Astro Boy CCG, just pledged $100

Astro Boy CCG, just pledged $100.




Other urls found in this thread:

>it's a fucking card game

CCG? Card Game?

It's a virtual cardgame like Hearthstone, so it's fully within Sup Forums's remit.

Collecticle Card Game, yes.

But why?


Just played the demo, It's fun but the UI looks pretty shit. Looking foward to the beta, but it's not the Astro Boy I wanted.

Holy shit, this looks awful.

>take a manga artist who has a rather distinctive look and a bunch of series people care about
>"update" the art into the most generic psudo-realistic western art you could imagine
>involve absolutely no story or plot so there is no real point to the crossover
>make it a cheap Hearthstone knockoff because that's the only thing you know
Never mind the fact that $50,000 probably isn't enough to even license the 12+ different manga titles that Osamu Tezuka wrote, much less pay a group of people to produce a quality product and properly playtest the game into being something fun and balanced.

I'm not even an anime shitter elitist and this rustles my jimmies. This is the definition of a cheap cash-in and butchering of an older product. This response is probably what you are looking for, OP, because there is no way you're jumping onto Sup Forums and expecting people to like the look of this. I'm still mad, though.

WTF I hate Tezuka now

This is some blatant shilling

It looks like mega man zero


>Card shit

Nah, and too bad because the staff looks solid. They should just remake the GBA game and call it a day.

>read this post
>get excited
>think it's gonna be like astro boy on gba but for pc
>watch kickstarter in fullscreen(which is a big deal)
>jap is just riding off his fathers success, dont care, japs can do good games
>screen goes black, oh yes boiz, this gunna be awesome
>A fucking card game for fuck sake fuck you


At least you should have learned about Sup Forums before advertising here

The scenario writer of the game is posting there.

>Posts Neogaf
>Kikestarter doesn't even include the anime godfather Yasuomi Umetsu
>doesn't even have ex-sogna members
>producer is some shitty has been that made some shit animes

yea fuck off

I just donated $1000
Who's willing to match me?


What are you, a poorfag?

I just donated $10000 but not through Kickstarter, I don't want those Jews to get a cut.

>Not showing them online and getting E-cred

>a card game
I'll stick to Omega Factor.

Literally no one asked for this.


>astroboy is getting megamaned

Kekkerony. Enjoy your shit game, japs. Maybe we can do doraemon next

>another fucking Hearthstone clone