Post shoehorned characters in otherwise good stories

Post shoehorned characters in otherwise good stories

Shouldn't you be paying attention in school?

I never understood what was even going on in that DLC. Even when you make it as clear as possible that you did nothing wrong, he's still a complete wanker.

Why would he even think it would be a good idea for anyone to live in the divide, if it was full of fucking nukes?

>Expecting good writing from Obsidian

1. He (you) doesn't, if you don't want to.

2. You can.

3. Because he has no other option, and can use the courier's desire for revenge.

4. He did. It got hacked to fuck. He now has no control over his robots.

5. This one is a real one. It's dumb as fuck for him to believe you destroyed the bot facility because he heard noises, too.

6. He probably has been watching the way the brotherhood operate, and deems them assholes who would usurp his position.

also,l fuck this. NV general

Ulysses was good and properly foreshadowed in the previous DLCs, and the fact that he caused the Think Tank to remember who they are, directed Elijah to Sierra Madre and trained the White Legs was pretty neat. The problem with Lonesome Road was that the Divide itself or its event were foreshadowed literally nowhere (save for one tape and one sentence in OWB), plus unlike the vanilla game or rest of the DLC started giving the player character new backstory out of nowhere. Ulysses chastises you for a thing that was practically never foreshadowed anywhere, and that happened long before you were ever in control of your character.

>brotherhood of steel
House already has access to better technology and more armament than BoS does by the point you activate his army. House and BoS are diametrically opposed, with both being tech hoarders who want to be in control of the big Old World guns. House even says he would win a war against BoS, but prefers to circumvent it altogether in case BoS attempts to solidify its power base after the NCR is gone, to prevent wasting resources for nothing. BoS could possibly gain from a pact with House, but House has nothing to gain from BoS.

House trusting the Courier out of the blue is pretty damn stupid, Caesar even moreso is retard extraordinaire, but the reason House needs a human proxy is to infiltrate Caesar's camp. A robot wouldn't be able to waltz into Caesar's tent or the bunker for example.

i had a friend who thought he was really deep and intelligent.when I finally played the dlc he was a literal retard who wanted to wipe out all civilizations around him with nuclear weapons.Why are people easily swayed by literature quotes?

I know a guy who became a Mormon based on Joshua Graham.

But then, he's got a QT mormon wife now, and all she wants to do is fuck and cook, so the joke's on me.

He is as crazy as a real roman leader

Who were smart but crazy. He's a good tactician, but way too sentimental.

I wish I was swayed by literature quotes easily enough to end up like him

sometimes i think i should just join a christian church like that and just pretend im a believer just to get a access to loyal virgin women

He was a tribal. He has pretty simplistic and primitive views on how the world works. He's obsessed with symbols, and the idea of one man being able to change a nation (probably because of what he saw Caesar do). That's why he blames the Courier for what happened to the Divide. He only wants to nuke whatever nation he thinks the Courier is allied with, as revenge for his home being destroyed.

>He only wants to nuke whatever nation he thinks the Courier is allied with
I think he tries to nuke everyone, no matter what you're doing. NCR is just his first target, and if you're allied with Legion you can tell Ulysses "See if I care about you nuking NCR" to which he answers that the East will have its turn.

Strangely enough he doesn't nuke New Vegas, though that would've probably been harder to implement gameplay wise.

If you're playing New Vegas without DLC you're objectively doing it wrong since it was all supposed to be part of the base game and was just postponed till later because they had one year to make the whole game initially.

A lot of DLC characters including Elijah, Ulysses and Dean Domino are all mentioned at some point in the base game. It's just that Ulysses in particular is shoehorned as your nemesis for no apparent reason and his entire history sucks ass compared to literally any other DLC character you encounter.

>knows nothing about you,

He explicitly states his spies were watching you, he could therfore determine your character from your actions

Which writers did he quote?

He doesn't even have to state it. You can see Victor following you the whole way there.

I honestly found him verbose and annoying I just skipped through most of his dialog

>expecting bethsdrones to pay attention to details, when they just want to shoot something

Also he doesn't trust you that much since you're literally never left near his actual body. He only entrusts you with continuing his operations because you came back from a bullet in the skull and completed the delivery regardless.

You're literally just his employee. Whether you agree with him or not is irrelevant, he just wants result because you can provide results.

the brotherhood bullshit was cut content wasn't it?

>expecting good baits from Todd
Sorry about all the Toddposting stuff dude, but honestly you should just embrace it. Just stop being an angry manlet

House and the BOS not seeing eye to eye is self explanatory.

House wants to create space rapture by using technology, the BOS wants people to live like dirty peasants by hoarding technology for themselves.

After the BOS' stunt in Helios ONE it's no wonder he just wants to fuck them over and make sure they don't try the same shit on the strip.

