Pre-ordered fast

Pre-ordered fast

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I forgot this existed

COD XP not for another week; come back then!

still better than battlefield 1

Cause they didn't finish revealing the game yet. Multiplayer reveal in September

In fukin deed, bf1 looks like boring crap

Mi negro

>Cause they didn't finish revealing the game yet.
The game was dead on arrival, May 2, 2016

More pre-orders than bf1


So dead that they're making a trilogy out of Infinite Warfare


Not going to get it but the zombies look cool
>mfw all the cod kiddies complaining that the zombies protags arent "badass"

So dead that they're taking their time to reveal multiplayer cause of hype, unlike bf1

>fuckin dead

Didn't BLOPS 3 run like shit? Don't know why anyone would preorder this before hearing a review.

I would rather have extinction
No bo3 runs fine

>people legitimately complaining about the game not being another generic modern military shooters when that's all they used to bitch and moan about
>people legitimately complaining about zombies not having some shitty time travel story filled with dumb easter eggs
>people legitimately complaining about fun

Sounds a lot like Ghosts. I expect both games to be shit.

But how is this better than BF1? I've seen gameplay of both games and both don't interest me. They just look like plain, boring, run of the mill casual games.

>yfw call of fucking duty of all things has better space fights than E:D or NMS

IW just looks really good for a cod game. I look forward to being on the moon in multi.

BO3 does run like shit. Campaign has dynamic resolution and still drops a lot. Even on PC. Worst part it seems like they're taking BO3 engine in future games.

>people getting hyped for neo-IW game
I understand people were hyped for BO3 since Treyarch did fine game, but fucking neo-IW out of everything?

That means you're not the core audience though?
I obviously don't know what your tastes are, but the market doesn't seem to be up your alley.
Are you an overwatch player or maybe you dislike fps?

>call of dooty

i forget how young most people are on this board

Honestly IW might have the smoothest space fights of any game ever. That 60 fps, fluid engine

I'm 29 years old and I've been here since the yoshinoya rant was still a copypasta.
The CoD games are popcorn action flick fun. Try letting go of your cynicism for a change.

>60 fps
I fucking hope so, BO3 ran like hammered shit for me and a lot of people on good setups.

IW only uses black ops 3's engine for zombies

You are why this industry will keep getting worse. They take the same fat shit on a plate and you kids come running like its the first meal you've had in years lapping it up, make sure you lick the shit stains off the side too!

they are stale rubbish. i have no problem with the decent ones but why must you keep pumping money into them? just play the good ones: black ops 1 and cod 4. theyve still got a thriving community
the new ones are absolute trash

I wonder how much Activision pays to get that constant flow of advertising there, unmodded.

>60 fps, fluid engine
IW E3 demo dropped in everything that's not flight scene.

Call of Duty is no longer smooth 60 fps, ironically Battlefront and Battlefield is.

After reaction to trailer they really had to employ more shills.

I get paid $1000 each post, minus taxes. Also, work in progress

Black Ops 3 DLC 4 when?

I hate you.

I've played through all of them and I will admit, the campaigns have been completely lacking, with Blops2 being the last campaign to actually warrant any memorability, but the campaign footage for the in space fights have me interested. I understand where you're coming from in that Activision is beating a dead horse, but they've tried to put a bit of emphasis that they're at least attempting to stem away from the same set piece formula.

Though, yeah, you're probably right. I have hopes, but it's still call of duty.

probably september

I can't believe people still play BLOPS3 that shit was fun for a few months but its so cringy now.

Are you saying ps4 cant do 60fps in cod anymore?

That sure is an amazing gaming machine, man

>Cringy to play a game
I really doubt you are old enough to post here

Campaign will be 60 with 50 dips. Multi will be 60 locked.

>black ops 3 sucks

Movement is fine, only AW was excessive in terms or movement

I'm having fun playing it here and there. Mostly Zombies though.

>so dead one shill is samefagging

I wish they would've done extinction for IW, more zombies is annoying. Treyarch are the only ones who do good zombies

That's the point...

what copy is this? this is the ninth one right? nine fucking copies of the exact same game, name one fucking reason to buy this

i feel you

Its different for cod

you're the underage

hating CoD is a meme for children

What's next for them?

I only want the COD4 remaster tbqh I already have BO3 so there is no need for another futurist CoD

Only IW is left for CoD in terms of series. So no clue. Maybe WaW remake.

