PlayStation Blog just leaked itself, PS Now on PC is coming. Maybe the PS+ price increase is justified now?

PlayStation Blog just leaked itself, PS Now on PC is coming. Maybe the PS+ price increase is justified now?

Fuck this noise

Sonycucks are the only one's stupid enough to support this

>Slim is terrible looking
>PSN price increase
>No Man's Sky was a blunder
>Now they lost all their games to PC


>PS now on pc

What does that even mean? Sony exclusives on PC or something worthless instead?

Does that mean I can sell my Bloodborne player and stream it on my PC instead?

Why would I pay $70 a year to play input lag Uncharted 4?

Port to Steam proper or GTFO Sony.

Why don't they just sell the games on their own distribution service like origin or

Why do they need to do some dumb shit like ps now?

You still have to pay for the PS Now titles even if you have Plus.

Is that PS4 games on PC, or PS4 streaming to PC? PS4 games for PC are awesome, but I don't want to spend $300+ Just for a Bloodborne machine.

Because then they can justify recurring charges, since its running on their servers. Sony aren't in the business of selling games, they sell services. They want you subscribed and addicted to their service so you'll keep paying the monthly bill forever.

>the future of video games will be Onlive but with outdated hardware and forced controller with no kb+m option and streaming input lag

I feel like very few people are willing to pay for this shit and it would be much more lucrative just to sell the games on pc.

Just seems greedy to a self destructive level.

What does this actually mean? Unless it means I can play PS games on PC, it's totally irrelevant.

Sony is ded, nothing can save them.

Sony is investing heavily in the idea of a subscription based gaming experience. Outside of specific examples that will be posted over and over, most games will run fine, as they tested with PS4 remote play.

Gaming is going to be like Netflix in the next 10 years. Completely digital. Pay a fee to play games.

>NEO is 599

Is going to sell at that price?


Maybe for consoles.

>he thinks Steam won't be the first to do it
All those indie early access shit games for only $60 a month

>post candlejack may may

you faggots are so fucking stupid i wish

Isn't there anything Sony WON'T copy from Microsoft and Nintendo?

Nah, it will never be anything but a niche service only retards do. Like Humble Monthly.
Steam would probably try something similar, but never as an actual replacement for their current model.

Yeah nah. Steam and Origin and Humble and GOG aren't going to disappear. Streaming gameplay is fucking expensive. There's no benefit for the distributor when they already have an established audience of people with gaming PCs.

Candlejack is like PS4 games. People say they exist, but when you look for them. It's like they disapp

Ps3 has no gaems



I'm screencapping this, top work user.

>, PS Now on PC is coming.
It was always coming, they've literally said it before. Much like it's coming to Smartphones and Smart TVs. The point of PS Now is to be usable on basically anything with a screen and buttons. They said this when it was announced.

>Maybe the PS+ price increase is justified now?
Now is an entirely unrelated service to PS+, it's its own subscription. Neither has any connection to the other. The PS+ price increase is, as Sony stated, "to reflect market conditions".

Why do people here talk about things as if they have no idea what the actual subject matter is?

>what does this actually mean?
Three fucking minutes in google would get you an answer to this, or basically any amount of paying attention to the industry.

But since everyone on this board is an idiot that doesn't actually follow video games, I'll answer.

PlayStation Now is a game streaming service which you can play some PS3 games on. The games themselves run on Sony's servers and you simply stream the game and your inputs are streamed back. If you remember OnLive, it's the same concept as that.

The fact it's streamed content and not running on the hardware means the games can be "played on" essentially anything - on PS4, Vita, PS3, smart TVs, tablets, phones and obviously PCs since all the device has to do is send and recieve streaming data over the internet.

However the drawback of streamed games is that they require a strong internet connection and are prone to the usual effects of streamed content - significant data transfer delay (including inputs in this case), artifacting impacting visuals etc.

In practice this means that you'll be able to play PS3 games (including exclusives) on PC, yes, but you're not running the game itself. And just in case somebody here is retarded enough to ask, no, you won't be able to mod the games either.

Anonymity is a double-edged katana, user.

It still has latency, so no thanks.

>The PS+ price increase is, as Sony stated, "to reflect market conditions".
"Market conditions" being "god fuck shit why didn't you dirty white males go see our movie about unfunny SNL lesbians"

>streaming games

I wouldn't mind that so long as there's no additonal charges

More like milking sonyggers for as much as they can.

If i wanted to play their exclusive at 24 cinematic frames per second i would have bought a fucking ps4 already, who the fuck is going to give them money for a stream of their game with latency out the ass and artifacting to boot?
They truly are retards

>Sony gets big lead in console market
>starts swinging their dick around again

They learned nothing from the PS3 launch, they view customer goodwill as a resource to be consumed and replenished. If MS hadn't practically giftwrapped them this console generation in 2012 they would be legit teetering on the verge of bankruptcy right now instead of it just being an ebin maymay.

It's only a certain handful of games you can play. Bloodborne not included

>PCucks will pay Sony to finally get some good games
B-but Master Race, guiz.

>Now they lost all their games to PC

why would I bother with plus on PC when steam has better sales.

No thanks. Sonycucks can keep this just like their 70 dollar paid online.

sony is going third party

it's over

sony is done and irrelevant

rip sonycoons.

i knew sony was shit. I didn't fall for their '' for the good boys'' marketing tricks.

What if:
this isn't a streaming service
but a steam-like service to download and play PS4 games

Would you Sup Forums?

>streaming vidya

absolutely disgusting

>still no PS4 games after 2 years of saying PS4 and more is coming!
Almost fell for this meme.

neogaf makes it a requirement, otherwise they face a permaban.

are they ported to pc via magic ?

So wait, is the PS4 getting a price drop or what? Cause it'd be neato to get one whike they push the ugly fucking slim model.

All """officially""" ports, but quality™ may vary.

>Implying anyone uses PS Now
Kek. If you're gonna shitpost at least make it believable.

the games you'll be playing will be running on a ps3 in a server somewhere
dont get your panties wet just yet, pcfats

So can i play person5 on pc by streaming the ps3 version?
or is just a "selectable" bunch of games that are avalible.

No, PS4 games aren't part of PS Now just yet. It's PS3 games only.

>outdated hardware

That won't even be an issue though since the hardware is at their end. Personally I can't wait, goodbye to consumer console hardware and the end of hardware fanboys and trolls.

Price hasn't even been announced, hell the console hasn't even been announced.

I miss 2006, best year of my life.

Aa long as streaming stays as shitty as it is that won't happen

>streaming games

You might as well go fuck yourself.

So red dead and demon's souls?

Red Dead is a mediocre game, even buying it used still felt like a waste of money. I will never understand the hype around it.

Lmao butthurt sonypony

Good job, . And you didn't even try

He's not wrong, Xnigger. After ten long years the meme is finally real.