>He explicitly states his spies were watching you, he could therfore determine your character from your actions
Which still doesn't make a lick of sense. You could've helped House get his chip and be an NCR butt buddy for the entire game, Caesar even mentions all this himself, yet he suddenly decides to blindly trust you just because you were badass enough to chase Benny down after getting shot in the head. That's his entire reason for recruiting you.

House, while still too naive makes somewhat sense since he needs a human proxy to work inside the minor factions, NCR and the Legion. House also doesn't know about Yes Man's existence and thought that Benny was acting completely irrationally without any sort of proper planning, so he naturally assumes his offer will trump NCR and the Legion's which are supposedly his only competitors.
NCR extends their own offer because you're the only person who has been to House's crib, they in turn want you to keep a tab on House and eventually assassinate him.
Caesar is a fucking retard who has no reason whatsoever to trust the Courier.


We generally call that selling you game piecemeal and most people treat that practice pretty harshly. Doing piecemeal is for nigger kikes.

Ultimately it still falls to video game logic, to be fair. The game would be broken as shit if by the time you got to the strip you were already locked out of most factions because you didn't perform adequately.

I'm a lot more bothered by how the faction quests are actually delivered to you. A bunch of dudes homing in on you the instant you walk out of the casino is fucking stupid.

It sucks ass but the game's now got a complete edition so there's literally no excuse.

The New Vegas DLCs are all shit, at least gameplay wise. Shame they didn't make it more of the same of the base game like Witcher 3's Blood and Wine.

Didn't House have some anti-nuke shield which is why New Vegas is still standing in the first place?

He shot down most of the nukes but couldn't get all of them.

House is written to be one of the smartest people alive in Fallout lore, which kind of clashes with how subpar and incompetent RobCo is supposed to be.

Know what grinds my gears about Ulysses?

You guys make a bunch of great points about what an asshole he is but the game doesn't. There's one big circle jerk about how he's this incredible, significant legend.

When you meet him the dialog options are like
>My old friend and comrade, I must dissuade you from the error of your ways and teach you how to move on and live harmoniously.
>Great warrior, I respect your supreme abilities but I cannot allow you to continue. Let us have an honorable duel to the death!

There's no "You're a stupid cunt" option in spite of him quite possibly being the stupidest cunt in the entirety of North America. Even if you skip every one of his dialogs, shoot him in the face on sight, saw off his limbs and teabag the bloody pile of his remains the ending cinematic still says how you respectfully wrapped his fallen body.

Why the fuck were the writers so in love with him?

Well House is meant to be like Howard Hughes, so I guess House stopped looking into all what Robco was doing.

House was able to intercept 90% of 77 nuclear missiles that fell in the Mojave area.

The irony kills him because he believes that with the Platinum Chip operating system he could have shot down 100% but the fucking thing was mailed out the day before World War III broke out and didn't arrive on time.

>why doesn't he leave NV
because clearly he's been in NV (as seen by the vault 21 suit you get at the very beginning of the game) and has unfinished business there (he was the courier that had to deliver the chip to house)
>why doesn't house build a robot servant
he did and look at what happened to yes man
>why does caesar act dumb
he's in a position way above his limits because he's getting old and has a terminal disease that will kill him before the main story ends if not treated
>why does house destroy bos
because they're faggots that are literally mugging people traveling on the main road to vegas (unless you force them to side with NCR), they do have a lot of things to salvage but it's just easier and less resource demanding to wipe them out
>most powerful factions are completely hopeless
NCR are led by a complete idiot, consists mostly of cannon fodder that are unable to kill a naked raider, let alone an armed legionnaire; legion is on the brink of extinction and house can't defend vegas from both factions without the chip

Chris Avellone didn't try as hard as he should have with writing Ulysses's character. He started with this skeletal "enigmatic ubermensch-type with big ideas" archetype and then just left it that. He's simultaneously over and underwritten, which is how he has endlessly for what feels like hours without really saying anything.

Leaving NV was actually supposed to be a joke ending where you could just go to the Mojave Outpost and ask the NCR soldiers to let you through.

That sounds perfect.

>complete a hard job for a contractor
>surprised the contractor offers you more jobs
>ending says you become his ace mercenary and live of his money for the rest of your life

only time you legitimately join a faction is with caesars.

>"Mr. House has a lot of needs, sugar. I take care of all of them, and a lady doesn't kiss and tell."
>"I'm Jane, one of Mr. House's girls. We keep him... entertained."
What the fuck can a Securitron and a hermetically sealed ghoul actually do?


Man, I loved being able to just fuck off in the middle of the game.

Does Caesar formally welcome you inside the Legion at any point ? I think he only considers you a close ally throughout.

