use actual women and instead worlds like Krieg opt for artificial wombs instead.

Id go full heretic on those imperial boobies

maybe in the gay marines, but other factions have no problem with using females

>being useful in the army
>especially in 40k


Amberley Vail fanart?

They need to make a Blood Ravens stealth game where you acquire relics. Your standing improves based on the number of "gifts" you've acquired.

>Birthing worlds
No such thing, humans multiply like the plague, there is no need for anyone to animate or even order people to breed.

every lasgun is more of an asset than any person behind it, it does not matter if the finger belongs to a man or a woman, they both die the same.

>being a vagina worshiping cuck fag

>Liking women makes you a fag

Now this is utmost heresy.

I wonder what you'll do when you realise the Imperial Knight in DoW3 is a woman.

She's a puppet, real leader is a man.

there is literally nothing wrong with women in the Guard

>Any Imperial Knight
>Leading Spehss Mehreens

Now I know you're baiting. Even old lorefags don't get this defensive, since they know their shit.

But the SoB

It actually has a lot of potential, but no one really tapped it so far.

Most of the videogames have no atmosphere whatsoever and barely scratch the lore. It's just spess mureens killing things 24/7 which is the least interesting aspect of the setting.

Dark Heresy did it right. But there'll never be a 40k rpg because GW only greenlights low budget cash-grabs aside from sure-fire successes like Dawn of War and Total War.

I never really found out but how are women in the warharmmer 40k world?

are they sex slaves or random army women?

The Imperium is surprisingly progressive. Women can pretty much fill any role men do, in fact I think one of the High Lords of Terra was a woman at some point.

Gay couples are also a thing.

>Gay couples are also a thing.
is that recent to be all progressive and shit or has it always been there

They seem to be mostly equal depending on their home world.

In the tabletop they're pretty much only represented by the sororitas or as necromunda gangers.

In the pen&paper roleplaying games they're used equally in all sorts of roles, from guardsmen to psykers and even commissars.

The only thing women can't be is space marines.

I'm pretty sure space marine bromance is canon.

Don't take me as an authority on this since I only read from stuff like the wiki due to me not having any 40K works such as the novels and the likes. Although from what I've gathered their role is pretty much the same as men; all will due eventually if they're not in the part of the Imperium that has daemons and the like kept secret and they'll still die young if they're in a hive city. Some worlds create humans with artificial wombs such as the Krieg if I recall correctly. Take note these are normal humans so if they're not Space Marines or the Sisters of Battle then they're pretty much fucked in this grim dark future. Oh yeah, the paraduse worlds have a chance of not being fucked but those are usually for the nobles and bearucrats.

This was years ago in one of the Imperial Guard novels and is mentioned pretty much in passing when one guy tries to hit on a chick.

I think her girlfriend gets eaten, though.

So does the empire just throw massive armies at everything out there to try and survive or do they have some kind of long term plan?

>you will never give a rimjob to a qt Earth caste Tau grill

>which is the least interesting aspect of the setting
Yes, because endless and utterly pointless galactic war on all fronts with everyone loosing is so fucking interesting as a setting...

No wonder 40k appeals mostly to gloomy teens and overweight asshats

Long term plan is to not get fucked.

They're failing. Space bugs and space soccer hooligans are closing in.

They don't need any plan, because the entire setting is in permament stasis. It's forever locked in "Now".

to the retards that say women have no place in 40k, you illiterate fucks should read novels from the black library, for example the Gaunts Ghosts books, half the fucking regiment of the Tanith first is made of women. Fucking inquisitors are women, stop being retarded manchilds and heretics

irrelevant sjw pandering

>imperial guard
>total fodder soldiers tactics
shits more of a bloodbath than Stalingrad

The Imperium is 100% progressive. It doesn't care what sexual orientation your are. It doesn't care what gender you are or what gender you identify as. It cares about two things:

You Worship the Emperor
You Die For the Emperor

These are the only relevancies as far as the Imperium is concerned. Everything else is less than secondary. Gene modification and augmentation makes the physical differences between men and women mostly moot in elite troops, and the fact ist no one cares if you are successful or live or die if you aren't elite. All women regiments? As long as they can point a gun and fire. Can't compete with the men physically? They can march into the enemies guns enmasse and choke them with bodies and bayonets.

