No Man’s Sky Sales Drop by 81% in Second Week

It's over. It's done.

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I'm sure they've already made their money back. Hopefully Hello Games will learn that they're messaging should be clearer and also make a good game next time

>game sales drop in 2nd week

wow we got an economist over here

>sales drop over time

>It's over.
>700k owners on PC
>2,6m sold on consoles
it's over Sup Forums

They made a ton off of it and will make more selling the tech behind it. Now with all that cash they need to refine the hell out of an alright base game.

GTA 5 still sells like crazy

>it still is on the top sellers list on steam

Of course it does the brand is recognizable and people can get into it knowing that it's a good game

Oh so it only made a bazillion dollars, and probably won't make much more?
I mean, I won't ever play the game, but calling it anything but a huge financial success would be disingenuous.

That guy made more money in that first week than you and your entire family will make in your entire lives.

What a failure amirite

That's kind of sad given that the studio behind it is relatively small and this was a huge risk for them. I want more Double A developers as their called, devs that exist between shoe string indi devs and triple A devs that won't fund a game that doesn't have a mountain dew tie in.

You entirely missed the point that the drop is far greater than most games, especially of this type.

>2.6 million on consoles
Nice source Sean.

>Game sells a trillion units first week
>Sells only a billion the second week

Kek you losers are getting desperate lol


>Literally only sold 20k on PC this past week
>Still no console sales figures, which theyd have out already if it wasn't a horrible failure

Eww. Don't reply to me loser.

It was just on sale

>Sells a trillion units
>More than the population of earth


full retard detected

most people buy several copies, for their family and friends

now imagine everyone on earth did that and it would be several quadrillion


>implying everyone on Earth has the luxury of buying several copies of No Man's Sky

>price drop
>shitty dlc
this is as predictable as the next planets retards will explore

>doesn't take into account digital sales

Who the fuck buys physical anymore?

And then he had to give all of it back thanks to refunds lol

People with no credit cards probably.

best time to use this

Post the graphic

it doesn't matter if the player count dies, it's not like it's a multiplayer game anyways

Most people don't buy than more than one copy of any game for any reason at any price.
...unless they're really, really, stupid.

And it's still full price. I know it was just on sale, but its sale price hasn't dipped below $40 yet.

When the fuck will it retail for $39.99 and be on sale for $19.99? I want to play the fucking game, but it's been out for 3-4 years already and hasn't. Fucking. Moved.
Did Nintendo make this game?

it probably sold 2 million copies and made them fuckloads of money for a game that cost barely anything to produce

Notice how the game is still selling very well?

That's why the price hasn't gone down and it's why most Nintendo games don't drop in price either. Most AAA and other games sell ~75% of their copies right away then no one buys anymore so the price has to drop or copies rot on shelves Then there's the secondary market to compete with too, who would buy new for $60 when someone has a copy on ebay for $25?

Other games plummet in price because they stop selling, games today are intentionally made to sell like crazy at launch, with preorders and season passes pushed like they're the cure for AIDS, then die off completely so customers will be more willing to run out and buy another $60+DLC game in a month.

I guess some of those people makin the shitty game weren't being paid some of those months huh? Guess they didn't mind. I'm sure they did it for free.

Who the fuck is buying it? At this point, doesn't everyone who wanted the game already have it?
I know I don't have it yet, but I'm in the bracket of people who are still patiently waiting for it to go down to a lower retail price. I know I can't fucking be the only one.

I almost want to pirate the fucker out of principle.

they barely even made the game, the fuckin stole the procgen algorithm

user, a game that gets a live demo at E3, and gets advertised on The Colbert Report doesn't cost nothing to make. This is, by all means, a multi-million dollar AAA game, whether or not the budget's going to production or marketing.

Because it appeals to the lowest common denominator.

What the fuck is going on here?

This guy's absolutely correct. Same reason why the latest COD game doesn't go on sale until 2 years later.

I haven't been paying attention, why is there all this shitposting over this game? I don't have it but it looks mediocre to kind good, plenty of games like that come out that receive way less attention on Sup Forums

At least its doing better than Battleborn

here's mostly relevant explanation

you'd have to be legit 70 iq to even play this game for more than a couple hours, I can't even imagine how retarded you'd have to be to want to fucking watch someone play it

I'll be pirating when I finally get around to playing the story.

Genuinely wish I could return my copy and get my $60 back. Bought retail specifically to avoid Steam's DRM and having to download 60+GB, but their Social Club bullshit is still there and I was unable to update my game for months at home for no apparent reason. It would get ~20MB into the update, give me an error and loop back to 0, repeat forever.

Absolutely no reason to have online DRM checks for the fucking single-player story. I was locked out for literally months because I couldn't update my game and offline mode flat-out does not work at all without having to authenticate online first. Never giving Rockstar any of my money again.

People are mad they got molyneux'd for $60 by some random barefooted indy dev.

Always easy to tell who started out with a 360, games dropping to the bargain bin in a scant few months was never the norm until a good ten years ago unless the games were shovelware trash in the first place. Good games stayed at MSRP for much longer because they kept selling.

So now we have an entire generation of players who whine when games don't drop to $15 after six months because they were raised on AAA games that were designed solely as products to be marketed and sold, not to be enjoyable games.

Stay mad everyone. I'm rich as fuck now!


I wouldn't doubt he takes the tim shaefer approach.

>I have to pay off the development, ads and team with my newly made profit
How much do you get to keep, conman?

The biggest problem is the whole fanbase just wants answers. Hello Games hasn't said ANYTHING about their game being a fucking lie. Everyone just wants to hear either "We are working on getting the features from the promotional footage in" or "Topkek we got your fucking money now see ya faggots", but there is no word on the future of the game besides base building and owning freighters (Both of which are basically a meme since you dont need units and planets suck ass).

I feel sad thinking about how the heartless money grubbing fuckheads breaking hearts of so many young or naive "about the reality of how the society works" peope, turning them into heartless shitposting bastards in turn. And in the end - the only winners are few guys with the money, who also get the biggest check.

Yeah especially in this case. Sean came out and was like "Dude I just want to recreate that feeling of reading 90's scifi books in a game". Apparently he was reading some really shitty books that just repeated the same shit over and over and had half the crafting system not do anything.

i hope the vidya game industry will clean off people like you
there's clearly a shame to entertainment

> all the refunds
>all the returns

I know for the returns he still keeps the money but think of the next person who goes to buy it and buys that mint condition returned copy instead of a new copy. so they still lose money

This is the thing about everyone and their "Sony held the PC Release back 3 days" conspiracy. People can get it on PS4, then return it 3 days later, and odds are if they played the PS4 copy they might not even get it on PC anymore.