The only way to really be part of a faction is to go rogue and make your own. Anyone else just treats you like an outside contractor.

Pretty much all the side characters in Bastion. Just felt like they didn't need to be there and the story could've gone on without them.

>Why does the Courier, who is essentially a post-apocalyptic mailman, give a shit about politics?
There are so many things wrong with this question, holy fuck.

Just because their job title is "Courier" doesn't mean they're a simple mailman. A Courier job is likely one of the single most dangerous jobs in the wasteland. It means travelling extremely long distances through bandit and raider territories or unpopulated areas. The Courier is known to have travelled basically throughout and outside of NCR territory, at that, and is basically one of the most travelled people in the western wastes.

Considering that the Courier would not only have understanding of the geography, of the politics of various areas AND of business in various areas, why would they not be a good fit for political matters?

Every time you go up and talk to house he has to log out of his VR harem to talk to your dumb ass.

>think House is a sociopathic asshole
>find out he's been super nice and charitable to the agoraphobic girl in Vault 34 for no apparent reason except that she cried
Kinda caught me off guard

*Vault 21

>not playing NV with Fallout Who Vegas installed

The Courier is the saviour of the wasteland. He shows up, in a blue box, and tattered desert ranger armour with a cowboy hat and a sonic screwdriver and solves the problems of New Vegas.

DUDE. Fuark YES.

That'd be epic, yo!!

I guess he feels guilty for kicking out everyone she knew and grew up with?

also did you know that doc mitchel was from 21 as well

Ol' molebutt?

Aside from being a ruthless power freak, House has pretty noble goals. He enabled Vegas to survive, educated the nearby tribes, is okay with dealing with NCR citizens as long as their army fucks off and has a long-term plan for humanity in general. He also doesn't care about dictating how people spend their free time like the Legion's no-fun-allowed attitude. If you have good karma the ending slide also mentions how House takes pride in his choice of lieutenants.

Hell, if you replace House you're essentially just taking over his plan with relatively minimal changes in regards to certain minor factions.

You'll just end up like the user that wasted two years on a slag.

This is forced as fuck by some desperate Fallout 3 canadian shitposter literally crying tears because if he doesn't come up with an excuse for his shitty favorite PS3 game he doesn't know what he'll do so he writes up a bad copy of a criticism for it but directs it on something it doesn't really apply to without actually learning about it. He doesn't care, so long as it takes his mind away from all the people shitting on his precious precious work of art.

>Fallout 3

Eh. You don't have to like one or the other. Tale of Two Wastelands is fantastic.

I was the one who wrote it and all of that is true

I'd totally qualify as a bethdrone but I'm not fucking delusional, Obsidian writes better, more cohesive stories. I still think Bethesda handles the gameplay part better and makes more interesting worldspaces.

But... I wrote that

Anonymous, they're called African Americans.

Don't look behind you

>I still think Bethesda handles the gameplay part better

He's also Avellone's author avatar on what he personally thinks about the Fallout universe.

Of course it devolves into a fillibustering mess and of course he turns out to be author's pet.

i never really understood what this dlc was about
something about ruining his home or some crap?
English isnt my first language

Marie in P4G
Angeal and Genesis in Crisis Core
Kay and Athena in Ace Attorney
Sunny in Metal Gear
Sexy Sylvia in Viewtiful Joe 2

Off the top of my head.

From what I remember the courier delivered a bomb or something without knowing what it was and Ulysses got 200% butthurt about it.

He lived in a town full of bombs.

The courier brought in a thing that made bombs go off

He's angry at the courier for that.

The end.

Courier gets hired to deliver a package because that's their job. Package contained the detonator for the nukes in the divide. BEAR AND BULL is ass mad at the courier, who's involvement amounts to doing their job.

was this part never mentioned?
how did i miss this?
and why did he get so buttmad and made me destroy even more nukes on the way to him?
what a retard

Also important, the courier had LITERALLY ZERO IDEA of what was in the package and was professional enough not to bust it open to check it out.

Also Ulysses tricks you into activating even more nuclear missiles and still blames you for causing more destruction.

It's mentioned, but...oddly enough it's mentioned among so much crap that he spouts that it's hard to pick it out among all his BEAR BULL FLAG nonsense.

>what a retard

Yeah, he also says "i have no flag" while wearing a coat with a flag on the back of it.


And on top of all of this, the game expects you to feel bad for everything that happened, despite all of this happening before the player even created their courier.
You literally have zero involvement or reason to care.

really activated my frontal almonds....
basically just another retard who deserves to get killed
now i dont feel bad about killing him

>He doesn't even know the why of it

>Best reward for nuking both the NCR, and Legion
>"Smiling Troublemaker" reputation after nuking the NCR

>he doesn't know that Ulysses totally wanted to show the courier that all his actions have consequences and the futility of trying to escape old-world degeneration while living according to its structures and ideals.

