Deus Ex Mankind Divided Launch general

How many fps are you guys getting?

Unpacking frames per second.

oh shit i forgot this was coming out today.

60 on Ultra(except with Contact Shadows On instead of ultra) with my GTX 1070.
This game also doesn't require a good processor or 16gb of memory.
I have a shitty 4670 non-k and 8gb of DDR3 memory.

I'm not buying it until I get confirmation that the game is worth it.

Is it worth it?

Oh, wait, of course it is, for you, you made it! FUCK OFF.

The recap video is so long. Should I just skip it?

>tfw just found out what the season pass I bought holds

I'm not paying the ridiculous price for this potential disappointment.

How long until pirate?

you only have yourself to blame
there is literally no point in buying a season pass early

6-7 months to a year

>you fell the for the 970 meme
no msaa tho


No it is not.

what settings?

Oh boy look at these user reviews

30 on medium and the game looks almost as bad as HR

I have to put everything on super low and even then I'm not getting 60 fps. Really disappointed in the performance.

no one will get fooled user
benchmarks are out

>4670 non k
>not a low tier cpu
Yes it fucking is.
Almost every single game is cpu bottlenecked on this machine this is the first one where the bottleneck is entirely on the gpu while all 4 cores sit a 50-60%

It seems Volumetric Lightning is the meme setting

>it's the anti aliasing!
>it's the shadows!
>it's the lighting!
>it's the LoD!
top lmao
nice game cuck

Hey, that's my exact setup, except my CPU is k and is OC'd. Do you have MSAA on?

Meant to quote

I didn't buy this shit, because I'm not a retard.

Why would anyone support SE after the shitshow that was the last third of HR?

40 minutes for 2.8 gigs? I left work early for this shit?

Now its at 60 minutes.

just google a bench site

Its not downloading, but rather unpacking some files or some shit.
I got the same exact screen atm, all disk no network.

>buying a season pass

I didnt pay attention, what was it.

Oh shit I'm a retard, forgot about that. Guess this is what I get for having a shit hard drive.

I don't think you quite understand the concept of cpu bottleneck.

I feel you.
Just upgraded to a GTX1070, the harddrive is definately next on the list.
But its such a hassle to change to a SSD, setting up the system again and all that.

On a 1280x800 window, because the game doesn't fucking work with ultrawide monitors, I get around 60 on a 280x on high settings I guess.

Ha, I am in the same boat, built my rig last year and cut cost on the Hard Drive, figured I'd upgrade it first but am now too lazy to go through the painless process of installing everything onto an SSD

>unplayable settings are unplayable

Nice bait user

>gpu sitting at 50% usage and all 4 cpu cores at 100%
What do you call that then?

>that fucking mouse acceleration

Jesus H. Christ. Please tell me there's a config file I can edit to turn this off.

>buying meme monitors
>wondering why no one supports you

>benchmarks are bait
whatever helps you sleep at night

You don't understand how a CPU bottleneck works. It has NOTHING to do with CPU usage.

should i even bother

pic or it didn't happen

Every single other game works on this at a standard resolution, except this

Hell I understand 1080p but that one doesn't work either

>Google "mankind divided steam"
>First result is G2A

PLEASE tell me where torrent is ;_; all torrent sites are down

I have MSAA off, I also just changed Volumetric Lightning from Ultra to On and it's pretty stable 60 at 1080p.
GPU max usage with this settings is 85% so you can probably tweak a few other things

lmao, only autism simulators and Arma use a lot of CPU, beefy CPU is literally useless for the vast majority of games.

LMAO you wont be able to have it at least right now because it has a DRM ya filthy Piratefag!

>looking good
>looking good
>mobile gpu
>gaming laptop
lol to be honest with you family member

RX 480
High and very high mix of settings
Haven't dipped below 60

What is everybody complaining about?

970 is a medium card you idiot... if you wanted le high fps should have gotten the 980 or 1080

>witcher 3 is autism simulator

Does 372.54v of Nvidia drivers improve anything at all?

it isn't happening pedro.

is there volumetric lightning in this game ? Didn't notice.


denuvo, we pi-cucks got to wait

because it's not noticeable except on your fps

I'd say you're good if you're okay with your laptop literally melting.

is anyone else getting crashes while changing graphics options?

Is there a patch coming out to make the game work or has that already come out?

So how do i get it for free then?

Rate this concrete texture

The biggest crime of this game is how fucking terrible the mouse configuration is in a PC game in 20 fucking 16

>tfw GTX 780
oh my god it runs like shit

Performance is fucked up. Mouse is "floating" even on medium settings. What the flying fuck.

Can you read? I said vast majority of games, that doesn't mean every single game. Even then 4670 is more than enough for TW3.


Why the fuck can't I turn mouse acceleration off?

you don't. denuvo. just like you won't get doom for free either. get a job.

damn girl u so fiiiine

There is mouse acceleration, cant figure out how to turn it off just yet though.

benchmarks are out and there is nothing you can do about it schlomo

not bad/10

Left side is good but this part is disgusting.

Wait 6 months to a year for a crack

That seems to be the time it takes for someone to do it

i7 6700k

MSAA off
Motion blur off
Contact hardened shadows off
Everything else max


I just wish someone would find this fucking config file so I could disable this disgusting mouse acceleration.

G2a. kinguin etc is a much beter option then steam

its 35dollar vs 60 dollar

easy choice..

inb4 g2a scams you.. no no they don't retard i literally bought games worth of 250 over the years from them an never had 1 key revoked or 1 wrong key

LEARN to buy from G2A and not from the USER marketplace.

>Motion blur off
Why would anyone want that turned on in the first place?..

Forgot to mention, 1440p resolution.

>2 missions and other stuff you can unlock for 25 united states dollars

>tried the revolver
>the barrel spins even with no bullet
My dick

>So I could disable this disgusting mouse acceleration.

Yeah, like right fucking now, i'm triggered as fuck/

TFW you used to play on a little CRT with a controller

I don't know, but it was dropping ~20fps when I had it enabled.

its mostly because i have to have a computer that can move around at a moments notice
that and i can't be bothered to actually spend big on a desktop

Some people like it. I liked in in Half-Life 2. Depends on the game

Its really shitty here as it takes about 5 fps off.

So you'll spend 2-3x the price for a """mobile"""" version?

The shills are in full damage control, the bottom guy doesn't even have the game, and the other has private profile

>"mommy buys you things"

youre a retard and a cunt honestly

the most annoying kind of person online

Shut up, kid
Sup Forums is 18+

>Why are you defending a game you don't even have

>put tesselation on
>game runs 1 fps better
wow its fucking nothing

I'm crashing upon boot up even though I set the graphical settngs to low when it defaulted to high.

>Types like a retard
>Avatar is from AC
>Not a kid

steam reviews are irrelevant anyways
dev can just spam accounts with only their game in and get any rating they want

Like 10. Its the first game I bought that I just could not run so its time for an upgrade.

That's why my review is only 16% helpful, 2 against 11
And there's lot of good reviews with 0.6 hours and "It's a good game, buy it"

I got doom for free (yeah, that now-disfunctional bypass). Same with rottr and just cause 3.

Damn why are Denuvo games so average?

Don't forget that it runs on top of a fucking emulator called Denuvo. How would you expect for it to even work?

Hell, I expect it to perform BETTER on consoles due to the fact that there's no need for Denuvo there.

I swear if people just paid for the games they want to play instead of pirating them we wouldn't need this shit.

i got lucky and found one cheap

I know that feel bro :( don't even have dx 12 option.

i dont think you understand, the problem is Denuvo communication with DRM server that caused the lag