Everyone dies for the Emperor the same.

Or for profit factor! Profit factor is always an option

Except they aren't written as "wow a WOMAN who can be as tough as a MAN" they're generally written basically the fucking same except they might say 'she' instead of 'he'

There's a difference between pandering and just having female characters


>come to warhammer thread
>see someone who has never looked at a book, codex, lexicanum or anything else lore related
>thinking his opinions matter
just go back to your BLUD RHEVNS simulator you dumb faggot.

Yes, and I addressed that in my post - the Imperium does not care.

It doesn't care.

It. Does. Not. Care.

More men will die. Irrelevant. The Imperium has the bodies. Thats all it has enough of. Too much of. Bodies bodies bodies. A flood of humanity.

The Imperium encompasses the whole fathomable range of human civilization, and even a few unfathomable ones. But at the end of the day, lives are so cheap that those high up don't count casualties in the hundreds or the thousands, but the millions.

wtf i hate 40k now...
guess i have to go back to age of sigmar

These women soldiers aren't like her, though. They're gene-modified first of all. Second of all, this is in space.

That's pretty damn inefficient, senpai. When an organization reaches this level, the control on such things would be even tighter.
Oh it's not just physical, I just posted that one because a woman wrote it

why are you even in this thread, shouldn't you be in your Warhammer fant... oh wait i forgot, you faggots got that setting ended and it was a fucking shitshow the whole way through
>chaos not able to get out of its fucking starting zone
>games workshop telling playerbase to fuck off
>makes vote to see who wins
>Da BOYZ win
>haha dude no grimgor only gave archeon a little bump on the face XDDD chaos wins
>haha oh by the way we elder scrolls now this has happenend before and will happen again

>muh women

From the autism and the shitposting,
Our Emperor, deliver us.

Favorite female groups?
I have a thing for Seraphims.

Arbites game WHEN?

>That's pretty damn inefficient, senpai
That's pretty much the Imperium in a nutshell, user. A bloated, diseased wreck, a terrible mockery of the shining example of human achievement it once was. And yet for all it's decrepitude, still the last, best, and only hope for humanity in the universe.

Also it's supposed to be satire but everyone forgets that

Oh, I see. It makes sense that such a cesspool would let women into their army alright.

>its supposed to be satire
not since first edition user, not since first ed.

Sisters game WHEN?


Men and women are fed into the meatgrinder because the blades of the meatgrinder have to dull eventually.

I'm waiting for a game similar to Steel Battalion: Heavy Armor where you play as a crewmember of either a Leman Russ or Baneblade.

Now you're getting it!
Orks, Tomb Kings in SPAACCCEEE,

>all those belts
And people thought Normura-esque designs were a Nip thing

>posting non disturbing warhammer pictures

there will never be a setting as gay and clean as modern warhammer

>Satire has to be cartoony.



SoB was pretty much the corrupt bishop guy and his brainwashed crazy cocksleeve harem, until they got rid of the bishop.

Even then they're still bitch and inferior compared to muh space mehreens.

Look, the most noteworthy thing about the SoB on the games was that there were two stripped ones chained up on the fucking dais of cocks. lmao fucking dais of cocks fucking dark eldar, they're fucking elves. you have to be pretty fucking worthless cunt to get caught by fucking elves.

Part of the joke about the eldar (remember when 40k was a joke) was that the sexes were perfectly equal, the joke being in the 80s on earth they weren't.

Just because you hate sjws (rightfully so) doesn't mean every mention of women in fiction has to trigger you.

More like a titan I think

Mite b cool, but the tanks are my fetish.

best grills

>baneblade on steroids
Feel free to count all barrels mounted on it.

there is no skin cream and makeup in the grimdarkess of the future

You've got literally God Emperor taste my friend.

>imperial knight

>You'll never ROLL OVER THEM as your massive machine plows through a bunch of heretics and xenos
Feels bad, guardsman.

