Why does this place want every game to fail?
Why does this place want every game to fail?
Because this place if full of hateful frustrated losers
we've been programmed to
theyre not s good as they could be and its annoying/disapointing
Sup Forums hates video games.
Every game that doesn't pander to our childhood nostalgia is automatically bad. It's like an unspoken rule.
The actual reason is that the only people who care enough about a game to make posts about it here usually hate it. The ones who like the game typically go somewhere else to talk about it or maybe just watch videos on youtube.
Because Video games suck now. The games keep getting more simplistic, more dumbed down, more pandering. They're literally going backwards
Well kid welcome to Fourchan :).... Where all the trolls live. The joke is that Sup Forums (Video games) hates video games XD! Fourchan in basically the website for contrarians. Its an E-joke of ours.
It doesn't. You are basically running into the same threads and people
Why do you only focus on threads about like two games? Why do you think Sup Forums is one person?
Not true at all op
Everyone here loves this game
Because everything is terrible.
Existence is a nightmare and we can't wake up.
The industry I know and love died long
i want this one to burn
Fuck off with your furfag shit.
so they could have a reason to complain how video games are shit today
>that feeling when your parents made you not because they love you but because they want to see you suffer
It.. it all just clicked together...
But you haven't even tried it yet user
thanks for the (you)
once I have enough will trade in for a dragon dildo
that's old Sup Forums today's Sup Forums is much more interested in things
but then they complain the game was made so devs can cash in on nostalgiafags
It doesn't.
We want bad games to fail so that we don't get more bad games. We want good games to succeed so that we get more good games.
Because the industry needs a wake up call that their practices are unacceptable. Unfortunately none of the games that fail recently seem to have done anything. It's starting to feel like the video game industry is too big to fail as cliche as that is.
Because easy marks with shit taste are the reason games aren't better, user.
It's just the redditors.
Most people here don't like videogames, they play because they have nothing else.
Because none of them can afford video game on their allowances so they need to shit on everything and convince themselves they aren't missing out.
>every game fails
>no sales
>devs combine TECHNOLOGY and DETAIL again to sell their shit
>we enter a golden age again
Genius idea.
Most indeededly.
Only bad ones
you must be new here op
Because people's failures make me laugh and I'm jaded as fuck when it comes to hype.
this is my design
TORtanic and GG destroyed this board
prove me wrong
it was shit before user :/
because everything is literal shit now,
even the movie industry is crashing.
At least there will always be Retro gaming
>I wasn't here for tortanic but now I can't come here and talk about garbage games!
>Surely this is tortanic's fault! Sup Forums would always talk about Call of Duty and Halo before then!
Kill yourself newfag.
GG=good game or gulity gear
also, whats TORtanic
Because every game has people that hate it. Your favorite game? A piece of shit.
That guy's fav game? God-awful. Chinese moot's fav game? Abyssmal.
Sup Forums is full of underages and poorfags who can't afford consoles or a decent computer, and now they can't even pirate most games because of Denuvo, so they're more bitter than ever.
>why aren't you sucking dick like good goyim ?
Because almost every game is literal shit. And when they market their games as the second coming of Jesus; makes me feel warm inside watching their games burn.
Idk I love a lot the threads here like Kirby threads and the ever so rare 7th Dragon threads, etc. and they seem pretty happy. Does anyone want to see my pasta of when I was a serial shitposter? I quit a while back.
But I want Yooka Laylee and Persona 5 to be good.
>they can't even pirate most games because of Denuvo
Hey slowpoke, its already cracked and most of the games are now piratable
There are three states of being for a dick-holic:
>sucking dick
>worried about others percieving him as sucking dick
>thinking everyone else is sucking dick
because everything is fucking awful
i buy 1-2 games a year max due to the influx of shit being pushed in.
kill yourself
>that image
I would say I only want bad video games to fail, but no mans sky is not a video game anyway