Sony ponys lose another exclusive
wasn't this on the 3ds or something?
Fucking AoT and shit like game of thrones, Further proof we have degraded as a species to just barely sapient monkeys, the fact anyone is allowed to watch such utterly transparent garbage and not get their skulls beaten in and put on a list is just further proof humanity needs to fucking die.
holy shit dude take your Ritalin.
Careful with all that edge son.
Look at this smug motherfucker.
No, that was Attack on Titan: Humanity in Chains (though to be fair, it's not as if the story is different)
This was announced like a million years ago though
Also it's Koei so don't expect a perfect port
Fuck off, AoT and GoT or shock material garbage with minimum content, thinking they can skimp on actual coherent plot threads or clever writing with "LOL BRUTAL MURDER" or "LOL RAPE" to shock the mindless mouth breathing audience into being shocked, and interested.
>this is proof humanity should die
>not the hundred other stupid behaviours of modern humans that fly in the face of nature
You need to leave your room, pal. Or don't. Life might be easier to deal with if you think a glorified soap opera and cartoon are the worst of the world's woes
You're preaching to the choir here bro.
Sup Forums is contrarian. You're sperging out for nothing.
>Life might be easier to deal with if you think a glorified soap opera and cartoon are the worst of the world's woes
This. Ignorance is bliss, I guess
There is no rape in AoT and about 3 in six season of GoT
>saw 1 episode of game of thrones
It is just one of the many problems plaguing the world, and it shouldn't be allowed either. All entertainment media should be banned because it is obvious the mouth breathing retards that continue to eat and shit and eat and shit and do nothing do not deserve a good time, they deserve an miserable grey existence
It's fucking tryhard shit, that tries so very fucking hard to be clever, but it is obvious it has the intelligence of a stroke victim. But its so fucking stupid, the people love it, because like likes like
Whoa such a loss. Is this what you do with your free time? Get a life.
shit anime, probably shit game
I wish jap devs stopped dumping their commercialized shovelware games on steam.
>All entertainment media should be banned because it is obvious the mouth breathing retards that continue to eat and shit and eat and shit and do nothing do not deserve a good time, they deserve an miserable grey existence
I honestly can't tell if you're an actual 15 year old or just being ironic.
>Shit anime
>Post Madoka
The game is better than the turd Madoka game on Vita.
Irony is something that only happens by accident on Sup Forums, so yeah he is actually a underage losing his shit because of a game/anime/soap opera
>I hate it because it's popular
I can actually hear you going REEEE
You mean the game that's also on the xbone?
That's some serious Costanza face right here.
Can you recommend me some of your superior entertainment?
wow nigger calm down before you shoot some school or stab some non whites.
>Le PCuck Mustard Race claims victory - The Thread
Again? I bet you were the faggot in middle school that always started console wars, too.
Sonycucks can keep this garbage
If its popular with the normalfags, then it must be cancer incarnate that is likely isn't as clever as it likes to think it is and likely encourages cancerous lines of thinking as well
And I can hear you consuming normalfag bile with a smile on your big, dumb, face
Well the soldier guy is going straight to his mouth.
>it's ''15 years old turbovirgin going all edgelord'' episode
>no constructive arguments other than posting ad hominems against a reaction image
Enjoy your glorified manga advertisement game.
I would recommend one, humanity does not deserve a good time
Don't pretend like you would care.
> Further proof we have degraded as a species to just barely sapient monkeys
Ironically both of the franchises you're bitching about make a point of this fact, considering they're both about politics and interpersonal drama between people who don't give a shit or realize the impending apocalypse for humanity is coming.
Why does Sup Forums love AoT so much?
To be fair pc already has the best AoT game, this is probably just going to be the same old shitty dyansty warriors all flash no substance bullshit as every other gook game.
>people like this are still on Sup Forums and Sup Forums
Sounds like you want someone to talk to.
Just don't shitpost about games you don't like and you won't play
Its always amazing when a frog manages to stumble out of its piss stained cavern
No waifus/pandering.
Shame it fell to shit within 8 episodes.
So, is it a good game?
Not even. /r9k/ is pretty much /soc/ nowadays.
This nigga just an edgy suburban white kid from Sup Forums.
>you will never be this edgy
The show was nothing special but regardless of that, the gameplay looks pretty fun. Swinging through the air and slashing titans sound like a cross between Spiderman and MGR.
Gonna give it a pirate to test if the port is good.
Because people who don't normally watch anime like AoT. I had a friend who has no interest in games, anime or anything like that ask me to come over to watch it last month.
It's really popular, and Sup Forums is a bunch of normalfags.
Is that game even fun? I thought the show kind of sucked but the whole swinging around like Spider-Man while cutting things with swords seems like it could make a real fun game if done well.
No its your responsibility now nigger
what a great anime.
Does AoT have playable loli at least?
>What Sup Forums likes
>Half good shit, half shit
>What Sup Forums likes
>Half good shit, half shit
>What /m/ likes
>Half good shit, half shit
You're decades late, Reddit. Also /r/anime and whatever the vidya equivalent subreddit would be a more productive discussion.
Also the game looks alright at best, it's still got that cheaply made feel to it but I feel like this shoe-string budget staff is doing their best. I don't expect much. Especially from the PC port. Probably worth a torrent I guess since you brought it up.
