Anyone else see this shit?

Anyone else see this shit?

PSPlus hasn't paid for itself in months and now they want to increase the price by 40%? What the fuck.

Seven hundred and ninety nine U.S. dollars.

>$10 more

You frankly shouldn't be buying online services if this is an issue for you

>PSPlus hasn't paid for itself ever
I'm LMAO @ fucks who fell for the Plus-meme.

Those fucking prices are unreal. Is Sony just trying to off themselves these days or what?

>Guys we're making more money than we ever have before, we practically have a monopoly on the home console market..

Do they not teach basic economics in japan?

You're a legitimate cuckold.

What if they announce two AAA games as part of their free games?

>giving a shit about AAA games

You can bet that shiny little ass of yours they will.
That's the reason for the price raise. plus ia mandatory for the PS4, but publishers are asking for more cash for the free AAA games licenses.

It's a fair raise.

It's $20 more you retard.

And that's before converting it to CAD because I already pay $69.99. It's gonna be $100 a year now. (Literally double what I paid back in 2010-2011)
Actually I've definitely gotten more than what I've paid for out of PS+.

Is there any reasoning why? I haven't owned a console since GameCube so I don't exactly get affected by this shit but I'm curious if they're telling their fans/customers why it is they demand more money now.

>You can bet that shiny little ass of yours they will.
I'll believe it when I see it.

So if I just buy three year long cards now, this is a non issue for me. basically

>If you do not wish to continue your subscription, please be sure to cancel it by turning off auto-renewal in your account settings before September 22nd, 2016.

they telling you to fuck off If you disagree. You don't need to pay for it If you don't want to.

People are tired of getting indie games because the jews noticed how much money sony was making with the plus service and started to withhold the rights for the free triple A games that made plus famous on the first place.

This is to bring back the quality the service was known for.

>some people who got a ps3 cause free online don't buy a pisspoor because online service
>mindless sheep who think owning a pisspoor makes them a "GAMER" get a pisspoor on release to play cod: ghosts(true story, some fag was telling me and my friends we aren't gamers cause we don't have a ps4. I asked what on earth would you buy it for, he said cod ghosts. A game that is on the ps3.)
>sony knows this and makes a console for 800 bucks and bumps up online services
I think people who praise the ps4 should be banned, because they clearly don't give a shit about video games as a hobby and thus don't belong here.

Hell, they're hurting the industry.

I'm not sure if I understand.
Sony used to give you free indie games for paying for their online service and now they're raising the price because those are being witheld?

>posting a fake cap saying its raising the prices $20 more when its really $10 more

Im not happy about the price change ether but come on man

Sup Forums is always pro capitalism until it impacts their games.

Only two months you should ever have plus is the weeb sale in April and the Christmas sale in December, only then does it pay for itself and more. Summer sake this year was a decent surprise too.

As a PC gamer I hate being digital only.

But FUCK paying for online, that shit is utterly disgusting

Before plus was mandatory the games given out was pretty good, now it's just shit.

>I don't understand time-value of money

Sony used to give away big house games for free three or four months later they were released and that made plus so famous. But then, those publishers started to demand more money from sony and instead of giving them more money, they started to give away indie games and everybody started complaining.

Plus only became a online service with the PS4.

The rise on the price is to bring back the good games back and walk away from the indie.

>We have a near monopoly on the console market!
>We can raise the prices and get away with it because have next to no competition!

What's the problem? is $10 really that much money? or are you upset that it means less chicken tendies per week?

xbox gives away a fair mix of good and shit games and is much cheaper. just sayan

Enrich my asshole. fuck sony.

We have gotten to the point in which raising the cost for an online service that allows p2p causes less of a reaction than paper mario