Other urls found in this thread:
>posting FF on Sup Forums
what's wrong? I thought Sup Forums was the one responsible for her kickstarter getting funded in the first place?
>reviewer says augs are dangerous
>says that's difference than minorities
okay review until 6:00
Fair enough. Proceed.
Actually the rest of the review is a mixture of "BLM dindu nuffin" and legitimate criticism of the shitty story.
The legit story criticism is the same as others have said.
>Why is the story presenting an unbiased view of both sides instead of just being a propaganda piece for my opinions???
That was Sup Forums faggot
when ur rite ur rite
s-shut up
Tbh ever time this kind of thing would pop up on Sup Forums people would direct the posters back to Sup Forums.
well fug
What's wrong with moral ambiguity again?
>This fucking nu-males voice
err excuse me but he's a WOMEN now
I wouldn't instigate further into this particular individual, you don't want to have a bad day now, do you?
I forgot she was a thing.
Is the trap voice a new Aug?
HAHA, holy fuck the blows just keep coming for Deus Ex
This game might be the flop of the decade
>Comments disabled
This shit writes itself
the review is actually not terrible, worse part is the expected social justice bits which I have grown accustomed to, and the disgusting tranny voice
Why aren't they dead yet?
>Starts talking about the BLM stuff that devs put into the game
>Demonizing them and taking them into cultural appropiation
And what about the fact that a tale about human conflict "would have benefited from having a protagonist that shows some humanity himself"?
It's literally handbook "women don't understand shit", even if it's a fake woman like this.
>only 2,000 views in a day
I thought she was meant to be famous among strong independent womyn?
Since when does FF do reviews?
I thought Anita had fucked off to do some video series about her cosplaying as "women in history". She got a fuckton of money for that too.
>Watching a fucking FF video
>Not expecting SJW shit
Why did you watch it?
Why do you think they're shilling here?
Because at the start it was decent.
Then it went to total shit.
>It's the responsibility of game devs to include nonwhitemale characters and cultures into their games
>When they do, it's "cultural appropriation"
>Even when the guy doing it is black
fuck the fuck off. Sup Forums wanted nothing to do with you stupid faggots. this was entirely Sup Forums's fault
What the fuck did you expect from a FF video? I ask this again because you seem to be retarded.
>He actually believes Anita the professional victim needed Sup Forums's help to get pity donations for all the harassment
You're really not a clever man.
So basically >her complaints about the story is that it's not black and white enough? That the good guys should be more good guys?
sounds boring desu
yes, actually because i saw it happen before my eyes. no one cared about her then all of a sudden we see the influx in redditors. apparently redditors were having an in site war with the feminist types and so they came over here to enlist Sup Forumsirgins. Sup Forums being mostly underage newfags of course was tricked into harassing her with them/for them. it wasn't until Sup Forums and reddit's internet hate campaign that anyone was talking about her. she was the poster child for the movement and Sup Forums (reddit) fell for it
No, you're actually very stupid if you think Sup Forums was a major factor. Anita lives off pretending to be harassed, she didn't need anyone's help to cry rape.
>Every story needs needless amounts of grey in it where every character is schizophrenic, just waiting to show you their "twisted fucking psychopath" side when you're least expecting it for cheap thrills.
Sounds boring.
you're in denial. you newfags fucked up big time
she didnt live off of it until we enabled her, retard
before this whole event she was a fucking nobody who was scrambling for cash
im not that user either but you're clearly new or really fucking retarded if you think it wasn't this site's fault that stupid whore got relevant
Sounds more exciting that the alternative at least.
>"felix" still advertises on Sup Forums
Does this get brought up?
what? is this true?
>FF doesn't have time to do tropes vs women videos
>has time to review new games
I don't get how this myth came to be.
People say it was Sup Forums, yet there's no proof of that being the case for her jump to popularity. She became famous after releasing the "harassing" Twitter comments on her Tumblr, pulling the whole "Woe is me! A helpless WOMAN on the internet being attacked for simply being a WOMAN and not because of my shitty, biased views towards video games! Goodness me!"
Then the White Knight Nu's rushed to her aid funding her shit.
Point to me where, in all these comments, that are linked to Sup Forums.
Pro tip:You can't
I honestly completely agree with him/her about the BLM comparison. Black Lives Matter is arguably a terrorist organization. They do awful stuff and are dicks, but they also come from a semi-legitimate place. Sort of. I mean MLK and the original Civil Rights movement were legit at least.
But a bunch of people with carbon fiber limbs can never NOT be dangerous. MD tries to make you sympathize with people who have metal limbs. It just doesn't work.
Why is there a hamburger between her legs Sup Forums? :)
>a shadowy mess of conspiracies
So Deus ex?
>reviewer complaining that the game doesn't take a stand on any of these issues
>reviewer fails to realize that the game is an RPG
>reviewer fails to realize that the PLAYER is supposed to be the one who takes a stand and picks a side
so dumb
I didn't get what was the point that "DX:MD is merely a shrug". Can someone explain it to me in a more simple way?
a shrug is a neutral/indifferent gesture.
freedom to choose is wrong
Stop giving her views, how fucking retarded are you?
Where is that pic from?
Anyone else hate listening to MtF's voices? it literally just sounds like a man pretending to be a girl
>Being so dumb you think that black and white morality and edgy teens are the only options.
Either good bait or absolutely tasteless pleb.
Ah. A bit strange they didn't realize that, since even during the video there are decisions the player makes.
Maybe they're referring to the bioware tier story thats may be in the game where "your choices totally do (not) matter"?
Is she voiced by Hope Solo?
>it literally just sounds like a man pretending to be a girl
I mean...
Not in this video, no. But if thats a real thing in the game, then I'm impressed how they sneaked that in.
>thats the point.exe
C'mon mods, fucking off this thread already.
Holy shit people still care about Anita?
How could she review a game so soon?