Why is Overwatch worth 59.99

Why is Overwatch worth 59.99

Does Sup Forums think its overpriced?

It's $40 if you aren't a console goober


I am a PC goober who plays too many videogames, and I quickly became sick of overwatch.

No one cares

I bought it for $40, and have gotten more than my money's worth.

I have a simple system for determining whether or not a game is worth the cost. $1=1 hour of entertainment.

I've put more than 40 hours into the game, so I'd say it's worth it.

I'm enjoying the game a lot but even at 40 bucks it's overpriced.

cool bruh, i still play it


It's no tf2 but it was OK. I got bored after 60 hours

20 would be fair if it weren't full of f2p tier shit, like skin drops.

Yes but regardles, the content is very limited even if one would buy it on steam

>Does Sup Forums think its overpriced?

tf2 is $0.00

why reply though? Your kind always say you don't care but still gives out a free reply. If you didn't care you wouldn't even reply idiot

>I have a simple system for determining whether or not a game is worth the cost. $1=1 hour of entertainment.
exactly how I do it.

Got the Origins edition for couple skins I wanted, got money's worth in first couple weeks. Still play it daily.

OP here:
Do you think belive the game would improve if they added story mode?


$60 is overpriced, I was going to buy it because I thought it was $40 but then blizzard tried to sell me origins edition and it took me a week to figure out that I was retarded and could still buy it for $40

So you two never go watch a movie at the cinema?

I actually got it for free, and after playing it for some time, I can safely say while it is definitely fun, it's nowhere near worth 60 dollars, or even 40. Maybe 30, but definitely 20.
Honestly, for that price, you can get the orange box, which you probably already have, so I'll just say you can get a good amount of stranges and cosmetics for your favorite TF2 class (as well as the game for free) along with a unusual hat from the community market. I love both games, but I can see myself going back to TF2 more so than OW.


Story mode would just a stupid gimmick, and not worth the investment on Blizzard's part.

People would play through the campaign once, and never touch it again.

They could do something like Man vs Machine, but with the maps having small self contained stories about the omnic crises or something.

I doubt there will ever be a full fledged overwatch story mode though.

Nor drink a beer.

That will definitely warrant a 30 dollar purchase, 40 if you really want it.

>Don't spend your money on games
>Spend it on hats

The fact that you support the hatconomy instantly invalidates any opinion you have.

TF2 is holding you hostage with stupid fucking cosmetics, and you're too stupid to realize it.

Your unusuals and stranges are just pixels, they have no intrinsic value, and will be lost in a couple years when TF2 shuts down.

>People would buy a game that they otherwise wouldnt if it has a tacked on story mode.

I don't understand you people. Overwatch is a multiplayer experience first and foremost.

You don't want a campaign tacked onto it, trust me. It would just be another BF4, where they clearly only cared about the MP, and the single player is a boring, rushed piece of garbage.

>how do I into reading

>I have a simple system for determining whether or not a game is worth the cost. $1=1 hour of entertainment.
>a game is worth the cost
>a game


kinda retarded. Games can often run on for too long or just be bloated with shit content. I'd rather have an amazing clean 10 hour game than a 60 hour mediocre drag of a game.

>paid 39.99
>played for 320 hours

Worth it to me.

there isn't a single game worth more than $20


It's good but it gets repetitive fast. I regret paying full price for it.

I really enjoyed it for a while but I dunno I just am bored of it now. Same fucking maps over and over, same character metas. I've been playing d3 season seven but that's a whole other mess

If it's bloated with 60 hours of shit content you won't play 60 hours of it because you'll get bored of it before that. So obviously you didn't get 60$ of fun out of it even though you could theoretically do so, if you enjoyed shit content.... why am I even explaining this, are you really too stupid to understand the concept yourself?


>less content than splatoon
>3 time the price
>+ online shop
Activision are literally perfect goys

Before I got ding donged banned from comp

Played during the beta and got boring after ~10 hours.

I'll buy it and play every now and then for $20, like I did with TF2. Literally Overpriced.

>no one cares
you deserve to be a cuck

Somehow mei is still up there from when I started in may.

so what you're saying is that we need to a measurement of condensed quality converted into time divided by the cost to find the true value of a game?

i propose
1 Hour of no enjoyment(HNE) = 0 Fun-Hours, or FH for short
1H of alrightyness (HA) = 1FH
1H of good shit (HGS) = 3FH
and 1H of really fucking good shit (HFGS) = 5FH

for example, portal 1 is a 4H game with 4H of really fucking good shit, leaving us at 20FH, but it costs 10dollars, leaving us with a 2Quality to Dollar, or QD for short (this ofcourse doesn't say how good a game is, just how much value it holds)

meanwhile, no mans sky holds possibly, if you squeeze it 6HA and the rest is just a potential indefinate of HNE
so it's 6HA=6FH+(HNE * ∞)/60$=0.1QD

Wow look at this guy being on his way to get his bachelors in a STEM field!

are you memeing at me? that's just basic shit

I put 70 hours into Skyrim and having the knowledge I know now I sure as shit wouldn't pay 60 bucks for the game. Your logic is still damn flawed.

If a game hits a baseline of mediocre and isn't frustrating there's a solid chance I'll beat it anyways. Length of play time isn't always correlated to how good the game is. I love the RE games but I've only beaten most of them once.

If you're going to spent hundreds of hours playing it's even cheap.

But I'll never buy it.