You will never be physically encouraged and cheered on by a pro player while playing a fighting game

>you will never be physically encouraged and cheered on by a pro player while playing a fighting game

Other urls found in this thread:

nope. I'm outta here.

youtube version?

What's wrong? Our man Justin Wong is just encouragin a young player.

Already sent to the FBI.

Is there porn of this yet?

lolis must be so smooth to rub & cuddle

baka desu senpai


I want to encourage a little girl

i-im friends with ice.
around 36:43
i'm not usually into 3DPD, but Ayame-chan such a qt3.14

This would be like 70% of hentai, where the guy is fat and evil, and the girl a dumb loli

I want to lick her exposed armpits

I almost feel bad for him.
>fat and ugly af
>autistic behaivor
>lolita complex
>still a virgin
But when he starts to rub her, I really want to smash his fat face against the floor

>This pedo will never be gassed
>In ten years pedos will be the new repressed minority

This is the most autistic thing I have ever seen

look at this rape. men shouldn't be allowed anywhere near children.

That's a good thing though.

Yes please, medieval pls come back

I love to see Justin Wong encouraging our youth

>ywn sodomize these sickos with a machete
no homo

I'd obliterate you with my katana


ugh, it's always the fat people.
why couldn't it be someone whos skinnier with a simpler face?

I bet she has beautiful, petit feet

>men aren't allowed to ever make physical contact with girls or they are pedophile sexual predators
I hate this shit desu senpai, the dude is obviously not doing anything reprehensible in the slightest.

You need to be able to hit me to do that
*vanishes into thin air

its allowed because wong
and he would officially be able to get a loli looking weeb girl


ugh he's a fat autistic sperg.
if he can't control his diet then how will he control his lust?

What is his name again?


Is she about to cry?

Dan "Hymen Divider" Schneider

They didn't screw kids that much, moreso teenagers.

>her face right after he rubs her
she liked it

I don't i think it's weird, is she like a cousin or a sister? it would be okay in my book if that was the case.

hahaha proof that hes a pedo. epic lulz


He's perfectly normal and confident. Watch his stream sometime.

Look at his face, he literally looks like he's thinking "She looks just like that loli from Rape and Kill children issue #47 "

She better, I fucking wish jwong would rub me

How did it get to the point where a man even standing near a girl implies he's a child predator?

This is a horrible train of thought.

I'm no SJW, but you shouldn't immediately think someone is a molester because of his weight.

She already cried, a lot. There is no more pain. Just repressed trauma


Wasn't probably not the first time.

Dan "The Man With the Rear Entry Plan" Schneider

onii-chan rapist. hide your rock cd's gentlemen.


never heard of this guy, did he ass fucked someone?

He's using the Wong Factor!!

Dan "Hold 'er Tighter, She's a Fighter" Schneider




Its called child porn.
Its illegal and disgusting.

I'm not overweight, but I am a lolicon.

The more you stereotype based on irrelevant traits, and accuse literally everyone of being a pervert, the harder it is to find the actual ones.



I would also like to know the answer to this.





Patrician setup

Why don't you have a seat over there?

Blame Chris Hanson and his show To Catch a Predator.

you're illegal

and disgusting

Dan "Put the chip inside her" Schneider

Holy shit looking at this just reminded me of a doujin with a loli and a fat nerd.


how jelly BishopBB is

He didn't do anything, he's a stand up gentleman and all around nice guy


>cosplaying as Serena
How could you resist?

>Chris Hanson
You leave the Hanson out of this



Children are loud, annoying, smell and fucking stupid. Why would you want to spend time or be near one?

I'm not you but I know the doujin you are thinking of.

Does Dan Schneider even know he's a meme?

Is this from one of those "x demographic reacts" videos?

I always thought it was a first world thing, we always say they are cold hearted



Fucking love Tim an Eric


Fucking post it then

if you haven't noticed already it's entirely about the dude's appearance. just look at the whole dan schneider thing. foot fetish shit aside, if he was thin and attractive no one would be posting pictures the pictures of him and the actresses

He's too busy fucking underaged pussy to care what some virgins on the Internet think about him.

Pedo detected


Why do you even have these files in your computer?

What would the police find in your HDDs?
Do you even live in US?

fug i typed pictures twice

If they're not raised properly, then yes they tend to be loud, annoying and stupid.

>where a man even standing near a girl implies he's a child predator

>Rubbing up a girl you don't even know is just "standing near her"

Which one
What was she reacting to

>all kids are brats

Are you retarded literally NOTHING in this thread is illegal you dumb shit

you subhumans need to spend more time looking at yourselves. you're the savages

your picture is spooky

