ITT: Your favorite vidya quotes.
"It's time to chew ass."
-Dick Kickem
ITT: Your favorite vidya quotes.
"It's time to chew ass."
-Dick Kickem
Other urls found in this thread:
"Did you see my small child?"
-Harold Manson
"I don't think I requested this at any point in time."
-Adam Johnson
"If you kill your enemies, they win."
Oldaïr Ibn-Lol'Umad?
"How terrible!" - Jesus Chris Denton
"Kowabunga, kowabunga"
"i am sad"
-Beef Bigbeard
-Sup Forums
That's not what he says and his name is Duke Nukem
"Sorry i'm late" - Sizable Overseer
-user who's never played the game
>He still believes the Duke meme
"I have to run very quickly."
Acoustic the Porky
"I fuck some boi in ther butt" - fallout guy
The fuck was wrong with this guy?
-Zero, Megaman X 4
"I have covered wars, you know"
- Paperboy
"Fugg yo and fugg yo' marga! :DDD"
Sprudo Clarke
"does the pope poop in toilets"
- Carl Weathers, Grand Theft Aero: San Francisco
"Chew Bricks"
-Daisy, Mario Kart 8
- Crime Man
- Geek
"I have some things to do."
- Spyro the Dragon, upon learning he has some things to do
if you do not reply to this post your mom will die - Sup Forums
fuck off - me
She's already dead. Jokes on you, cunt. I'm replying just to be safe tho.
"I am Mario"
"You're fairly decent."
-Roulette Panther
- Ethan "Heavy" Rain
>'it's me. Mario.'
Everybody's mom will, yours too.
Good day, you may call me by my name that is called Mario.
- Mario "Super Mario" Mario
Jokes on you
She already is
"It's you!!"
good oh wait...... fuck
Thank you large dog
Well both their last names are Mario so
- fate lad
Kept you waiting huh?
-Sam Fisher
>Sometimes a step backwards is a step in the right direction.
"mods please ban me"
>their last names are Mario
It's Luigi Bros and Mario Bros you dumb nig.
"Might you pleasantly remove yourself you commie faggot?"
Underwater Space Jew
"Purchase DOOM Pre-Owned."
"I'm the type of guy that'll never settle down, I fuck em and I leave em, I'm a real piece of shit..."
-the wanderer
"Listen fenix, it may not be the fortnight or even when the barracks are full but someday you'll be alive and I won't have to murder Sara Kerrigan"
Jack Riynar
I suck at nip and rewrote the whole thing 5 times before I gave up
And this is where I make a mistake
that's great
"Snape killed Dumbledore."
- Link Baggins
"No, don't change back Sara you stupid bitch, I like your scaly skin."
Jive Ringnog
>You are not ready for the following scenario - edgy blind batman
you also can't put な before です. "this is exactly my american movie god"? not even sure what you were going for
>I suck at nip
keep studying. it's hard.
"Please don't go anywhere and open your ears to what I am about to say" -Ceckard Dain
"finally I've become Warcraft 3: The Frozen Throne™ by Blizzard, released to critical and fan acclaim in the summer of 2003. Now my destiny is complete."
Arthur Big Sword Guy
Was going for Octocamo's "This is very much like my Korean monodramas"
Thanks. 出来る
hghahaha oh wow
-Badge 1247
Played us like a damn fiddle.
I enjoy these.
What does that make me?
Cheers, that looks pretty simple now that you wrote it. I didn't know how to say like so I had to rely on google translate and work with my limited grammar knowledge.
fell for it again.
>Who are the Nationals?
>The Fee Fi Fo Fum
fik yu
>So long gay Bowser!
try out
you can watch anime and show the hiragana, katakana, japanese, romanji, and/or english subs, plus all their definitions.
Also you can take a quiz on all the stuff you've highlighted. It's some great shit.
This looks amazing, I'll definitely use that.
Deserves to be in the /djt/ OP
agreed, although I hope it doesnt get taken down.
astonishing, friend! - anonymous X
Lydia was always a Redguard slut
-Donte the Devil Slayer
Two legged strolling battle machine
-Nice Shoes Man
'The Fisherman lays a bait for his prey' -Rubbish Shrew
"spiderman, its these filthy spooks and mexicans again, they're destroying white america and your the only one who can stop them!"
police officer #4, Spiderman 2
Jesus, i knew Raimi could get away with the stuff on the silver screen but i never thought he could get it past the ESRB
-British Houston
Pray the meme
-Meme Knight
"You there want my penis?"
-High Dongers
"I have returned to the land of the living"
- Cabal
>Ethan Eagle
"The meal is prepared"
-Larry the Hot Broth
>Now is the moment of your demise.
>This demise, I could speak poetically, will be so justly savored by my mistress Cackletta that it will be as if she was sampling fine artisan mustard spread upon freshly baked bread
>This mustard, of course, being a complex metaphor for your demise.
Here is your (you)
"frimmin on the frim fram frimmin on the frim" -Droid
BAZINGA - Dook Nookem
-Rägnär, Ovenlord
I'M GONNA KILL PRAXIS - Blonde hair black soul edge man