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Christ they didn't even kinda try there.
That looks like impressionist art.
Is this for realsies?
they're adding mirrors in future microtransactions
>One reflection will cost 10 bucks
LOL what is this? 1992?
Our eyes aren't real, so how can mirrors be?
I remember how they obliterated my performance in DE1
this is getting ridiculous at this point
literally 0 effort
why is this allowed
I think they just continued the meme from deus ex human revolution.
Just like real life.
because hype is enough to make a successful game
>even japanese porn games made by a single guy who's probably suffering from some crippling disease is able to have working mirrors
This is shameful, there's literally no excuse.
>game runs like shit on anything that's not a 1080ti
>visually not even that great, as the requirements would suggest
>doesn't even have working mirrors
>one time use pre-order items
>shitty half baked story
>forced social justice narrative
I'm glad I forgot about this game until the month of release else I'd be even more disappointed than I am now.
underrated post
The only way they can do working mirrors is to render everything again inside the mirror like some kind of portal into a symmetrical world. The resources needed to do that in modern games ain't worth it.
user 3d engine mirrors work by drawing entirely new frame from another viewport and blending it over original image
double hit on performance for a game which struggles to hit 60 fps on gtx 970
Been playing the game for the past hour and half, the controls are shit, the game is worse than HR somehow.
It's so fucking terrible, it feels like stealth is no longer an option.
MD has got to be one of the least hyped and advertised games this year. I only realised it was coming out this month about 2 weeks ago.
Compared to HR pre-release shit I know pretty much fuck all about MD. It's like SE forgot to appoint a marketing team.
GTAV did it and it looks quite impressive.
Then again I am playing on the shittest settings possible
It just feels like HR dlc
The fuck
Also they didn't include mirrors in HR because they cut some serious corners with Adam's animations, especially the crouch animation
Yeah, but how many mirrors there are in GTA V?
I can only remember one in a clothing store.
Sup, reddit!
So what is wrong with this game truthfully?
So I'm just better off replaying 1 and 3 this weekend I'm taking it?
Sup square enix. How's preorders?
At one of the appartments too.
Why does it matter how many are there?
It's possible to do easily even with good looking/demanding games as proven.
Even russian modders are able to do it with hl1 engine, why can't """"""""skilled""""""" AAA devs?
Seems so damn rushed somehow, even though it's been in development for years.
Also have you done the tutorial? Is it just my copy or do the radio contacts have no voice acting? It's like Jenson just talking to himself.
did people forget the broken mirror in DEHR with the Post-It stuck on it? This is nothing new.
Somebody post the motdef video
That mirror also has no frames
>Holding pistol
>Reflection is holding RPG
Immersion ruined. Shit game. Devs please kill yourselves.
No you're meant to hear Jensen's team giving him instructions, sounds like a problem on your end
My fucking sides
>Find decomposing female body in the tutorial mission
>Drag it away
>It has breast physics and they slide and shift under her shirt
>Instantly pop a boner
I didn't expect to get an erection this soon but here we are.
>someone uses a Sup Forums meme
What the fuck is this shit? It's 2016 after all!
this game is shit
it plays like ass and the writing is fucking shit
lol, even Dook Nook'em 3Dee had mirrors
This game is absolute trash. If you support this mess then you are literally cancer
you mean 1999?
or are you underage enough to think DE HR is the first one?
>thinking every old meme is from reddit
>being a newfag
Holy shit its true, the mirror is bullshit, even Human revolution had working mirrors, fuck me the first Deus Ex in 2000 had working mirrors.
This is okay, SE gets a pass because this is going to wind up Game of the Year. It's an amazing game.
your mom is underage
>even Human revolution had working mirrors
no it didnt
Did it? I don't remember mirrors in HR.
I coulda sworn the broken mirror reflected.
Nvm you're both right, it does not reflect.
There were no mirrors in HR, you mouth-breathing retard.
HR had broken mirrors. And a nice character development point to cover for it.
>playing with texture filtering
kys ys
There is only so much times you can put broken mirrors until it becomes a meme
>open Photoshop
>use clouds filter
>blur the output
>texture ready
must have taken like 10 secs
wow Mankind Divided looks like as on low
Now it's a cloudy texture meme.