Space cod.

Release the mod tools for fucks sake.

WaW remaster hopefully

Just like how Ghosts was supposed to be a trilogy, right?

>new zombies map
Finally, some more goofy zombies shit

I really wished Rourke died.

>Shadows of evil had a beautiful 1940's aesthetic
>It's one of the worst zombie maps
Hopefully they don't fuck up the new one.

Last CoD I was willing to give a shot was Advanced Warfare and while it was a step in the right direction it was still shit in a lot of ways.

From what I hear their shitty preset merc one is also very bad.

Speaking of zombies, ALL ZOMBIE MAP PACK FOR DLC 4

elaborate pls

A Ghosts trilogy was never announced, just had a cliffhanger. An Infinite Warfare series was announced before the first one even comes out:

Fucking salvation, noice

It was leaked on the Playstation store. It's not confirmed to be all zombies, but I mean why else would the DLC4 art be zombie themed?

>inb4 IW ends up being shit like Ghosts and they try to start a new series AGAIN
The only good thing Ghosts had going for it was Extinction and they threw that out of window and literally copy/pasted Treyarch zombies

if it has Der Rise and Kino Der Toten I'm buying it

True but maybe its cause its the finale to treyarch zombies. If they don't release multi maps , people would get mad

It should have ended with Moon. You did "beat" it by nuking the earth, after all

>tfw you are the only person who loved that map

Doubt it will suck. Has capability of being better than any recent cod. They should have kept extinction though


Who /AllEasterEggsDone/ here?

Fucking SoE was a shitfest even though I got it done in 1 game.

DE is fucking hard as shit but fun to do.

ZNS is piss easy and somewhat fun.

GK is fuck hard and easy at the boss fight.

This multi-map EE better be fucking worth it.

Moon was one of my favorites along w/ ascension

Moon is a fan favourite map user.

And technically launching 3 nukes at earth wouldn't wipe out the whole population, just do some real good damage on the places it hit.

Ultimate Spiderman 2

Looks like this is what DLC4 is since more people are seeing the image.

The MP maps are all the same anyways.

I've never beat a main zombies Easter Egg. I want to but zombies isn't fun for me solo, my bro is ass at anything that's not The Giant, and I don't trust pubs.

I want Mob of The Dead and Origins, those were the only enjoyable maps on top of Kino and Der Reise

Modern Warfare 2 Spec Ops>WaW zombies >Extinction>Black Ops Zombies>Black Ops 3 Zombies>Black Ops 2 zombies>Modern Warfare 3 Spec Ops

I didn't play Exo zombies but I feel like it would be low on my list

Wasn't it blown to bits though?

Source, His ass.

Not really, just the parts of earth got scattered into the atmosphere.

I kinda want the socks that Coke with the special edition tbqh but I also want the steelbook

i'm doing it right?

sent ;)

To be honest, I enjoyed MW3's spec ops more than MW2

>extinction above black ops 1 zombies

I really liked extinction

will iw be the first modern cod that Sup Forums likes?

The game is already tainted. It's a meme now.

It will probably sell nicely, and it may even be good. But the fact that it's the future setting AGAIN, has pissed everyone(except Sup Forums contrarians who aren't fans of the series to begin with) off. No CoD developer is going to want to touch the future with a 20 foot long cock after this recent backlash.

To be honest, I'm fucking glad. I could play WAW, MW, and MW2 forever. I'd STILL be playing if they weren't dead.

All the CoD games that take place in the future have been SHIT. And don't try to tell me Black Cocks 2 was good either. It wasn't. Call Of Duty is not a futuristic franchise. The sooner Activision and the developers understand this, the sooner we can have good games again.


I still have to do SoE, and I have to do DE again because I dash boarded to keep my Perkaholic.

Did ZNS and GK though.


You dashboard a few rounds after doing the EE to keep your GG and your GateWorm.

I did the EE on GK on 23 and stayed till 27 and then dashboarded.


user, are you fucking serious?


but user, aw was fun and id my third favorite cod
I wish the multiplayer wouldn't have died so soon

They announced an infinite warfare series. Browse through the thread.

Call of Duty: Stone Age

I really loved AW when it came out but before even the first DLC I got deployed and when I came back multi was mostly dead and I had no supply drop weapons

Nice dmg control.