What RTS games are the kids playing nowadays?
I want to get back in the RTS saddle
what's the state of some of the games I'm aware of from recent years like Company of Heroes 2, Age of Empires 2 HD etc?
general purpose RTS thread as well I guess
What RTS games are the kids playing nowadays?
I want to get back in the RTS saddle
what's the state of some of the games I'm aware of from recent years like Company of Heroes 2, Age of Empires 2 HD etc?
general purpose RTS thread as well I guess
>What RTS games are the kids playing nowadays?
MOBAS killed the genre.
th-there's still some people playing though, right?
Pay2win mobile and facebook games mostly
supreme commander.
Me and my buds usually fuck around in Cultures 2-4 multiplayer on custom maps. Also sins of a solar empire rebellion is amazing.
Deserts of Kharak?
how did that turn out? It seemed to come out of nowhere and haven't heard anything since
RTS player here
Starcraft 2 is getting a rebalance patch soon for all the races in LotV
Deserts of Kharak MP is actually VERY good but it's not reallythat popular. Still it will make you want more.
Forged Alliance Forever add on is what people play for SupCom. Get that shit
Nothing more.RTS aren't as big as they were before.
SC2 is your best choice right now, but it's always more about speed rather than tactics. Still they can make or break your attack.
Solid game,nothing to do once you've finished the story really.Wish there was a sandbox campaign like Total War has
Memes aside, is African Kingdoms and good?
>tfw Galactic civilizations/Endless Space/Masters of Orion don't have Homeworld/Sins combat
I still see a lot of people playing AoE2HD.
most played RTS on Steam are probably SC2, AOE2 HD, COH 2
if you want a RTT with no base building: Total War, Men of War: Assault Squad 2, Wargame: Red Dragon
if you don't care as much about multiplayer there are more options like Supreme Commander Forged Alliance and Homeworld Remastered
but yea, MOBA cancer pretty much killed it
Africa >= Conquerors > Kings > Forgotten
Mostly in terms of campaign, I don't play a lot of online
it's enjoyable
what is the fucking point of a homeworld game in 2 dimensions? Fuck gearbox.
bfme 2
MOBA didn't kill RTS, it died before that.
>ywn play bfme 2 HD with steamworks and just load up the Helms Deep gate with archers like in the good old days
RTS lost the historical fanbase to games like Total War and even grand strategy games, and then the casual side of it moved to MOBAs
stop fucking saying this retarded nonsense. Mobas CAME from Warcraft.
None. Because its pretty much ground control which I felt was 2d home world anyway. Its a decent game so it's a small win for me.
Then I'm not getting it.
Cossacks 3 releases in few weeks.
Said the same at first. I got it. Its fun.
This period of History sucks. They should have remade Cossacks 2 instead.
has their been any talk about showing off some extended videos of gameplay? I feel like there's absolutely nothing known about this game when it releases imminently, just like Deserts of Kharak was.
>17th and 18th sucks
Get out
16th-17th centuries best centuries. Pleb
>that one guy on the left like is this nigga taking my picture?
18th century wasn't that bad, but 17th is horrible.
The politics suck. Aristocrats and religious people fighting each other.
The aesthetics suck. Ugliest clothes and hairstyles ever, everybody looks like a dirty gay barbarian.
Warfare sucks. Everybody is just doing this boring, ugly pike and shot crap.
Very few interesting great men.
19th century was superior in every ways.
Not really. All is known it's supposed to be "prettier Cossacks" with deep mod tools.
ok, well I'll give the benefit of the doubt to based slav developers and stay hopeful
No. Aeon of strife from StarCraft started it. Then the first real moba was Dota in Warcraft 3 then the bandwagon started filling up from there. RTS was well in decline by the time dota was up.
Company of Heroes 2 has active multiplayer still.
Those were crazy times for Polish–Lithuanian Commonwealth, pretty much perfect for game about Cossacks.
State is pretty good. All the children moved to MOBAs with their cancerous esports shit.
There's store.steampowered.com
is the hype for next month.
What this guy said + Nova pack for some extra singleplayer missions.
Planetary Annihilation got cheaper and has two extra patches with content.
Ashes of the singularity exists, i suppose, and Halo Wars 2 is coming up soon.
On the modding scene the Starcraft engine'd Warcraft 3 game's almost done.
I just play AoE2HD most of the time. Big monitor makes it comfy as fuck.
is the new player difficulty curve pretty high?
everything I've heard is don't bother getting into it because the people who play are all veteran players who will stomp you and you'll learn nothing
>On the modding scene the Starcraft engine'd Warcraft 3 game's almost done
Its not funny to play with a man's emotions like this.
It doesn't help that RPG elements will slant it the fuck out of your favor. It also uses a deck system, so you're going to have to learn whats meta before you can even wipe your own ass. Don't bother.
does anyone still play CoH1 then?
whats your FC time?
It's highly veteranized, and not many.