Vidya characters catered to your tastes

Pic related: it's that unique look, and no-bullshit attitude that gets me

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>that eye gap

ayy lmao

She looks like a black version of that fucking girl from Splice.

So are Saxon and Kelso in MD anywhere?

>how do you do fellow kids.jpg
can i haz cheezburger on da internetz :33£3

we need to go wider


>weebs critiquing aesthetics


Good job.

Only good thing about the game. Brown girls (only Africans and Latinos no dirty pakis) are best girls.

looks like a final fantasy 14 character

Them pantyhose, man. Bonus points for "fuck you mom, this is not a phase, this is who i really am" look.

Well meme'd, who thought this was good character design? Absolutely hideous.

If you jump to any higher conclusions you might kill yourself.




I honestly wonder if real people even post on Sup Forums or any kind of social media anymore or if every post is just a script bot or paid shill, I feel like the opinions I see on the internet nowadays are just entirely artificial, there is dissension against this agenda driven perception that is forced upon us but it's always pigeonholed, drowned out and dismissed with memeposting/shitposting.

monkey see monkey fuck



I've noticed it too. I feel like it's everywhere. And it's making me paranoid. The Internet has become a magnet to agenda-driven interest groups. Nothing can be considered geniune anymore. The Internet has become a shell of its former self, sustained by false voices and controlled echo chambers.

why is her hair the color of recees' puffs?

botting was/is a real thing on Sup Forums yo

I think it has worsened here on Sup Forums considerably over the last four years. There are few spaces left where free thought is accepted, much less lauded, and those spaces remain fringe and often radical.



Dey's really pushin' that there race mixing agenda, aren't they?

Same desu, damn shame colored hair and angsty style is a red flag. Grungey style is dope af as well

Less the look, more the bad girl with a heart of gold.

I have a reverse corruption fetish.

For me I would have to say a majority of pokemon females namely erika, sabrina, Whitney, candice, Serena, Dawn, and the new girls Lana and the avatar character from sun and moon.

>delicious brown
>great ass
muh fucking dick exploded

>short hair
>small tits

I bet you like Muslims.

Fucking scumbag.


why are 3d arabs so shit in comparison

I only like fictional women, user

Big bad powerful villains in fuckin' rad armor.
Doesn't have to have a deep motivation or anything.

Bonus points if you never see their face.
Even more bonus points if you never see them out of armor in general.

jack is goat though

why is she in philly?

Strong, domineering, fashionable and, most importantly, funny.

why isn't she in my sweater that's too big for her smiling lasciviously ?

what a terrible honker of a nose she has


Call me when muslim girls have multiple arms

It's to bad there's not more "Tight body suit + Webbing/Tac belts".

All I can think is MGS and Titanfall.

>Irrelevant to "plot" of any street fighter
>Horny teenager with master assasin skills because "muh ninja training"
>Shitty gameplay
>Her motives to appear in sf4 were that she was in a epic journey to swallow dick

She's my favorite.


Demon girl party members

Read about this realist of all niggas, William Cooper. He outlines a document titled "Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars" in his book, Behold A Pale Horse. You can read it here.

Was written in the late 1950s, outlines everything from the internet to smartphones before they were even public-majority concepts. Talks exactly about this kind of feeling you're having.

>Huezilian Kenjutsu
>Cool as fuck
>Sassy as fuck
>Super hero

>He surrended like a bitch to the evil boss

Never got these threads. Waifus, or...?

Marxist shilling.

Oh look. Its another white basement dwellers get triggered again thread!

Damn Commies.

kek, pick one anglo nigger. you will NEVER EVER BE FRENCH, ABDUL.

This guy gets it.