Dragons Dogma Thread

So I've been playing this game and I love it so far. Mystic Knight kicks ass. My favourite is knocking over a Cyclops/Ogre then putting two great cannons down then Ruinous Sigil and watching them die instantly.

Also where the fuck can I find a different shield than this Wooden Wall? I just investigated the cult in the catacombs and I've taken Shadow Fort. I feel like I should have found a better one by now. Did I miss something?

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Shops sell better shit as you advance the "tiers" of the main quests. Once you go and see the Duke (you need to do one more Wyrm hunt quest), you'll be there. Also, there will be a quest to give Caxton an idol. Give him the gold one if your have it (get it from escorting Symone) or a silver one.

Just keep playing, everyone gets OP later on and you'll miss struggling to kill shit, trust me.

Cool, thanks. I'm thinking of switching my main pawn from a mage to a sorcerer and just hiring a mage pawn. Is this a good idea?


You can also venture to The Great Wall (go west from Gran Soren, north of the Abbey, through the Female Bandit door), there's a dude there who sells better shit, including a better shield

As long as the mage pawn you're hiring has the Enchantments you need, it's no problem

You can, eventually you won't need a dedicated healer, especially in the DLC where there are tons of curatives everywhere and more damage is preferable. If you make your pawn a sorc, don't put any weapon enchants on them.

My preferred spell layout for sorcs (two of my pawns are sorcs between my 5 accounts)

-High voidspell
-One quick fire spell, either high ingle or high levin, good for bring down flying monsters
-High comestion, fairly quick cast time, good for groups
-3 world enders, high/grand gicel and fulmination are a must, the third is up to you. Some people love bolide, but I prefer seism. Never put maelstrom on a pawn, its a great spell, but your pawn will blind you with it constantly.

Dude, fuck mages. Just buy health items and use someone who can actually climb beasts and stab the shit out of them.


Why do I even need it back if I seem to be perfectly okay without one

Don't you have mushrooms to go collect, Barroch?

I don't know who this guy is I'm still fairly early in the game

When can I get my first great sword? I'm sick of this crappy one handed """""""sword"""""""

Get to Gran Soren

Minor spoilers

On the DLC island, there are other Arisen who went there before you. Barroch is one of them, he didn't want to get his heat back, so the life suits him. He is an alchemist, and loves that the island has tons of undiscovered alchemic materials for him to study.

Just follow the main quest and you can get one in like 30 minutes

Haven't played this in a while, been thinking of starting a new character.

What vocation should I roll with? I was playing Warrior last time, but having only 3 skills kind of irked me.

Then try a completely different play style of strider for bow shooting and climbing/stabby action, or go sorc for full lord of the elements route. Or try magick archer for a mix of the two and being hilariously overpowered.

MK's also get access to one of the best armor sets in the game.

Post party.
Hell yeah, Immortal Armor is the best.

>Play warrior pre-100 for health gains
>Get the sanctuary augment from MK
>When health is critical (30% or lower) your defense and magick defense double
>Wear full immortals armor
>Armor has a constant health regen
>Get to critical health, sanctuary kicks in
>End game enemies now only doing double digit damage
>The health lost is regenned before they can attack again
>Except for a few specific attacks, like condemned gore cyclops crush attacks or cursed pawn maelstrom, I am almost immortal

Just bought this game and Im playing as a Strider with my main pawn as a Fighter. Im going to upgrade into a Warrior but I see they use two handed weapons and no more shields ? Is there a reason so ? Like shields become obsolete later on or should my main pawn stay with Fighter and just be a meat shield ?

Warrior isn't really a damage dealer, it's more like a tank and crowd control. Several of your moves have invincibility frames, and you'll be able to knock down most things easily and keep them knocked down for your party to do damage. It's a very satisfying vocation, and the rank 9 augment clout (+20% strength) is a must for any physical vocation, including strider. Also, the vocation, pre level 100, has the best health gains, and more health is never a bad thing.

So eventually will I have learned every vocation ? To get the best of every classes augmentations or something ?



how can one soundtrack be so calm yet so climactic?

What the fuck is happening in this webm?

Besides science

>tfw my character is a potato face
i suck at character design

It's from a Norwegian television series called "Don't do this at home". It features a couple guys who wreck abandoned houses in various creative ways.

dumping soda in a barrel of mentos