And the best way to do that is with NUKES

The game is skewed toward the NCR. because the legion is EVIL!111

House can't build a robot servant, since he admits that Victor is barely within range of his broadcasts, making them delayed as a result. He also comments that he himself would need to be mobile, and that negotiations through a Securiton isn't optimal. That, and good help is hard to find these days.

Both Yes-Man and House ran the numbers and found that BoS will be a dangerous force down the line. Best to eliminate them than for their continued opposing existence to the technocracy of the Strip.

The contract with House is his only real clause to keep you working for him, but you are free to leave anytime (at least until the Render unto Ceasar or Don't Tread on the Bear becomes active)

NCR and Legion have spies all over the place, so them having an interest in you is simply because the Courier has no other ties to duty keeping them. They approach you due to your mobility to go everywhere.

You were a Courier before start of the game. Ulysses was Ex-Legion who found a place to settle down and call his home. One day you brought an unknown package to Ulysses' home, which ended up being a machine that detonated the hidden nukes below Ulysses' home. Your character had no idea what he was delivering, nor did he hear about what happened to the Divide. Ulysses survived, eventually found you on accident and became obsessed with the idea of small people causing great changes in history, even without knowing about it themselves. Ulysses knows about the Platinum Chip and turns down the offer to deliver it himself, assuming you'll be killed while delivering it, but your character miraculously survives Benny's headshot.

Next, after hearing about your survival Ulysses makes you bring the detonation codes to him, planning to launch nukes to your home first, and then everywhere else.
>tl;dr Ulysses is a bitter faggot angry for the destruction of his home, which was not your character's fault in the slightest and happened long before you were ever in control of your character

>mfw Nuka World is actually good

whats nuka world?

The last fallout 4 DLC

The only redeeming factor about Ulysses' entire character and the DLC itself is that you can just straight up assume everything he says is complete bullshit and you never actually did anything to him or to the divide.

There's even dialogue options every time he talks to you via the eyebot to deny your involvement altogether.

I always assume that Ulysses just heard the word Courier, had his nuclear detonation infused PTSD triggered and grew a chunky, properly insane hate boner for the protagonist.

He was an insufferable faggot that tagged his 'sick' logo all over The Big Empty too

>nuka world
Does it pick up? Because it's boring as fuck right now.

>people still play fallout 4
played it for 25 hours rushing trough the plot
got done with that build my settlement a bit and quit
never rebooted it because i was addicted to witcher 3
for me it had WAY too much shooting for a fallout game
like every other step a gang of raiders or mutants start shooting at you and that bothered me

story ?

The first bit is a bit weird, considering you've played a good guy all alone, but the mini-quests that make up the DLC are pretty awesome, and there are loads of cool pre-war things in it.

The locations are pretty cool, too. That and it carries on into the main game.

>d on top of all of this, the game expects you to feel bad for everything that happened
I really don't see this at all. I always got the impression Ulyssess was supposed to be a bit of a lunatic, and blaming you. You were even allowed to completely deny involvement in it. It's just as valid a roleplaying option, as feeling all sad about it.

>A bunch of dudes homing in on you the instant you walk out of the casino is fucking stupid.

If it wasn't a major point of public knowledge that House's casino has never been entered, despite him running the whole town, I'd agree with you. NCR is literally a block away, so it seems reasonable a soldier on leave could see you go in and immediately report it, and, of course, Caesar has spies in NV which probably keep tabs on it.

>you guys make a bunch of great points about what an asshole he is


But why do they literally run up to you all at once ?

Shouldn't Caesar's Legion actually wait until you're outside of the strip ? Why would they risk being spotted even by eavesdroppers when they could just have a whole group of legionnaires, the same kind that can track your ass across the mojave to kill you, deliver you the message when you're not in direct vicinity of NCR troops ?

>pretending Bethesda are good at writing

How is the FO4 modding scene? Have they removed the Player Character's vocal cords? Any alternate start mods?

there are a lot of high quality mods out there
made the game 1000 times better imho

While I agree with your complaint, that's relatively unreasonable when most people are going to be given the ability to call NCR troops to any location before they get to NV.

There's quite a nice alternate start that basically makes you a synth with preloaded memories, and the start options are generously done.

There's probably a no speaking option, but..I don't care about that much.

Modding scene in general is picking up. I think after nuka world is out a month, we'll see some pretty good stuff.

Check out Infinite Answer for a good alternate start mod. Still fairly buggy but shows a lot of promise.

There's already a bunch of mods that shut the protagonists up, but they need to be updated every DLC release.

LR is the worst DLC though. Even DM is better.