How much did your faggoty ass get bullied in high school yesterday user? Speak to us
>image shows that /m/ has the best taste even though they're all jaded oldfags who will consume anything (including shit) so long as it has the Mecha tag on it
We do? I thought it was only good until the MC turned into a titan and the show went mechashit.
thanks for the beta testing niggers
Pretty sure that Sup Forums is now watching Reddit zero (reZero )
Yeah, but there's like 6 episodes before that which are great!
Wrong. That's/a/ right now.
Enjoy your literal garbage
>game of thrones is LITERALLY about the thing you're complaining about
>you're too fucking dense to understand the subtext
>thinks hes not part of the problem
It's actually about a very big problem up north (immigration) but down south they're too busy circle jerking about what is ultimately inconsequential to the grand scheme of things to fix it before shit hits the fan
what is that, highschool shit, mecha shit or video game shit?
Only thing I'm watching is jojo (which sucks ever since act 3) and dragon ball super
Sonygger here.
Oh I forgot this exists, thanks for reminding me of the shittiest of games on the ps4, piece of shit has no decent games.
>being so insecure you actively stop watching a show when it gets popular
Bud have you ever read a history book? Rape and Murder have been part of humanity since the dawn of time. Then again so have tryhard edgy faggots like yourself.
What is sauce?
>Dragon ball super
Are you nod enterteinet anun-kun?
Ok for real, how fucking old are you?
>Meanwhile, Sony takes another PC exclusive but all PC games are shit so nobody cares
Fuck you, goddamn normalfag enabling mouth breathing retard
I wasn't bullied, I just realized how fundamentally shit the world has become due to retards like you who eat anything tossed to the ground, like cockroaches.
Fucking please, like they're even remotely intelligent to come up with anything both than whatever they dig out "great big grabbag of stupid fantasy cliches" modified to be shocking as possible so the audience don't get any funny ideas like actually THINKING, not that they could, because people are fucking stupid.
> but down south they're too busy circle jerking about what is ultimately inconsequential to the grand scheme of things
That's probably why the show sucks, 90% of each episode is about people that don't matter doing shit that doesn't matter then we cut to the dragon princess or john snow both of whom are actually furthering the plot.
They should have called it "a song of fire and ice and 50 lesser irrelevant elements"
>weab shit
I don't even want it. Keep your weab trash off our platform, Sonyggers.
>ITT: PCucks will buy literally anything if they get to say they "Stole" it from consoles.
Enjoy your licensed anime game, I guess. You don't need to thank me for beta testing, I was literally never going to play this garbage.
Fuck yeah bud, nothing beats eating a bowl of cereal sunday morning and watching dragonball like the good old days before 9/11.
I'd say it's more about the North (conservatives) taking back their lands from the jewy scumbags (liberals), while they both shit talk the immigrants for moving in and ignore the real reason for their exodus (war)
C'mon user, you're such a obvious alpha creature, why are you afraid of telling us what is the incredible form of entertainment that you extract your fun from
>more weebcrap
That's different, that's reality, what's the differnece is that in that garbage you call entertainment, rather than a true act of cruelty, it is all just a carefully market researched, executive commanded, surgically selected event designed especially to shock audiences at the most maximum effectiveness to keep people from thinking.
Nobody is actually going to play this, we're just glad you can't resort to your classic "LOLOL NEVER EVER GOLDFACE.TGA" bullshit.
your tears are delicious
Hikikomori Sup Forumsirgin guy is killed by a car and he revives in a RPG world.
If you hate the world so much do us all a favor and kill yourself already so you can stop shitting up Sup Forums
tell us then, what are some good highbrow shows and anime if aot and got are so bottom of the barrel shit?
>still not loving anime games
No it's a statement on the 2016 elections, snow is donald trump and khalisi is hillary.
I don't, fun is degenerate, and encourages slavish mentalities
it was shit anyway just like the anime
You just described the same thing. It's all about perspective buddy. Another great thing the show points out. Hardly is it "good vs bad".
>90% of each episode is about people that don't matter doing shit that doesn't matter
Why do you spend so much time shit posting about a show you don't watch? Anyone that actually enjoys it knows you're just blowing smoke out your ass, like who are you trying to convince?
Or do you just wanna be the cool contrarian on a Bhutanese Throat Singing Board
So video game shit.
I fucking hate video game shit, ever since .hack//sign, what a shitty genre.
The only good thing about it is the OPs are usually top tier for video game anime.
The only time I've seen video game shit applied properly to anime was in No Game No Life, but atleast the "video game world" in that isn't actually a "oh fuck we're trapped in a video game somehow" situation.
t. cucked sonycuck
Yeah and A Serbian Film is about politics
Thats a lie though, you would be on /r9k/ right now if you weren't looking for something to have fun, the fac that you are right now on Sup Forums means that you were in fact looking for something to have fun
>pedo board
>le ebin if i'm too uncultured to not understand basic metaphors, there are no metaphors face
> ITT: showfags
But aot is complete fucking garbage for teenage edgelords - anime and live action are completely fucking insufferable
>wow im such a non normal person
>im an individual
>im special
>please leave and fuck off
You're gonna need those tears to down this absolute garbage game