>In the future, mirrors will no longer reflect your physical self.
>Instead, they reflect a picture of your soul.
Because they know gaggles of faggots will put down that hard cash for a day one pre-order before the thing is even finished.
It's all 'bout that sweet, sweet brand recognition.
You fags have no one to blame but yourselves.
The mirror isn't an actual mirror; there's a camera that projects whatever it's shooting into the mirror-canvas. Because the mirror-camera is in the bathroom, there are drops of water on the cameras lens, blurring the image.
woah deep gapes man. far out [insert black male emoji here]
maybe it's symbolic
How do I stop this shit from happening
This must be bait or a glitch.
I refuse to believe the devs are this lazy.
Man Prey was so good. Fuck these guys for what they did to Prey
When was the last time we've seen a game with working mirrors? Serious question. I can't think of a single game in the past 10 years that does.
Games are about making a product instead of a game now.
You generate as much hype as you can for something you spent little money on, idiot fucking retard cattle buy it up with preorders right out the door.
You make a profit, they'll still keep buying shit from you.
There were no mirrors in HR faggot, you are the underage.
pretty sure car mirrors reflected as well
user you never lived in 80-s when they could make a ghostbusters games and slap TNMT logo on it 1 month before release instead, changing some sprites but leaving the chiptune intact.
>one-time use pre-order items
Am I fucking glad I didn't pre-order.
wtf i thought that was borderlands
This is entirely different from the 80s because it didn't work back then.
Rather than being an industry dedicated to it rolling over every other business it was just covering all merchandising bases.
You're comparing a snake to a dragon.
any bets that nuPrey will have no mirrors?
>Everying maxed
>Doesnt drop below 60 FPS
Hm... really... makes me think
Everything was pretty much same then, cashgrabs, hilariously paid reviewers, bullshots. The only thing that was different is that games nowadays are guaranteed to have ending while in 80-s david perry released a game with unbeatable boss so he won't have to do the ending screen which he didn't have enough free memory for.
is it cracked yet?
looks cute. Any good?
Are you trying to imply video games in the 80s were as big of a business and as popular as they are today?
That won't fly so you better think up a more creative excuse to justify your argument.
>hi i'm 12 years old and dont know shit: the post
>"augment your pre-order"
>getting augmented so much your eyes aren't real anymore and you can't even see yourself or the mirrors
>star out game
>already have some augs maxed out
Is this because of the outfit I chose? Fucking hell, I thought they were just cosmetic
uncropped pls
Am I supposed to have all this from the start? Is there a mandatory power down later or something?
Actually 1987 Last Ninja sold 4 million copies on about 10 different platforms and spawned 2 sequels. Last Ninja 2 sold 5.5 millions on C64 alone.
I think it takes most of it away after the tutorial
not sure tho, don't own the game
why are you complaining unless you honestly believe the "it breaks the game balance" meme
also, did you augment your preorder?
Started the game and saw that too. I even thought it somehow imported my save from previous game so I came here to ask. I'm glad it's intended, it would suck to unintentionally get "easy mode".
>Geforce 970
>high settings: 44 fps average
>medium settings: 38 fps average
The fuck?
I just preordered, didn't think it would break the game without asking me. Are you really supposed to start out this strong and if that's the case, why even put in three tiers of upgrades when you start out with maximum?
Nice Sky City.
Who thought Prague was boring?
To this day I remember being 10 years old, sneaking into an apartment in Deus Ex and shitting myself as I saw a strange figure crouch-walk towards me through the shadows.
I immediately GTFO'd and came back later to realize I had been scared of my own fucking reflection in a mirror.
His ass looks to be all machiney shit.
So riddle me this guys.... where does he shit from?
i'm running it on a r9 390 with 2560x1080 at 45 avg fps on high. i'm satisfied with performance desu. but i wish the audio sliders were better (sound is too low, have to put windows sound on 50-60) and the mouse sensitivity is bad too (put the mouse setting all the way to 0 and still not as i wanted it)