Nope it's new Alpha Pattern Warlord titan.
Second biggest class in the Imperium.

see for yourself

>knew nothing about 40k
>read the pastas user posts, then you
>then this fucking pic
It almost sucks as much as living in 40k

no its not, the one you posted first is not the same scale as the warlord you posted here, nor is it the same model. Look at the shoulders, there are multiple differences. look at the waist, look at the legs. Just because they have the same general look does not mean they are the same thing.
>inb4 you come back claiming im wrong
just look at the fucking space marine compared to the knight in your first picutre.

>It's another "le imperium is actually really fair and equal and accepting and it's a great place to live" thread
Get that corpse dick out of your mouth. The Imperium is at war with gods made from desire and hope. They're ultra-Nazis.

Honest question, are you actually blind?

Also, this,

I understood this reference

>Baneblades were classified as scout tanks in the pre-everything went to shit Imperium

Imperial Knight next to a space marine

Titan compared to a space marine

If you still dont believe then take a closer look on
You can even see Legio Titanica emblem on it's shoulder which knights don't have.

is there a more cringeworthy setting than 40k? it's a perfect combination of everything that is wrong with western lores (hurr so dark and edgy) and everything that is wrong with eastern lores (A SHIP TAKES 100000000000 YEARS TO GET TO ITS DESTINATION AND THEY ARE ALL COMMANDED BY THE GOD KING EMPEROR SUPREME LORD WHO CAN DESTROY THE ENTIRE GALAXY WITH HIS SUPER CHARGED MEGA BLADE AND ALSO HE IS IMMORTAL BECAUSE HE KILLED DEATH)

>look at me, I discovered hyperbole!

>"le imperium is actually really fair and equal and accepting and it's a great place to live"
I don't think anyone's making that argument, though. The Imperium is throwing anyone capable of lifting their laser pointers into battle, they just need man power.

40k is not a good rpg setting. It's better for action or strategy.

How about action RPG? Something with gameplay simillar to Mass Effect only with more focus on melee?

>people bitching about women in combat roles
Come on people, it's the year 40,000!

>more focus on melee
That just made me think, do Guardsmen that are somehow able to kill xenos or chaos in hand to hand get some sort of award? That shit's unheard of unless you're Sly Marbo.


Lord General in last stand has "duellist honors" as one of his items.

From what I read most WWII militaries had melee combat awards so I can't see why IG wouldn't.

my 40kfu

She's one big middle finger to all SJW out there.



i want her to wrestle me to death

my fucking nigga

>getting SoC and ET mixed together

Stop posting.

>STALKER like game where you play as a Vindicare assassin on a mission that went wrong
>have to build your power and reputation by doing shit, going from the mutant and gang infested underhives to the very top of the spires to complete your original mission
>massive and branching storyline, many factions and countless ways of completing the game

>CoD like fps where you play as various Scion regiments
>going all over the galaxy in a simplistic story with all the weapon and equipment customization you want

This is all I want

user it's not meant to be taken seriously. It's showing how far things can go off the deep end when you mix sci-fi and fantasy. Not to mention your post is riddled with Hyperbole.

>Implying they're not the best choice
The only other faction that could possibly be better to live in would be the Eldar, and there's only one recorded Craftworld that would ever even contemplate allowing Humans to live alongside them.

Tau are just as bad as the Imperium only smallet and more zealous for the Ethereals due to mind control.

Orcs are Orcs, Chaos is Chaos, Rons are Rons, Nids are Nids, and DEldar would fuck you so hard in so many places you would start wondering if they swapped your ass and your face around.

You're right. but there is eugenics and surgery. all girls are probably all goddesses and all men are chads.

the god emperor most definitely crossed the border from 2D womin to 3D

>Best 40k RPG is a mobile game.

Well shit.

I want to commit a heretical act

>people legitimately bitching about women in 40k

But why? They've always been there.

TFW you hear some good things about it but you don't have any device to play it.

It's pretty good when you learn a few of the neat little tricks. I dropped a few bucks on a discounted bundle for the Loyalty thing and it works pretty well. Not toention the painting is actually pretty decent for making a Knightfu.