Now that Inside has been cracked I finally got to play it and wow, it's amazing. That ending was awesome

Now that Inside has been cracked I finally got to play it and wow, it's amazing. That ending was awesome.

I would have liked to buy this game to support the developers, but since it uses Denuvo I refused. Suck for them I guess, haha


i just watched pediepie playtrough desu senpai saves me time and energy

>Watching poodipie
What do you find entertaining in his video ?
Genuine question here

>took them 6 years to produce game 1 hour long
>even given the fact they used unity to decrease dev time instead of their engine
>game not even look that great
I`d understood it was 1 guy making the game but it's company of 25 fucking people
Hope they produce something with much more scale next time

shit game with no replayability
I can't believe they wanted 20 bucks for this

it had *one* moment that was "oh shit what the fuck nigger" when you became the blob and that was the only worthwhile moment in the entire game. otherwise painfully dull puzzle platforming

This, it's one of those "youtube games" that are better enjoyed as a video. All you do is go right and occasionally solve puzzles that feel like a chore, because you can instantly see how it should be solved all you need to do is to waste 10 minutes of your life on backtracking.

On the related note: What the fuck was going on. Is there just 1 ending?

I would disagree. It looks pretty amazing: really fluid animations and nearly perfected stylized look along with some occasional dynamic physics and good use of lighting makes it a beautiful cinematic experience. Since the camera angles are fixed, they can perfect the visuals without player disturbing the tone. There are some questionable post processing effects along with the AA solution, but it's clear that they intended it to be the 'game' that should be enjoyed from the couch. For all intents and purposes it's a good looking game. Sadly it's the only thing that it has. From the beginning I expected something akin to Heart of Darkness, being hopeful that they've learnt from the mistakes they've made in Limbo, but after 6 years I cannot see any progress.

the game you gigantic faggot

what's the problem with denuvo?

It doesn't allow me to pirate to play shitty games like this

it exist

kills games untill a crack emerges
theres almost no threads about smaller denuvo games because almost no one plays em.

what does that have to do with OP not buying it because of it?

it kills HD.
Its DRM, which is inherently bad.

there's another ending if you turn off all the orbs

>play it at a friends for free
>still want to buy it for ps4

different strokes I guess

>it kills HD.

Don't you have to do that to progress? Are there hidden ones?

Yes, there are hidden rooms with orbs

So what's the other ending?

I don't know, I haven't found them all yet

>Denuvo was cracked
thanks for the notification OP

You disconnect yourself and the boy slumps down like the other mind controlled zombies